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Line breaks (not a bug)

Pages: 1 12 replies

kevincrossman posted on 03/18/2022

How can I get single line breaks (like this post: https://tikicentral.com/viewpost.php?post_id=799978)

Now all I can do is to a blank line in between.

Which doesn't look good at all for recipes. For example:

2 oz rum

1 oz Lime Juice

.5 oz Simple Syrup

I tried Shift+return and that didn't seem to work (I'm on Safari 14.1.2 Mac)

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-18 23:06:51 ]

3vab posted on 03/18/2022


[ Edited by 3vab on 2022-09-25 11:20:25 ]

Here's a little reference we put together: https://tikicentral.com/markdown.php

I'll add line breaks to the page.

In general a list will be better for ingredients.

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-17 21:07:18 ]

Added line breaks to the markdown document: https://tikicentral.com/markdown.php

kevincrossman posted on 03/18/2022
  1. I'm pretty sure that Martin didn't use Markdown when he made this post in 2003, and this "single spaced" info about the location seems to be pervasive in TC - and isn't in a list format.
  2. Markdown? Seriously - that's the solution? Not for regular human beings.

I don't think I'm asking for too much so that everything is single spaced when you use a carriage return in these text boxes in the forum. If people want to have space between paragraphs they can use two carriage returns. That's the common format on all these old forums but also FB etc.

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-18 15:26:00 ]

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-18 15:26:58 ]

We hear you.

Markdown? Seriously - that's the solution? Not for regular human beings.

It is significantly easier than the old system off BBCode. In BBCode, to do bold, you had to do [b]bold text[/b] whereas in markdown you just put double asterisks around items.

I don't think I'm asking for too much

It's noted, but please just keep in mind that:

  • We provided you multiple ways to do lists. Either with a line break in-between, or with bullets (like I'm doing here). While it's not your ideal format, it allows you to get your message across to other members today instead of waiting for us to write something new.
  • We've got lots of other things to work on.

We're listening to members who want old functionality back, just be aware that it might be a while (and ngl possibly never) to get to it, and in the mean time, you have other easy solutions that you get you 90% of the way there.

If you put a dash and a space (- ) in front of each line you'll get this:

  • 2 oz rum
  • 1 oz Lime Juice
  • .5 oz Simple Syrup

Not ideal for drinks, but a close enough solution until we can do better.

[ Edited by hanford_lemoore on 2022-03-18 13:35:03 ]

I'm pretty sure that Martin didn't use Markdown when he made this post in 2003, and this "single spaced" info about the location seems to be pervasive in TC - and isn't in a list format.

Correct… but he didn't use BBCode to create line breaks either. Tiki Central v1 had a custom form for collecting location information.

Screen Shot 2022-03-19 at 8.57.25 am

Markdown? Seriously - that's the solution? Not for regular human beings.

Markdown is the exact solution for human beings. It feels natural to write and read (unformatted). Sure you might need to learn some small markup syntax for bold and italic but that's not a big ask when you need it.

I've built an image uploader so that you don't need to remember how to do that or copy and paste like Tiki Central v1.

URLs are automatically turned into links.

For the majority of posts you won't even need markup.

Compare that to BBCode where everything had to be a tag pair. I spent many hours cleaning up old posts that had broken tags where users copy and pasted incorrectly.

I don't think I'm asking for too much so that everything is single spaced when you use a carriage return in these text boxes in the forum.

I agree it would be good if a single carriage return was a single line break. However that's not part of the markdown spec… and is not implemented in any parsers / formatters.

If you must add line breaks and don't want to use the \ or double space options you can also finish each line with a <br> tag.

In regards to formatting recipes… using a list is the correct way of doing it. It's semantically correct and provides the accessibility hints for those using screen readers: https://webaim.org/techniques/semanticstructure/#lists

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-18 15:17:43 ]

kevincrossman posted on 03/18/2022

I agree it would be good if a single carriage return was a single line break. However that's not part of the markdown spec… and is not implemented in any parsers / formatters.

Fair enough then.

i'd urge you to consider posting this to the FAQ because I do think it's not just merely a list thing but single line breaks are really what most other forum/social tools do.

mikehooker posted on 03/19/2022

I just made my first post making a list of ingredients and was very confused as to why line breaks weren’t occurring. So I guess I gotta double space after each line? I guess I’ll try it here….

1 oz fresh lime juice
1/2 oz homemade orgeat
1/2 oz Clement creole shrubb
1/2 oz Clement VSOP
1.5 oz Smith & Cross

Or maybe I misunderstood cuz when I double space it adds a period that I then have to go back and erase and then double space again. So the other solution is to \ to make a line break?
Testing the slash method now…

[edit: maybe I’m an idiot but the slash didn’t work. Double spacing did. But silly to have to remove the periods. Note, that’s happening when typing on my phone since it’s a shortcut. Obviously wouldn’t happen on the computer.]

[ Edited by mikehooker on 2022-03-18 21:14:13 ]

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-18 23:06:07 ]


[ Edited by 3vab on 2022-09-25 11:19:55 ]

K. I’m dumb. I get it now.

For anyone else:

1 oz fresh lime juice \
1/2 oz homemade orgeat \
1/2 oz Clement creole shrubb \
1/2 oz Clement VSOP \
1.5 oz Smith & Cross

Renders as:

1 oz fresh lime juice
1/2 oz homemade orgeat
1/2 oz Clement creole shrubb
1/2 oz Clement VSOP
1.5 oz Smith & Cross

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-18 23:05:04 ]

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-18 23:05:18 ]

kevincrossman posted on 03/19/2022

I missed the point about two spaces afterwards. That'll work.

Pages: 1 12 replies