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What have we done??????

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8FT Tiki posted on 03/31/2004

Alright, here's what just happened:
My daughter was given some of those "Mexican jumping beans" sometime last year. I thought they just died because they stopped moving a long time ago. In fact I forgot about them and I really figured her mom threw them out anyway. Well I just found out that she actually gave the girl a ziploc bag to keep them in and (here's the freaky part) my daughter just came running through the room shouting that they hatched! I was so absorbed getting a TC fix that I didn't comprehend what was happening. It was then that I heard the sliding glass door open and a muffled yell-something to the effect of "fly away, be free" !! I guess the two of them decided to free the little moth in the ziploc and before I could stop them the deed had been done. Now tell me, am I just paranoid because I have visions of this single moth turning into a plague which at this very moment is laying eggs in and feasting upon my newly aquired carving logs out back and then moving on to devour every tree on the North American continent? If you see your tiki carvings hopping away, remember I DIDN"T DO IT! Maybe the 28 degree temps tonight will freeze it to death.
If you know anything about this potential pestilence, and it is bad news, please don't tell the authorities. I'm still in hiding because of that "accidental" sea monkey release that happened at the city lake last summer!

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Raffertiki posted on 03/31/2004

Wait, you're in Kansas City? Oh my God, the swarm will hit New York by July.

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Swanky posted on 03/31/2004

I think you are safe. I have had the moths eat their way out before too. There must be no harm or we'd have had it a long time ago. The wormy inside eats it's way out and that's what makes them jump. If they make it, they get out as the moth.

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Tiki_Bong posted on 03/31/2004

Wasn't that one of the bibical plagues? Swarming tikis...

(please feel free to NOT think this post is funny, I can usually do better but my boss has been bitching at me all morning and I'm a bit off. She was berating me over my personal use of the internet - bitch.)

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Erika posted on 03/31/2004

From near the end of an article at http://waynesword.palomar.edu/plaug97.htm :

"Up to six months later, often after you have completely forgotten about them, adult moths will emerge from the beans. Unless you happen to have jumping bean shrubs growing in your garden, the marvelous life cycle will be terminated as the moths finally die."

[ Edited by: Erika on 2004-03-31 10:36 ]

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floratina posted on 03/31/2004

8ft, I give your post an A+.

Still laughing...

8FT Tiki posted on 04/01/2004

Thanks Floratina, I was just compelled to tell the truth (although like I said I am blaming my wife & kid!) I guess you could say the whole thing really "bugged" me! HAHA

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tikifish posted on 04/02/2004

Are you the bastard who let loose the Zebra Mussels in the Great Lakes too?

8FT Tiki posted on 04/02/2004

How did you make the connection???
I thought I had gotten away with that one!
You see it really was an innocent mistake.....we brought our boat up there on vacation and the kid begged me to use the slingshot we had with us to see how far we could shoot them pretty little shells out into the lake. I figured, no problem I wanted them off the hull of the boat anyway.
I'm beginning to think I'm a walking ecological disaster! I dare not tell you the horrors of the slugs we unleashed in Nebraska! Let's just say that we left a slimy trail all the way into Iowa.

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Formikahini posted on 04/03/2004

Hey 8 Foot!

Didn't you say you were bringing your kid's pet bunny to Australia, and accidentally let it go?

Complete and utter take-over of the entire continent. All because of.....8 Foot.

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ikitnrev posted on 04/03/2004

I couldn't help but think that the larvae contained in those Mexican jumping beans are somewhat related to the larvae that lie on the bottom of certain bottles of tequila.

My theory ...

  1. Larvae grow into moths
  2. Moths multiply and need food
  3. Moths will chew through fabric (like vintage tiki shirts)
  4. If they can chew through vintage clothing, and through beans, they will also chew through tiki wood.
  5. Larvae/worms at bottom of tequila bottles are hibernating, waiting to be revived.
  6. And if they're dead, they are probably actually future zombie larvae
  7. Zombies of any form can still cause massive destruction
    8 ) Drinking tequila will help to reanimate the worms from their formerly inactive state.
  8. Only evil people would encourage the revival of hibernating or zombie worms
  9. Jimmy Buffet music encourages the drinking of tequila (via songs about margaritas)

MORAL: Jimmy Buffet music is evil, and in the long haul will result in the further destruction of our treasured tikis.

You never see worms at the bottom of rum bottles, thus drinking rum will help preserve tikis.

sounds logical to me,

[ Edited by: ikitnrev on 2004-04-02 18:18 ]

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Formikahini posted on 04/03/2004


ikitnrev, I nominate you for Official TC Logician.

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