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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars

Savage Seas - Los Angeles, CA (Updated 6/7/24)

Pages: 1 31 replies

SavageSeasTiki posted on 06/28/2023

Hey gang. I finally made it over here and decided to post. Here's my home bar Savage Seas (SavageSeasTiki on Instagram) I've posted in the tiki groups on FB and on Reddit so you may recognize my bar, but this is my first post on Tiki Central. The original tiki build was done in Late 2020/Early 2021 by my good friend Nick (Echo Island Tiki) and my girlfriend and I. The original space is a nearly 350sq ft guest house/studio in our backyard. We spent about a month on the tiki portion of the build (a contractor had spent about 3 months converting the space to code with plumbing for the bathroom and sinks, drywall, and electrical because of crazy stipulations surrounding the grandfathered permit for the structure). image0 (3)image3 (2)image2 (3)image1 (6)image0 (4)image5image4image3 (1)image2 (2)image1 (5)

[ Edited by SavageSeasTiki on 2023-08-30 08:01:16 ]

[ Edited by SavageSeasTiki on 2023-08-30 08:01:27 ]

[ Edited by SavageSeasTiki on 2024-01-22 08:06:10 ]

[ Edited by SavageSeasTiki on 2024-06-07 14:47:41 ]

BlackWater posted on 06/28/2023

Spectacular space, wow.

rupe33 posted on 06/28/2023

Stunning! This puts some commercial bars we've been in to shame! Bravo... well done... just an amazing space. Enjoy it!!!

Hearn posted on 06/28/2023


SouthSeasKat posted on 06/29/2023


Slacks Ferret posted on 06/29/2023

Love it! Very cool! Mahalos a plenty for sharing it!

pennjones posted on 06/30/2023

Great bar! I have to ask, is the tiki by the door the one that the United Airlines one was based on?!

Hamo posted on 06/30/2023

Wowie wow wow. This is marvelous. Thank you for sharing your space with TC. You should be very proud.

skebump posted on 07/05/2023

Saw this when you posted on Reddit. Just incredible.

rum on the rideau posted on 07/12/2023

incredible, ok been said. marvelous, ok been said. Great, very cool, also been said, Spectacular, Stunning, ok been both been said.

Superb job, I probably would never leave the house. :-)

Love the little things going on. The pith helmet with arrows in it? Imma steal that idea :)

hang10tiki posted on 07/28/2023


TheTackyTiki posted on 07/31/2023

Nothing I could possibly say could do this home Tiki bar justice. To say I am beyond impressed is an understatement. I can honestly say to me this is my reference home Tiki bar. Thanks for sharing a truly inspiring thread. I have yet to begin construction of my home Tiki bar but I will be remembering many aspects of this design.

UnkleChewie posted on 08/13/2023

Fantastic job! Your post on reddit is one of the things that finally got me to start seriously working on my space instead of just talking about it for years.

[ Edited by UnkleChewie on 2023-08-12 20:26:17 ]

bamalamalu posted on 08/16/2023

Wow. Spectacular.

Among many other things, I love the bamboo on the bar front!

hang10tiki posted on 08/16/2023

Back to look a second time

Still amazing

SavageSeasTiki posted on 08/30/2023

Hey everybody. Just popping back here to share some lighting updates since the original post photos were taken. First we were fortunate to secure one of RockNRoll Woody's often imitated Double Drums. I was happy to wait for this one. Woody is busy as hell for a reason. image0 (7) Next we got 2 of MadEyes Forbidden Reef's Rum Bottle Floats. Mary Beth makes the best floats period. People don't talk enough about lampmakers that make small lamps that you can tuck into little corners to add dimension. These are perfect for that. I wish more makers made small lamps. CommodoreNCo and Mary Beth are really cornering the market. image1 (9) Next one was a Holy Grail score. We were blessed by the antique gods and found a PAIR of these pristine 1960s Pele's Hut lamps made by Orchids of Hawaii for the Sea & Jungle Shop in LA. I still have an extra one of these lamps that I need to figure out what to do with. ALSO...This lamp took the place of an original Oceanic Arts Tahitian Shade. You can see it in the original post pics above. I don't have room for the Tahitian Shade currently and if anyone has an Oceanic Arts Kooboo Cane Shade with the Tapa and wants to trade, please reach out to me. image2 (5) And just for a bonus, I don't have it hung yet because I'm currently reproducing the bottom cover for it, but I was able to secure an Orchids of Hawaii Shell lamp from the 70s in a trade last week. It's heavy as hell but we will make it work. image0 (8)

The opposite is more likely true. Smokin Tikis made these and still makes these to this day probably inspired by the old United Hawaii travel agency tiki. They were sold at Oceanic Arts and a few other places including from Smokin Tikis’ booths at all the tiki marketplaces. This one came raw from OA and I used a light walnut stain on it.

BeachcomberNC posted on 08/31/2023

This is beautiful!

Amazing photography of the space too.

Fourth Wave posted on 10/01/2023

Amazing space amd so much to see. Absolutely love it.

SavageSeasTiki posted on 01/22/2024

New year, new lamps. I was able to secure 3 vintage Orchids of Hawaii lamps to add to Savage Seas. First one was one I'd had my eye on for a long time. It was kind of a white whale for me. The bamboo face cutout with the woven hat. Orchids Face The next one was another white whale, the flattened shell chandelier. Orchids Flat Shell The last one was kind of a bonus. The bamboo fish cutout. Orchids Fish And finally for just to continue off my last post, I was able to track down the original crushed glass bottom for the giant round shell Orchids of Hawaii lamp and now it's hanging finally. Orchids Round Shell

[ Edited by SavageSeasTiki on 2024-01-22 08:51:32 ]

TheTackyTiki posted on 01/22/2024

The Savage Seas just keeps getting better and better... still my reference home Tiki bar. You guys have raised the bar so high you practically need the Webb telescope to see it. Keep up the awesome work... it is beyond inspiring.

Surfgent posted on 01/24/2024

Wow looks great 😃👍

Nurbel posted on 02/01/2024

Wow, those are great lights. Great photography too, they look amazing as does the entire bar.

Maleko posted on 02/01/2024

Hard to believe something this awesome can come together so quickly. Well done and outstanding.

SavageSeasTiki posted on 06/07/2024

A few updates, new lamps, new decor etc. Here's my view when I'm behind the bar: IMG_3294

Here's the updated lounge with all 4 vintage Orchids of Hawaii lamps and the Sea & Jungle Pele's Hut lamp: IMG_3291

Here's the booth with additional lamps and some decor changes. IMG_3292

hang10tiki posted on 06/08/2024


littlegiles posted on 06/08/2024

Fantastic space and loving all the vintage lighting.

TinyUmbrella posted on 06/09/2024

Beautiful! I particularly dig those shell lamps.

amazing work, amazing lamp!!

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a08f064f85bff8d98f5fc73274cf3082?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
CheekyGirl posted on 07/03/2024

It's amazing.

Pages: 1 31 replies