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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Old School Check In

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tiki-riviera posted on 03/23/2022

Wow! Had given up hopes it was coming back, so happy to see it alive and breathing again!

Will carve posted on 03/23/2022

Hay Hay, I just discovered I can post. I gott'a dust off my ol' thread.

Thanks guys

sweetpea posted on 03/24/2022

Glad to be back! Waving howdy at everyone!

ZuluMagoo posted on 03/24/2022

Boy, thinking about how many hours I spent here from 2003-2018...woah!

Best Tiki resource online!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/24/2022

Miss me ??!! 🤣

MaukaHale posted on 03/24/2022

I hope others come back.

Kona Chris posted on 03/28/2022

Checking in from sunny Arizona! I managed to remember my password and was surprised to see that I originally registered here in 2005, which is pretty much a lifetime ago. Looks like my last reply was in 2016, long before the site went down. Can't say I've had much time for Tiki in my life since I had kids - my son is 8 and my daughter is 5 and they take up most of my time besides work.

Kilaueakyd posted on 03/28/2022

Aloha to everyone. Mahalo Hanford and Leevi, for all your efforts to make this happen.

Swanky posted on 03/28/2022

Long time lurker, first time poster ( in 2 years or so... )

danlovestikis posted on 03/28/2022

Hi Swanky, it's been a long time since we meet you and Sven at Kohalacharms home in Palos Verdes. That was a fun night. Glad your tikis are fine.

tikimnky posted on 03/29/2022

Super happy to notice that Tiki Central is back! I may have let out a little “whoop!” of surprise and pleasure when I saw that beautiful green and gold instead of the placeholder text.

kkocka posted on 03/31/2022

So happy to be back here! 2020 was painful enough but maaan was I still coming here in the hope that the site returned. I've since slowly migrated to Facebook groups, but in one word: yuck. Now that we're here I'm trying hard to remember who most of you are. :D A handful of names still are familiar however. Looking forward to it!

Uncle Pat posted on 03/31/2022

8FT Tiki I’m so sorry for your loss. It must be incredibly difficult.

boutiki posted on 04/04/2022

Aloha! Duke & Amy are back on board and thrilled to see TC alive again.

Very sorry for your loss 8FT Tiki.

And sorry to hear about the damage to your magical place Pablus. We'll never forget our night there enjoying your music and hospitality back in 2006. Has it really been that long?!?!


[ Edited by boutiki on 2022-04-04 18:15:54 ]

aquaorama posted on 04/05/2022

So nice to see so many smiling "old faces"..... Hopefully the new kids who eventually stumble into this bar (Like the 100,000 new Trader Sam's fans over the last 2 years) will be able to handle our feisty shenanigans.

Johnny Dollar posted on 04/06/2022

hi jadies and lentilmen!

sorry about your tree, pablus, and sympathies, 8FT. and Tiki Cat is closed down, now that i live in MO! meh.

$ in the house! now, where is Captain Kneepads?

[ Edited by Johnny Dollar on 2022-04-06 11:29:48 ]

Prikli Pear posted on 04/06/2022

I just discovered today that I can log in and post. It's been an interesting couple of years. I've continued the build-out of the Lagoon of Mystery, plus I've started two more builds (one tiki, one MCM) so that's keeping me busy. I also started a YouTube show, mostly on how not to build a home tiki bar.

What's crazy is that in the interim Texas got a lot more tikified. Dallas, Ft. Worth, El Paso, Austin and San Antonio all opened public tiki bars over that span. Heck, even San Marcos has a new tiki bar (although I've yet to evaluate their bona fides). Looking forward to consuming more tiki goodness from this place.

Condolences on your loss, 8FT Tiki.

Bam Bam posted on 04/06/2022

Ohmigosh it feels so good to have TC back online. I've been slogging through a string of groups on FB, but of course, it's nowhere near the same!

Two years gone past, more music made, MANY more tiki artifacts gathered, and I finally have my own space and the beginnings of what could be a cozy and magical space. Thank the gods I stumbled upon a landlord who doesn't mind nail holes, provided I spackle them properly when it comes time to move eventually. But, I don't foresee that happening for at least a couple of years (I hope!)


[ Edited by Bam Bam on 2022-04-06 13:30:00 ]

MrBaliHai posted on 04/16/2022

I had to check my profile to make sure I qualified as an "old timer" before replying to this thread and was shocked to see that I joined TC twenty years ago. Yikes! How time flies...

It's been a tough couple of years. Been dealing with lots of family health issues which included multiple hospitalizations. I've had to cut way back on my cocktail consumption as well. Seeing this place finally rise from the almost-dead has been a much needed bright spot for me and I'm truly happy to see so many familiar TC'ers posting again.

bamboo stu posted on 04/16/2022

I'm still here...so happy to see Tiki Central back online!

