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odd trader vic drink bowl- anyone know about this?

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I scored this recently and could find no info on it.....i could have sworn i saw a similiar one here on t.c. somewhere....it's a trader vic drink bowl from 1971....it's got rabbits and birds around it and it's huge.....

anyone have any info??

thanks in advance.

GROG posted on Sun, May 23, 2010 2:23 PM

Don't they usually say "Trader Vic's" instead of "Trader Vic" on the bottom?

Maybe this was from a fur trader who had his own souvenir bowl.

This rare bowl was the main influence on Babalu's Rabbittiki series! :D

No, seriously: Trader Vic did sculpt animals in his spare time (see Tiki Modern p.31 for a photo of the artiste):

...but he signed his sculptures with his real name:

...so that can't be it. Hmmmm....
I think Grog is right, it's some other dude with the same name.
Or did Vic ever serve rabbit stew?


I have a few trader vic's pieces with rabbits on them, so not unheard of.
It may have had a top at one time with a handle shaped like a rabbit, as I have seen a vic's rabbit bowl with the rabbit handle before.
I thought it would have probably been used as a serving dish for an entree.


Yep, Croe67 is right. Probably a larger serving bowl sort of dish.
I don't think seeing them marked Trader Vic's or Trader Vic can tell us too much. You can see bowls and mugs that we know come from Trader Vic's marked both ways. Just maybe different suppliers or makers.

I have seen these dishes in white, a pink color, and green as well. Sorry don't have a photo of one though. I have also seen them with and without the lid and the lid did have a rabbit right on top.

I think these are Trader Vic items just maybe something that he sold at a specific location or maybe an event?

I was thinking about it a little as I write this and searched the Year of the Rabbit but that was 1975 so doesn't really help us here. I do not know why he did these types of ceramics. He DID do these though and he did alot of different things. I have seen rabbits, ducks, frogs, seals, saber tooth tigers, and other odd animals. Most of these in sculpture form though and not ceramic but he did alot of stuff.

Here is another ceramic piece Trader Vic did do with a rabbit just so Tipsy's Rabbit Bowl isn't lonely:

There's alot of stuff out there Marked Trader Vic(s) and it would be cool to show all the different things that can be found with his name on it. Whether it's Art, Statues, Plates, Ashtrays, Mugs, Bowls, etc. Maybe a post will have to be started for EVERYTHING Trader Vic? Sure there would be a lot of common stuff that we all see daily but I bet there will be a few rare items in there. Hhhmmm....

Later, TabooDan


On 2010-05-23 19:39, TabooDan wrote:

I've got that one, too :D :D

It's a little cutesy, but it was a Rabbit & Trader Vic's, so, well...


Ok,....you guys are freaking me out now....

I guess it's no weirder than that pig bowl that surfaced a a few years ago.

It's not a drink bowl. It was used in the restaurant as a soup tureen or individual casserole dish. I wish I knew what was served in them.
They are called Rabbit and Dove Bowls, and have a lid. The brown, yellow and white bowls have a rabbit head on the lid and the blue one has the whole rabbit.
The Blue Bowl is 1970, Yellow version is from 1971, the brown version from 1981. Each year had slight changes.

Thank you for the information.

the White Bowl was signed with Vic's whole name. The others just say Trader Vic. I'm sure they are authentic because Eve Bergeron is familiar with them. Since I last posted I have more info. There are large ones and small ones. The large bowls have a rabbit head on the lid. The small ones have a whole rabbit on the lid. The small ones are individual casseroles or tureens. The large ones hold about 2 quarts. They all have lids. The small ones come in blue, brown and yellow. The large ones come in brown yellow and white. The large yellow and brown have the same design. The large white has a different design, but they all have rabbits and doves. The small bowl has just rabbits.

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