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Tiki Gardens LP to CD on Ebay....

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Tangaroa posted on 09/18/2002

So..... what happened? I was one of the winners in this Dutch auction - was going to send an e-mail to the seller this morning to send payment out. Then I get an e-mail telling me that the seller was breaking Ebay's rules by selling the CD, and that the auction was null & void!

Fatuhiva - what happened & (more importantly) how can we still get a copy as described?

Tangaroa posted on 09/18/2002

Well - I hadn't been keeping up with the previous thread since it moved (http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=1015&forum=5&start=30)
It's sad that egos & anger got in the way of this being released to all the people who wanted to hear it...

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 09/18/2002


Trader Woody posted on 09/18/2002

Has anyone thought that perhaps eBay themselves stopped the auction? I've seen it happen a few times. Their rules are pretty tight and some of the most innocuous auctions have been removed for some obscure reason.

I'm sure at some point the LP will be made available by some kind soul.

Trader Woody

fatuhiva posted on 09/18/2002

Ebay only nulled the auction because somebody (obviously from this board) reported it. It was already over for awhile before they nulled it, and they don't do that unless they get a report (I talked to them)

..and I wouldnt hold your breath until this LP becomes available. Not only is it the only copy to have ever been on Ebay since 1996, then you have to find someone with the ability to digitize it. Oh well, it sounds great over here.

Trader Woody posted on 09/18/2002

Oh good lord........

Trader Woody

Swanky posted on 09/18/2002

I have had auctions removed for rules. They have a huge staff that actually checks most auctions and when they see something wrong, they delete it. I have not seen it done after the auction is over though.

thejab posted on 09/18/2002

I have had my auctions (vintage girlie magazines from the 50s and 60s) cancelled by Ebay, even after closing. Something about violating their "adult material" policy. I didn't even have a picture with nudity up, just the mag cover!

It would be quite easy for a competing seller to report on another seller to eliminate the competition!

mrsmiley posted on 09/19/2002

I don't understand why it is "obvious" that
"someone from this board" complained to ebay
about the auction. Unless you have PROOF and non conjecture that is a nasty thing to
say about us. How may times have we all heard "I have been into tiki for years and just recently discovered Tiki central". There are TONS of people that are into tiki that STILL have never heard of us. I have a feeling we are still in the minority of tiki collectors (no proof, just a feeling). Maybe someone outside of Tiki Central reported the auction. It is possible.

mrsmiley posted on 09/19/2002

OOPS- I meant "not conjecture" as opposed to "non"

the75stingray posted on 09/19/2002

Mrsmiley-I agree. There is no proof that anyone from this board or any other, for that matter, reported this to e-bay.

And Fatuhavia, your cynical, rude little jabs and sarcastic, arrogant, childish attitude is getting real old, real fast.

I understand you are out some money. I understand that you are pissed off. I'd like to think that your original intentions were to 'share' the sounds and that is admirable. It was a nice try.
However, you are getting to the point of insulting the entire group here. And I, for one, am getting a bit annoyed.

It is unjustified and uncalled for!

And lets get one thing straight, I'm not so much for the "lets all get along" thing...I'm a fighter! I like debate...when it is reasonable and logical and educated!

I'm happy for you Fatuhavia, you have the only copy of this LP in existance as far as I'm concerned.

I've never heard it, in fact, could not even get the mp3 to load correctly. But you know what? I've lived this long without that album and I'm sure that my life will not end now that I know I will never hear it. So listen on, brother.

I guess I'm stuck with Denny, Baxter, Lyman and my hundereds of Hawaiian LPs.


Tiki Chris posted on 09/19/2002

On 2002-09-15 20:58, fatuhiva wrote:

And I'll tell ya one other thing- Trader Frank himself didn't work for free, and I don't plan to either.

