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Official Introductions Thread. New Members, Post your introduction here...

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Tonnikan Jinn posted on 03/11/2004


First time poster, long time reader, long time drinker. I gotta say I love this place! I stumbled across it several months ago, and have reached the point where I read it daily.

I live in Santa Barbara, CA. work full time in the ER, and drink daily from a tiki mug. I've probably been interested in tiki ever since seeing the Brady's go to Hawaii for vacation. It wasn't until about two years ago that I actually started collecting tiki. Now I want to start creating tiki, but unfortunately don't have as much time or talent as I would like.

Only 13 more hours of work tonight, then I can fill my Drinky Tiki mug with a "REAL" drink and relax.

BTW... I've been looking around and I haven't found an area here that has a bunch of drink recipies. Any thoughts of making a new section of the forum (or maybe a stuck thread) of everyones favorite drinks? Not to promote alcoholism, but if you are going to drink, do it in style!

Respectfully submitted,

Humuhumu posted on 03/11/2004

Welcome, Pakelika Mikela and Tonnikan Jinn!

Jinn -- I like your idea of having a separate forum just dedicated to drink issues -- it certainly is a heavily but discretely discussed topic. Regarding lists of drink recipes, there are drink recipes here and there throughout the site, try searching on "recipe" and the name of a particular drink you're looking for and see what you get. We probably don't have one big recipe thread for a couple of reasons: it would quickly become ridiculously encyclopedic, and it could be a touch redundant, as many of us are proud owners of Jeff Berry's Grog Log & Intoxica among other drink books. Particular drinks with debatable recipes have come up a few times and will show up in a search. Of particular interest to you, probably, will be the archive of the Tiki Central Drink Contest, which was won by kick_the_reverb:


There's a page there with the recipes of the winners, and all of the submitted recipes. These are original recipes created by members.

Jungle Trader posted on 03/11/2004

Welcome to TC Tonnikan Jinn. I like your moniker.
Nice collection you have there Pakelika Mikela.

Phantom Surfer posted on 03/11/2004

Aloha, I'm a long time Tiki enthusiast who has partied with several of you at various Tiki gatherings. At every gathering I went to, TikiCentral was always mentioned, so I figured it's time I joined this community. Cool site.

Bwana Tiki posted on 03/12/2004

Can't say I'm a big Eckbo fan. I know an awful lot about him but don't care for his work much at all. that being said I'm big on mid cent. mod. I could go on for days on the subject, as I am well versed, but it may be better suited to another forum, beyond tiki maybe. PM if ya wanna talk mid cent mod landscape.

my name is,
my name is,
my name is,
wica wica...

Bwana Tiki

[ Edited by: Bwana Tiki on 2004-03-11 22:12 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 03/12/2004

Welcome Phantom Surfer!

CHEIF UNGA BUNGA posted on 03/12/2004


Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 03/12/2004

On 2004-03-12 11:42, CHEIF UNGA BUNGA wrote:

Hey Chief, don't you remember that old chestnut about i before e?

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/12/2004

On 2004-03-12 11:42, CHEIF UNGA BUNGA wrote:

welcome, but you might want to adjust your volume :) mahaloz ~ j$

Tikiwahine posted on 03/12/2004

Welcome Chief Unga Bunga,

At home I have a statue I call Chief Itchy Bum...you remind me of him...well your handle does anyways.

rodeotiki posted on 03/12/2004

I been here a little while but changed my name from newtotiki (noticed there was someone who was almost the same) I am thrilled to be here.

Kaliki Tiki posted on 03/13/2004

Hello everyone, I just signed today up to be a member of your wonderful tiki family. Until I found Tiki Central I had no idea that there were others like me out there! I loved Tiki Oasis 3 and I am looking forward to Tiki Oasis 4!!!!!!

Benzart posted on 03/13/2004

Welcome all you Newtikibies. Come on in and show us your pictures and we'll show ours. It's nice havin' y'all, wish I could pour you a Mai-tai

SilverLine posted on 03/13/2004

Hi; I got interested in tiki as an offshoot of my vintage Hawaiian shirt collection (and a growing attraction to vintage modern of all kinds). I also have an interest in classic fiberglass boats and run a website dedicated to Silver Line boats. The affection for tiki is difficult to explain, but VERY strong!