I've been without a home bar for about 10 years now...#dadlife! Have some plans to build one again in our 10x16 shed out back. All the stuff in there needs to be disposed of or rehomed first. Stay tuned.

tiki mick posted on 04/16/2022

Sad for those that have passed and sorry for the losses.

I’m back. Ready for some tiki fonts and Zazz and even a tiki jeep driven ninja -style by a fish named Rufus!

[ Edited by tiki mick on 2022-04-16 11:16:42 ]

Tangaroa posted on 04/16/2022

Long time no post!

sup Tang!!!

Tangaroa posted on 04/16/2022

Hey! Just checking in to see if this place is still alive. I'll be giving a short talk at the Oceanic Arts event tonight - you going? I was surprised to see little to no coverage of the OA events here... just a mention of the auction. Supposedly they are recreating "The Tikis" tonight!

But what makes Tiki Central special is us making it special, so please start a thread and post about what happens 🤞

Iolani posted on 04/29/2022

I guess I'm an old unknown barnacle here. Long time reader, not so frequent poster. Glad to see the site back up and running.

During the intermission, I learned a lesson. Check your shed for roof damage before you decide to store your bar in it over a long, cold, snowy, and wet winter.

pablus posted on 04/29/2022

So how this did not fall on my house and destroy it is something for the unseen to tell. This tree is leaning toward my house, about 12 feet from it. All that rot is facing my house. But it fell the other way during a microburst tornado. I have a lot of potential tikis here. Ha. Maybe I should have a carver party and fly the crazies in. That's the Rusty Key under those cedar shingles on the outcropping of the house.

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[ Edited by pablus on 2022-04-29 12:16:16 ]

[ Edited by pablus on 2022-04-29 12:19:41 ]

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coldwarspacemonkey posted on 05/01/2022

I'm late to the party as usual, but so happy to see so many familiar names! I'd say you dodged a big one there, pablus - it could have been so much worse. Glad your house is OK!

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AlohaStation posted on 05/02/2022

They just let me back in!

Swanky posted on 05/02/2022

Good to be backImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=112&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.swankpad.org%2FTCimages%2FBio-Pic.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=380fc9e62b79bee79e7182c18662730b

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Chub posted on 05/08/2022

Good to be back!

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Caber-Net posted on 05/16/2022

All I know is I was young when this started

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Melintur posted on 05/16/2022

Howdy everyone, of course I'm still here. I never 'left,' so to speak. I can't not: It's a culture, not a costume. :)

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OnlyATikiLad posted on 05/23/2022

Awesome!! Never thought this day would come. Long live tiki!

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GROG posted on 06/03/2022

I used to post as GROG, but I couldn't remember my password after two years away. I tried to reset my password a bunch of times only to get "Invalid Token". I finally gave up and after several tries trying to re register, I finally made it back on as ernimator.

Now, TC lets me post one reply, and if I trey to reply on another thread or send a PM it just sits there saying "submitting" and doesn't do anything. So, I log out and log back on, and it lets me do another post or PM. As soon as I try a second post, it just goes back to saying "submitting" and doesn't do a thing. Maybe I need to wait 5 minutes or something.

Getting frustrated. Maybe won't try posting and just lurk. Or maybe just give up on TC period.

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Good GROG back. Bad GROG have issues posting and no want to post.

Hey Ernie, post your problems on the 'bugs' thread and hopefully Leevi can address your issues and get your old account back also.

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Thanks Swiz.

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Howland posted on 06/03/2022

Pablus -Wow....I haven't logged in since 2008..HA! Sometime around 08 I deleted my email account I used for registering my Tikiroom account. I also forgot my password to log in here and figured since I no longer had that email account, my chances of logging back in were slim to none. Just now, on a whim, I went to the login page and entered what I though might be my old password and boom...here I am. Good to be back!

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GROG!!! I've been wondering where you've been. This explains it.

Swiz is right; leevigraham should be able to help you access your proper account.

Bam Bam posted on 06/03/2022

Hooray GROG! 🥳 If any accounts deserve to be resurrected your's is certainly in the top list!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Thanks Bammers. Much appreciated.

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kohalacharms posted on 06/04/2022

Very happy to see TC up and running again; been having a great time rereading old posts and observing the collective knowledge base expand over the years. Hope to be more of a contributor vs. lurker this time around.

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1eb994d4622062b463b229683f045e26?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

It is great to see the site back up and running. Thank you

DS Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/962cca3fc63d255896ff7253c600203f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Dr. Shocker posted on 06/18/2022

Yeah! I got in finally!

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Yowie Zowie, Pablus! You got lucky.

Good to see a few ol' faces popping up here.

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Bail Tekey posted on 07/18/2022


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tikiyaki posted on 07/18/2022

The security to get in this place is ridiculous....but Im finally here. Glad to see the old guard back in the old neighborhood. Aloha all !

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TikiGoddess posted on 07/19/2022

Hello after 2 years! I discovered the new TC website today and I am so happy! Looking forward to seeing everyone's updated bars and collections! I love tiki and exclamation points!

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