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Who here isn't going to watch the Super Bowl?

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GROG posted on 02/07/2016

[ Edited by: GROG 2016-02-07 00:00 ]

lunavideogames posted on 02/08/2016

OFFICIALLY not watching the Sup Bro as I type.


SuperBowl LI? NO!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/31/2017

I make sure to get up early every year bout this time so I can be sure and miss the super Bowl.

Onyx_Noir posted on 02/01/2017

What to do if not watching Super Bowl L I?

Things to do in on Super Bowl Sunday (instead of watching the game)

tikiskip posted on 02/06/2017

I'm not watching it right now.

Stopped supporting the pro sports and Hollywood over paid brats long ago.
Most new movies suck.

Bring back the Thin man!

lunavideogames posted on 02/16/2017

Oops did I miss the fooseball again?!? Butts.

I did however catch the highlights later. I watched the trailer for Stranger Things. From what I could tell it was the very best part :)


They say that the last Super Bowl was so dramatic that they are going to make a movie about it.

CBS Sport: Hollywood reportedly turning Super Bowl L I comeback into a movie

So if you did NOT watch the game, you can NOT watch the movie about it.


Super Bowl Lii?
No No!

Hamo posted on 02/02/2018

I couldn’t care less about the Super Bowl. A few years ago friends and I got together and watched Cleopatra starring Elizabeth Taylor on Super Bowl Sunday, which I guarantee was just as spectacular as any halftime show. Not sure what we’ll decide to watch instead this weekend.


Alternate activity for Super Bowl Sunday Feb 4, 2018 for the LA/OC territories

Feb 3-4 2018 Costa Mesa Train Show

It won't have the high price commercials or athletes but it will have over 20 Huge Operating Model Train Displays.

The Below Decks posted on 02/03/2018

Needless to say, there are no TV's in The Below Decks. And I have about as much interest in the Super Bowl as the contestants on that recent Jeopardy:


[ Edited by: The Below Decks 2018-02-02 16:04 ]


Jimmy Kimmel has a point. The Roman numerals are pretentious and confusing

YouTube: Jimmy Kimmel

Hamo posted on 02/05/2018

Watched a couple of classic football movies instead: “Trouble Along the Way “ with John Wayne and Donna Reed, and “Gus” with Ed Asner, Don Knotts and a mule....

tikiskip posted on 02/05/2018

Didn't watch Jimmy Kimmel either.

Elvis put it best...

tikiskip posted on 01/28/2019

This new era of not accepting the outcome is BS.
Yeah it was a bad call but lots of them are made, make a review rule or don't till then not much you can do about it.

Serena Williams vs Naomi Osaka Serena went all bitch cakes on the ref as well.
I think it was a great moment for Naomi Osaka ruined by Serena Williams whining.

Stopped watching most sports many years ago due to the bad athletes and the way they act on and off the field, court whatever.

Used to hear people say the table slanted as I beat them at pool, and I would say yeah I know I'm playing on the same table.

F U over paid cry babies.

Sandbartender posted on 01/28/2019

None of us are terribly huge sports fans in this house, so we usually have a theme day with games and cocktails and nibblies, etc.

Hamo posted on 01/29/2019

I feel the same way about the Super Bowl as I do about the other once-"must see" televised events, like the Oscars: their heyday is past, and now it's just hype, or ultra-politicized, and there are so many more meaningful things I can do with my time. Maybe I'll miss out on conversation about it with people the following Monday, but it's not a big loss, and everyone will move on to something else by Tuesday.

EnchantedTikiGoth posted on 01/29/2019

My mother-in-law is into the sportsballing, so we go over to her place on invitation, more for the socializing, food, and to play with her dog. I get a lot of reading done as well. I'm currently working on my second book on Pleistocene geology and this will give me a good opportunity to rip through scientific journal papers.

uncle trav posted on 01/31/2019

I know not of this bowl of superness


Alternate activity for Super Bowl Sunday Feb 3, 2019 for the LA/OC territories

The Blasters at Gallagher's Pub Huntington Beach, CA

One of the opening bands, The Lonely Stars, features a legend of the Southern California tiki music scene on steel guitar.

MadDogMike posted on 02/01/2019

We're doing Chinese New Year Celebration instead. It's actually Tuesday Feb 5th but the 3rd is close enough for us round-eyes

tikigreg posted on 02/03/2019

Go Pats! Beat LA!