CHEIF UNGA BUNGA posted on 03/13/2004


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Hi Chief - Welcome.

Could you do me a favor and turn down the caps lock. It's similar to yelling at someone on a message board like this and I, for one, don't like to be yelled at unless someone is serving some fish and rice and wants me there immediately.

Anyway - fall in love with those lower case letters willya? Shouting only exacerbates our corporate hangovers.

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I'm unable to log in uder my old nick Must Dang Sally, so I reregistered under this name. Aloha

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Howdy freaky tiki lovers, and greetings from the lava pits of Bend, Or. Anyone around here wanna talk lounge let me know. Ofa atu, Tiki Mota.

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rocky posted on Sat, Mar 20, 2004 4:37 PM

Hi, I'm entirely new to this forum, but have been enjoying the Exotic/Tiki scene for a while now. I'm about to start a Reef aquarium with a Tiki themed stand and hood. Went shopping at Safari Thatch in Ft. Lauderdale for the bamboo and weave. I collect mugs here and there, and have been starting to find the proper music to go along with the Grog and Corals!

Thanks, Rocky

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Welcome, Tiki Mota! We have quite a healthy contingent of Tiki Centralites in Portland and are planning a big event June 26th and 27th.

Here are a couple of topics you might be interested in:




On 2004-03-19 20:38, Tiki Mota wrote:
Howdy freaky tiki lovers, and greetings from the lava pits of Bend, Or. Anyone around here wanna talk lounge let me know. Ofa atu, Tiki Mota.

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Welcome, Rocky! Check out this thread for a discussion of exotica-styled music:


TB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8104a84062a07e9b184548c6dcfca685?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Howdy everyone. I'm completely new to Tiki Central, but I'm a veteran to the Tiki way of life. Been that way as long as I can remember. I'm an avid collector of vintage exotic LPs, drink recipes, rattan furniture, mugs.....you name it. I've been involved with the design and construction of several tiki apartments throughout Southern California (pictures of all to come). It's all basically just a part of who I am. I just wanted to say hi. I'm looking forward to talking with you all.

JD Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1382/624dd9c9b320f.png?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=7ae6b36249e36731481004222aaf1a29

aloha brad! glad to have you aboard!

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Lars posted on Fri, Mar 26, 2004 2:13 PM

Hi, I'm Lars and I'm an alcoholi.......Oops! Sorry, wrong board. Anyway, I'm Lars and I'm new here. I know I come off like a real jerk sometimes, but I'm really a nice guy. Why, I'm probably one of the nicest guys your ever likely to meet. For real. I'm 32, married to my lovely wife, Karen, and father of the 2 year old Max, AND, we are expecting our 2nd in October. Born and raised in Whittier, CA, I now reside in San Dimas, CA. I enjoy getting a rise out of people from time to time, but if you can look past my BS, you'll see that I'm one extremely cool mofo. Anyway, glad to be here.

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Hello All ---

New to the list. Looking forward to MAYBE going on the bar crawl; just have to see if the wife is willing. Two nice Tiki establishments in my town (Modesto, CA), The Tiki Lounge and Minnies Chinese restaurant.

Take Care !

JT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f6f231dfd9f0be59f443aacaeb2fa26d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Welcome Islander and Lars and other newbies.
Islander....have we met? I'm in Turlock, maybe you've seen my ad in the Mo Bee?....maybe you bought a tiki from me? Or not. Anyway, it's cool to have all you newbies on board.

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hey lars! glad to see you joined up. any one who plays a gretsch, aint bad in my book. unless your a hippie, hahahaha. i can dig your points of view,(sorry locked subject) any way welcome aboard, and keep that devil on your shoulder. jim.

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Howdy All,
They said to give a big Aloha out to y'all.
I'm a big time tiki, too lazy to keep up with the fads, but when I heard about the Tiki crawl I signed up on the bus immediately. The Missus and I will be there; look forward to meeting a bunch of you tonight and tomorrow. So come say hi to a newbie. I'll be the one with the hawaiian shirt on. (Ha Ha)
Cheers and Mahalo for the great site.

