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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars

The Kala Lounge

Pages: 1 23 replies

doctorexotico posted on 12/06/2024

I have been following tiki bar builds here for the last year and a half. First I wanted to thank everyone for the inspirations, ideas, and hope for my own build. When we had to rebuild our garage I decided this is the place. So, this is behind where the 2 cars park and that is my shop space underneath. 71374158781__C6F2D402-1D37-4F67-A1FE-E0F7CC6EE281IMG_9624IMG_9622

doctorexotico posted on 12/06/2024


doctorexotico posted on 12/06/2024

IMG_9832IMG_9833turns out this was a lot of work….

doctorexotico posted on 12/06/2024

72209644638__4EEBE744-F436-415D-9ED7-75CEBFD13F5FIMG_987372213987169__2E99DF4F-8BE2-45EE-822A-6702198FD316IMG_9875 I was so tight on space that I couldn’t just go buy cabinet bases so I had to build them. I’m actually quite lazy for an ex-carpenter

tikimeet posted on 12/06/2024

Wow doctorexotico ... That looks like it will be a fantastic place when it's done! Talk about a "man cave"! That will be a great escape from the hustle and bustle! What area of the world are you in? Looking forward to seeing more!

doctorexotico posted on 12/06/2024

IMG_9944IMG_9945IMG_9946IMG_9947 Working below…drinking above!

doctorexotico posted on 12/06/2024

IMG_0239IMG_0329IMG_0330IMG_0337IMG_0343 I think this is the one that got me in a little trouble. My wife doesn’t quite share the same enthusiasm for the project as this was originally slated for storage…..and I didn’t tell her it was tiki storage, so when I did the water feature when she was gone….whoops

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2024-12-06 20:37:38 ]

This is in Salt Lake City….i guess I should of stated that in the original post

tikimeet posted on 12/06/2024

Great to know! Are there many Tiki bars or similar in that area? I'm from the Northeast in NH and we have a couple but not easy to get to often.

I would say no. Commercially there is a bar called Why Ki Ki but it is more of Amazon party decor and the drinks need a bit of work. Now there may be others but haven’t found any. As far as home bars….i don’t know. I was hoping joining the forum I would find others

SBJiminyC posted on 12/06/2024

Wow what a cool and different sort of space to work with. I love what you've got done.

Inspiration to think a little outside the box. Hoping someday I will have a space to go to town on.

tikimeet posted on 12/07/2024

Yes I agree SBJ. I'm just a little jealous, but in a good way. I wish the doctor the best and it is way cool! I'm in an apartment, so my Tiki transformation was very difficult and limited. Someday :-)

Hamo posted on 12/12/2024

I think perhaps your tiki loft is the first featured here, and it is looking great so far. Congrats.

I took a look over at my tiki.life and found one listed in SLC:


doctorexotico posted on 12/12/2024

I need to try and catch up with these peeps! I would love to see some local home tiki bars.

bamboo stu posted on 12/16/2024

What's better than a home tiki bar? A double decker tiki bar! Can't wait to see what you do with the downstairs.

doctorexotico posted on 12/16/2024

IMG_0742IMG_0741IMG_0749 The downstairs area is just a lounge area and shop. I have curtains that close when people come over so they don’t see that area. Also the black curtain on the wall to the right is motorized that opens if I want to watch the projector tv for a football game or whatever

doctorexotico posted on 12/16/2024


MaukaHale posted on 12/27/2024

You really knocked this one out of the park. Your bar is so tastefully done. I really like the idea of a loft with the water feature down below. Thank you for sharing your ideas.

Love the water feature. can you share some detail as to how you built this? I see there’s foam insulation and some chicken wire as a frame?

doctorexotico posted on 01/12/2025

Actually it was super easy. I went to Lowe’s and bought a pond tub to use for the basin. I used 2” foam to insulate the foundation wall using construction glue and the the plastic tabs that hammer drill into the foundation as well. Then take expanded metal like you would use for a tile base and shape that into whatever you want. I attached that with 4” concrete screws to go thru 2” of foam and then 2” of concrete. You could have a pool contractor spray it but this would have caused more mess than I wanted,so I just put multiple coats of mortar mix( spread by hand) to give me a 1 1/4” shell.

What a massive space! Crazy high ceiling. Love what you’ve done with it. The fountain is a great touch too.

[ Edited by maulrat on 2025-01-21 05:04:28 ]

arriano posted on 01/21/2025

Really impressive -- and I don't think I recall ever seeing a two-story home tiki bar before. Post more photos when it's operational

andrews_tiki_reviews posted on 01/22/2025

The problem with these forums is the incredible jealousy they tend to bring on. Lol

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