If you are not watching the 2020 Superbowl and you live near Punxsutawney, PA, here is an alternate activity

Groundhog Day at Punxsutawney, PA

mikehooker posted on 01/25/2020


As someone who is not only going to be watching the Super Bowl, but in fact hosting a super bowl party, what is an appropriate cocktail to serve the guests? Football watching seems more of a beer drinking activity, but I don't think I can bring myself to doing that. I'm thinking maybe Mai Tai's would be a good tie in, since I'm routing for the bay area team and that's the home of the original Mai Tai. But would prefer to do a party punch and not make drinks to order or one at a time, so maybe an amplified Vic scorpion bowl. Any famous drinks hail from Kansas City?

Hakalugi posted on 01/28/2020

On 2020-01-25 14:00, mikehooker wrote:

As someone who is not only going to be watching the Super Bowl, but in fact hosting a super bowl party, what is an appropriate cocktail to serve the guests? Football watching seems more of a beer drinking activity, but I don't think I can bring myself to doing that. I'm thinking maybe Mai Tai's would be a good tie in, since I'm routing for the bay area team and that's the home of the original Mai Tai. But would prefer to do a party punch and not make drinks to order or one at a time, so maybe an amplified Vic scorpion bowl. Any famous drinks hail from Kansas City?

Here's a drink that's not from Kansas City but would be appropriate... the Corn 'n' Oil

mikehooker posted on 01/30/2020

On 2020-01-27 18:39, Hakalugi wrote:

Here's a drink that's not from Kansas City but would be appropriate... the Corn 'n' Oil

Good one! Not great for a punch though. Something dawned on me. Since the super bowl takes place on Groundhog Day, I'm going to derive a Punxsutawney Punch!

[ Edited by: mikehooker 2020-01-30 15:39 ]

Hamo posted on 01/31/2020

Will it include sweet vermouth and a twist...?

mikehooker posted on 02/01/2020

On 2020-01-30 18:57, Hamo wrote:
Will it include sweet vermouth and a twist...?

HAHA!!! That is my favorite drink! Thanks for the reminder. I may need to re-watch the movie, again, for further inspiration. But yes, I don't see why I couldn't at least incorporate sweet vermouth, rocks and a twist.


Well, 3 out of 4 is very close.


Eagles at 2023 Super Bowl?

I imagine Jeff Lewbowski won't be watching that.

YouTube: Big Lebowski taxi scene

(warning: Naughty Language)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/30/2023

Way to many years and counting, but still not watching it, and proud of it!

GROG posted on 01/30/2023

GROG think that ATP just googles "what is popular" or "what people like" and decides he hates it just be contrary. LOL!

But, Grog…you knew that going in !

GROG posted on 01/30/2023

Just letting people new to TC know what we already know about ATP.

P.S. Love ya ATP. ;)

[ Edited by ernimator on 2023-01-30 13:14:27 ]


Why is one of the teams named after a character from Get Smart? CHEIF

TIKIGIKI posted on 02/12/2023

This looks more interesting.....and Yma Sumac could sing the opening anthem!


[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2023-02-11 19:12:56 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/13/2023

"GROG think that ATP just googles "what is popular" or "what people like" and decides he hates it just be contrary. LOL!"

Ernie, I googled that and I hate it!

I am not watching the game today, But Damn, my Wife is!!!!

Instead of watching the Stupor Bowel, I spent the evening enjoying "The Mind of Mr. Soames" (1970) starring General Zod playing a 30-year old baby wearing a pink onesie, being chased by constables through the British countryside with Nigel Davenport and Robert Vaughn in hot pursuit. I think I made the right choice.

Great movie MrBaliHai, one of my favorite 1970s British movies alongside "Get Carter"

Other Terence Stamp favorites are 1965s "The Collector" and 1962s "Billy Budd"

tikiskip posted on 02/14/2023

I did watch it and thought how funny it was to watch these big football players doing these dance moves when they scored a touchdown. they were so girly some of them, one of them even had a "little teapot" looking move at the end of one dance, these big guys even skip around after some plays.

A good Saturday night live skit would be to show those football guys working on their touchdown dance moves at home with a few of their buddies in the mirror.

You know they must work on them before they do them in a game.

That and the commercials. The commercials show you the Zeitgeist of the times and what might be down the road in a small way, that and hot chicks.

Obviously these guys spend a lot of time practicing those dance moves, before deploying them on the football field.

tikiskip posted on 02/14/2023

Damn you are up late!

Hamo posted on 02/15/2023

I did not watch the Super Bowl. Instead, we watched some Huell in Palm Springs:



What? Me watch Super Bowl? WHATMEWORRY

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