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I am new to this board, and I was lucky enough to stumble upon the Ona Tiki launch party at the Tiki-Ti. I live in "Tornado Alley" so I chose Tik_Nado as my handle. It seemed appropriate.

My Brother-In-Law is "BonBonVic".

[ Edited by: Tik_Nado on 2004-04-04 20:43 ]

JT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f6f231dfd9f0be59f443aacaeb2fa26d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Welcome to TC Oaktown Tiki and Tik Nado.
Sorry I didn't meet you Oaktown. Were you with the group at the table in the corner of the Tonga Room?

Q Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/034b634a0b9b5a89d3b5ea62a9053525?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Greetings! Long time listener, first time caller. I consider myself an avid tiki-phile, and moreso an aspiring mixocologist (with a nod of reverent admiration to the honorable Beachbum and his amazing, thorogh research). Now and then my wife and I have been known to haunt the Mai-Kai (which I firmly believe is the 8th wonder of the world and probably also the very thread that is still tenuously holding together what is left of Western Civilization); Chicago spots Trader Vic's, Chef Shangri-La, and Hala-Kahiki; Boston area favorites the Bali-Hai and the Kowloon; Milwaukee's underrated and oft-overlooked At Random; and of course you would most frequently find us at Psycho Suzi's in our hometown of Minneapolis, usually trying to cantankerously flag down a waitress to coax a few extra lime wedges. Between those visits, I'm at home trying to recreate the wonderous elixirs I have sampled while also trying to bestow some dignity to the promising ones that had gone astray.

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Quince, welcome. My best friend is there in the Mini-Apple too and I'll get to see him at Hukilau for the first time in ages.

I think of myself, not as mixologist, but Alchemist...

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Alchemy, I like that. Mixology implies you know how to work with quality ingredients to make a good drink. Alchemy sounds like you could use anything, even junk, and still somehow concoct good drink.

Next time you're in the Twin Cities, check out David Fong's in Bloomington. No tiki eye candy to be had, but it has a nice red vinyl/vintage cantonese chop suey joint feel to it, and they still serve up some good grub and classic drinks (Mai Tai, Zombie, Puka Puka, Rum Swizzle, etc.. ) Inexplicably, the drinks are great even though they use bottled sweet and sour mix, maraschino cherry juice, cheap rum and little to no fresh juice. I could make a better drink with really good ingredients, but I could never match what they do using what they use... That's alchemy!

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*On 2004-04-04 23:16, Quince_at_Dannys wrote:*Milwaukee's underrated and oft-overlooked At Random;

I just went there for the first time last year with James Teitelbaum (TC alias tikibars). It is one of the best cocktail lounges I have been to! They make a great golden cadillac. I can't wait to visit it again and stay longer.

Q Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/034b634a0b9b5a89d3b5ea62a9053525?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Ooh, if you do make it back to At Random, get the Fog Cutter. It's excellent. The Missionary's Downfall is great, too--although it's blue and I think they use SoCo instead of Rum and Apricot Brandy, don't be scared, it's delicious!

Bryant's is another good cocktail lounge in Milwaukee, a lot like At Random except they don't have a printed menu. It's also on the south side--I think on 9th street south of Greenfield Ave.

FTS Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9f8f51266438bb95da3c48570fca5710?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Must have more Tiki. have seen plenty and will see plenty more. Hang loose!!!!

OT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a1256b045817c4b9fbf6d48d0699dfbe?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Hey Jungletrader,
Had a great time, met a bunch of great people.
Yeah, I was in the corner with the bright orange shirt.
I hope everyone else had as much fun.

JT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f6f231dfd9f0be59f443aacaeb2fa26d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Oaktown...OH your the guy with the boots and the pants with the legs in 2 different colors? Man, I thought I was on Laugh-In, (that mod show back in the late 60's early 70's). (I know.....I'm old) Cool stuff. Gotta see pics, tell your friends to post 'em so everyone can see your awesome fashion.

TT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/519a2b3fa980bcff4d359931f96feaf8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Hello fellow lovers of Tiki...

