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Missing Kon-Tiki cocktail recipes

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arriano posted on 11/13/2022

I've been trying to gather together cocktail recipes from Steve Crane's Kon-Tiki restaurants. I've found most of the ones listed in the menu numbers 1-30. But these five are so far eluding me:

  • Firefly
  • Smoke Cloud
  • Green Menehune
  • Flower of Papeete
  • The Caribbean

Does anyone out there have recipes for these?

PalmtreePat posted on 11/13/2022

Screenshot 2022-11-12 200258 Assuming that these drinks had the same taproot in Don's original canon that Crane modified after getting his hands on the recipe the Fireflay may be related to the one served at Tiki Ti, which has an almond flavor of some sort. It's listed under "Liqueurs and Liquors" rather than any specific spirit on the menu, so I couldn't hazard a guess as to what its made up of. As for "The Caribbean", I think I've seen a drink under that name called out on other menus in the past, maybe even a few modern ones, but if I've ever seen an actual recipe it wasn't distinct enough for me to copy it down.

arriano posted on 11/13/2022

Thanks PalmtreePat. I think Ray Buhen worked at Crane's Luau for a time and might have picked up the Firefly there (or even concocted it himself). It certainly looks similar to the picture on the Kon Tiki menu, which describes the ingredients as "Two kinds of liqueur and cream plus a touch of whimsy." I wonder if the almond flavor is amaretto which would give it that pink color.

PalmtreePat posted on 11/13/2022

Might be Amaretto, might also have been creme de noyaux, which I think was really popular with early to mid-century drinkers. Tempus-Fugit-Creme-de-Noyaux__90424

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