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I need tropical, beachcomber, tiki fonts

Pages: 1 7 replies

GECKO posted on 09/16/2002

Aloha friends,

I'm looking for fonts( I guess thats what they're called) to use on my new web page. Like bamboo letters, fishfloats,etc...

if it's tropical I want it especially if they are FREE. mahaloz for any help!


Turbogod posted on 09/16/2002


Castaway font

I like 'em. Bamboo upper case and Tiki Masks etc


[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2002-09-15 23:14 ]

thecardcheat posted on 09/16/2002

not free, but lots of really nice stuff.

theandrewssister posted on 09/16/2002

just a note about the Rotodesigns Castaway font -- you have to open your browser to full size, otherwise you won't see the link to Castaway, and won't be able to scroll to it either. This is probably excruciatingly obvious to everyone else -- but it wasn't to me when this came up before...

kingslod posted on 09/16/2002


The House Tiki Type collection is fabulous, and it comes with a FREE tiki T-shirt and a CD of surf music from Estrus. Very cool! It's a little pricey for the casual user at $150.00, but their type quality is fantastic!

The first issue of their print magazine also had an article on Tiki Mugs!

Trader Woody posted on 09/17/2002

It was mentioned a while back that House Industries were working on a Tiki mug book. If the quality is as high as their fonts/magazines etc, it should be pretty incredible.

Trader Woody

PolynesianPop posted on 09/17/2002

Yes, I believe this was mentioned WAAAAYYYYY back when Tiki Central was still on Yahoo! Per Bigbro, Otto was working on some tiki mug collecting guide and House Industries was going to be publishing it. Has anyone heard anything yet? Curious to know how this project is going...

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-09-17 07:42 ]

Trader Woody posted on 09/18/2002

You realise, of course, that once the book is published, prices of vintage mugs will go through the roof! People will be ticking off the ones they have, and getting twitchy once they see anything that's not in their collection.

The moral is....buy now!!

Trader Woody

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2002-09-18 03:55 ]

Pages: 1 7 replies