Just got back from the SF Tiki Crawl, kind of my initiation into the "tiki scene" I guess (although I've been living in my own tiki world up here in Vancouver, Canada for a while.) Those of you that met me will know me as Heather.

For everyone that hasn't met me, which is most of you, I'm an artist. I paint mostly tiki-inspired stuff (but other things too) and I'll post a few on the "creating tiki" forum soon. If you haven't been to my website yet, I'm going to use this opportunity to plug it: http://www.TheArtDeck.com - dont forget the "the"! Be sure to sign up for my monthly e-newsletter.

Guess that's about it. I'll be vending at Tiki Oasis so if you're there, come find my table and say hello!


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On 2004-04-06 21:39, Travellin' Tiki wrote:
Hello fellow lovers of Tiki...

Just got back from the SF Tiki Crawl, kind of my initiation into the "tiki scene" I guess (although I've been living in my own tiki world up here in Vancouver, Canada for a while.) Those of you that met me will know me as Heather.

For everyone that hasn't met me, which is most of you, I'm an artist. I paint mostly tiki-inspired stuff (but other things too) and I'll post a few on the "creating tiki" forum soon. If you haven't been to my website yet, I'm going to use this opportunity to plug it: http://www.TheArtDeck.com - dont forget the "the"! Be sure to sign up for my monthly e-newsletter.

Guess that's about it. I'll be vending at Tiki Oasis so if you're there, come find my table and say hello!


Hi Heather,
I enjoyed meeting you and your work as well.
Maybe I'll see you at the Portland Crawl!
Don't be a stranger.

DZ Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bd9975fec97edc9f6d2e2d23b00bd96e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Travellin' Tiki--

I checked out your site - nice work!! I'll definitely be lookin' for you at Oasis.

Oh, and I just killed about 1/2 hour on your "Build Your Own Tiki" page...

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b3e146d633ff492cb1f0174bb9df75c8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Aloha Quince, Oaktown, Travelin' tiki, Sweet/sour jone and others new to the T.C. ohana.
Oaktown, didn't get to meet you but was groovin' to your crazy threads. Next time grabba chair and come sit with us. You will get use to the smell after a few scorpion bowls.
Travelin Tiki, it was cool to breifly meet you. Thanks for bring down some great art to the crawl. Really like what I saw in person and on your site. Best of luck to you with your artistic endevors.

Hey, hey Dr Z. Definately find the time to check out Travelin' Tikis art. It is is even better in person. I also spent a good portion of my tuesday nite goofin on the build a tiki page.

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okay, okay, ok. long ago i was pr-con. then i became sillisculpt. and still i seldom posted or even discovered myself lurking. but after the most recent bay area crawl it is about time i finally make my small voice heard. prefer to just play records. which have done so several time with the great otto.

TT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/519a2b3fa980bcff4d359931f96feaf8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Heh heh. Thanks guys. Good to know my build-your-own-tiki is being put to good use! See ya in Palm Springs!

FT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bb93624fa6b0e27f7995e7752a3b64fd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

mahalo all i have joined the group and am delighted to be here! im the OC/HB friend of Bwana.
The store will be opening may 1st in all of its glory. Any tiki friends that can offer their knowledege please call me anytime day or night at 714 785 6724cell! If the number is private or blocked i will not be answering though. I hope to here from U!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ce256db052ec2794b36100793feff5e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Welcom to TC, Flip Tiki. Your Tiki Shop sounds Interesting. Give us more info and some Pictures if you have them yet.

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2e2349ec1d3bbda4f24ff0d69dd04d1f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Greetings. I just discovered this great site. I've always loved this stuff but have a renewed appreciation of it with the artwork of Shag as well as a mid-life crisis ( hey come here you hot 18 year old!). I'm interested in learning more about the "Tiki Philosophy" but don't know where to start. Please feel free to e-mail me. Cowabunga!

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/984ad3a9eab73a6a7fbeed509119b5f0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I've been reading this site for a month or two now, but I am starting to have questions, so I joined. (I haven't asked the questions yet, because I'm trying to think how to ask them without inviting the typical RTFM answer.)

I'm a thirty year old semi-geek who lives in Carrumbia, Souf Cackalackie, but I spend most of my time mentally residing in a pineapple under the sea.

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