Next time YOU find yourself holding onto a rare Tiki Gardens LP & you aren't quite sure how to best exploit it, ask yourself this simple question:


Tiki :wink: Chris

fatuhiva posted on 09/19/2002

I agree- thats a tall accusation, but not only is it pretty obvious
(it got nixed a coupled days after it closed and at the same time right after I started calling people out on their tiki-new-ageism)

I actually have two good friends that work for Ebay. Without telling any details that would get him/her in trouble, let me just say I know what happened..

btw Trader Frank would encase it in a giant glass tiki, prop it up in the middle of a huge garden with 2000 gift shops, and charge admission to look at it. The man was a God.

[ Edited by: fatuhiva on 2002-09-19 13:20 ]

midnite posted on 09/19/2002

let me just say I know what happened..

Ok, you got me, I admit it, it was ME all along. I had to do it, I just couldn't stand it anymore, I couldn't spare $20 for a cd, I had to...STOP THE INSANITY! My envious rage took over, ha haaah! My powers are too much for your "Tiki Spirit". Tiki Gardens? Hah!, welcome to your Tiki Hell.

BTW, I was the second gunman on the grassy knoll, and I stuck Hoffa in a oil can, buried him in the Meadowlands(I hate the NY Jets). I also shot the sheriff, and heck..I tried to kill the deputy, but Fife is a cunning little rascal.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh cannot find her baby? Too bad, she should have asked me! It wasn't the Dingo either, it was me, mate, that took yahh baaa-bee.

I did it, I did it all (except O.J., that sucker is guilty as heck), and you cannot touch me. I have diplomatic immunity! I am Overlord Midnite, special envoy from the Seventh House, Jupiter has aligned with Mars, and love may rule your planet, but my jealousy will steer the illegal reproduction of copyrighted material distributed for financial gain without the expressed written consent of Major League Baseball.

Go Cubs! Long live the Queen.


hanford_lemoore posted on 09/19/2002

I had at one time most of the album MP3ed from another Yahoo club. I don't know what I did with it ... I may not have it anymore :(

I don't think most of you are missing much. Anyone excepecting a beautiful exotica soundtrack or a Disney-quality audio tour will be disapointed. Trader Frank has a southern drawl that just really turned me off and got rid of any "tiki" or "Polynesia" ambiance it had. It seemed pretty hokey. Maybe the tracks I didn't have were better.

I'm sure for people who love the Tiki Gardens it's pretty cool to listen to, nostalgic perhaps. But for me, although it was indeed rare, it was not a gem.


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2002-09-19 13:50 ]

BC-Da-Da posted on 09/19/2002

There are these two big Tiki Gardens collectors here and they seem to not like eachother or someting. My guess is that the Tiki Gardens collector who was selling the CDs thinks that the other Tiki Gardens collector ratted him out like a dirty Fink.

That said, if the Tiki Gardens collector with the CDs really wanted to get them out to the people here (and sharing was purely the initial reason for making the CDs to begin with), then why not do it privately through email? I'm sure many would send their $12 for a burned copy. But, that's obviously not what he/she wanted. He wanted us to bid and bid and bid for our $40 rare CD copy of this LP. Altruistic people don't exist, there's a little Mike Curb inside all of us.

I'll trade for a copy or pay $12 if emailed privately, otherwise, I agree with Hanford... I'm just perfectly fine without having heard it. Will it ever really get better than "Enchanted Sea" anyway?

tikigreg posted on 09/20/2002

Really, I agree. We all probably have better stuff to listen to in our own collections. maybe now is a good time to rediscover some of it!

~ tikigreg

TikiGardener posted on 09/20/2002

On 2002-09-19 16:49, BC-Da-Da wrote:
There are these two big Tiki Gardens collectors here and they seem to not like eachother or someting. My guess is that the Tiki Gardens collector who was selling the CDs thinks that the other Tiki Gardens collector ratted him out like a dirty Fink

Well being a big tiki gardens collector, I have to say that I bid on the item, and although I have the lp on a cassette, I was looking forward to seeing the new shots that Fatuhiva was talking about including.
So for the record, It wasn't me. In fact, my wife was a winning bidder, after having bid on it without my initial knowledge.

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