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2nd Annual NW Territory Tiki Crawl - Tickets Available Now!

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TikiMaxton posted on 03/10/2004

We're finally ready to make our big announcement! We've crossed some of our Ts and dotted a number of our Is and we feel it's time to get people to put some ink on some calendars now.

SO... If you are (or plan to be, or can plan to be) in the Portland, Oregon area, please join us Saturday, June 26th and Sunday, June 27th for the SECOND ANNUAL NW TERRITORY TIKI CRAWL!

This years crawl will be a much bigger deal, with entertainment, a home bar tour and our own signature mug! Head on over to our site - http://www.nwtiki.com -and sign up for our mailing list to be informed of updates, additions and changes.

If you're interested in selling or trading tiki related items, or if you're an entertainer and would like to be added to the lineup, there's contact info on the site.

So go there! Then join us in June!

ps - Extra special kudos to Tikitronic for the excellent site design and build! Keep an eye on it for further cool updates!

[ Edited by: TikiMaxton on 2004-04-29 10:23 ]

Humuhumu posted on 03/10/2004

YIPPEE! I've been intrigued by the little scraps of info I'd been getting about the crawl, and I'm excited to have the full scoop now. There's no way I'll miss this -- I miss puamana & Selector Lopaka too much!!

Very cool that you got Lushy to come down and play, for any of you who saw them at last year's Oasis (or will see them again at this year's), they really shine in a more intimate venue. Of course, I'm especially glad that more of the tiki 'ohana will finally get to hear Selector Lopaka spin live, I know so many folks have been enjoying his compilation cds.

Wait a minute... no polka this time? Maybe we'll have to inject a wee smidge of polka somewhere in the festivities.

Tikitronic - great job on the graphics, per usual!

Tikiwahine posted on 04/02/2004

The Second Annual NW Tiki Crawl is something I'd really like to attend. My only problem is that I may not have a way to get there. My fiancé is taking off with his ship in the middle of June, so he won't be around to drive us down there. We have a catamaran called the "Clipper" here in Victoria that sails directly into Seattle, but then I'm stuck. Would there happen to be any Seattle area Tiki Centralites that are planning on going to the crawl, and could help a fellow polypop enthusiast out?


mrtikibar posted on 04/04/2004

If you can't hook up with some TCers coming down from Seattle I have a non-TC friend up there that most likely will be heading down and I bet she would enjoy some company. You can send me a personal message or email if you need
a ride. I'll get you guys together.

Tikiwahine posted on 04/05/2004

Thank you so much mrtikibar!
That's a fantastic idea. I guess it's still a little early to be making plans, I'll send you a message if I'm still in need in a couple of months.

sparklegem posted on 04/07/2004

Sounds super! We will be there for sure! Please keep me informed; can't wait.
Very Best Regrds,

TikiMaxton posted on 04/07/2004

Sparklegem, are you on the NW Tiki Events Mailing list? If not, check out this thread:

sparklegem posted on 04/08/2004

Thank you for the tip! I just added my email to the list. I can't wait for the next event!
All the Best,

kingslod posted on 04/08/2004

Hey Portanders! (or is it Goners?)

We just made an offer on a place in Portland and hope to be all moved in by the Tiki Crawl! Wish us luck. I'm sure I won't have a Tiki bar built by then, but I'm looking forward to meeting you all and seeing some other Portland home tiki bars for inspiration.



The Huge Magazine Tiki Collection, Desktop Patterns, Pics and Links: http://www.hugemagazine.com/html/tiki.html

[ Edited by: kingslod on 2004-04-08 11:25 ]

TikiMaxton posted on 04/09/2004

Yay! Another member to add to the NW Tribe! We lok forward to having you here, and showing you around, and dropping in on you at all hours demanding mai tais!

Let us know when you've locked your moving date!

kingslod posted on 04/25/2004

Hello everyone!

We are officially moving to the City of Roses the weekend of May 15th! Should be in by Monday at the latest. Just in time for my sister's baby (they just moved to Forest Grove) and the Tiki Crawl in June! My wife is flying with the 2 wee-ones and I'll be driving up the car as fast as I can. Looking forward to some loud and painful music appreciation as I drive!

Do you all have regular (or irregular) get togethers for happy hour? I would love to meet people before the crawl.

Do you guys build a Tiki float for the Rose Parade? :wink:

Thanks again for everyone's help and advice on the various threads...


The Huge Magazine Tiki Collection, Desktop Patterns, Pics and Links: http://www.hugemagazine.com/html/tiki.html

[ Edited by: kingslod on 2004-04-25 14:02 ]

sporkboyofjustice posted on 04/26/2004

Well I guess that I'm close enough that I'll have to make the trip up in June being in Eugene. I too am looking forward to seeing the home bars and getting ideas for one of my own.

TikiMaxton posted on 04/26/2004

On 2004-04-25 13:58, kingslod wrote:
Hello everyone!

We are officially moving to the City of Roses the weekend of May 15th!

Welcome to the neighborhood! We do have a monthly happy hour, but the one in May is going to happen the first Friday, so you'll miss it. There'll be one in June, and I'm also thinking about having a few happy hours at Castaway Cove to warm up for the crawl. Don't recall if you signed up for the NW Territory party list, but if not, do - that's where you'll find out about all the action! Email me when you get to town!

[ Edited by: TikiMaxton on 2004-04-26 13:46 ]

Tikitronic posted on 04/29/2004

Aloha Everyone!
Tickets are now up for sale at

The Saturday Evening Ticket (June 26) includes admission, live entertainment by
Lushy, Selector Lopaka, a Polynesian Dance Review, and the 'Mystery' Surf Band.
There will also be vendors, a raffle, and more details to be announced!

The Two Day Package includes all of the above, and also admission to the Home Bar
bus-tour on Sunday June 27th, where you can explore some of the Portland area's
hidden Tiki treasures.

Additionally - the first 40 Two-Day Packages sold include a Commemorative 'Northwest
Tiki Crawl 2004' Tiki Mug.
We'll be revealing images (a customized Tiki Farm model) and full mug details within
the week!

(oh - wait - that wasn't very tiki...)

kingslod posted on 04/29/2004

OK! I just bought a 2 day package...damn, I must have really wanted that mug. Are you just keeping a list of people who paid, or are you mailing actual tickets? My address will be changing very shortly, so I don't want to miss any important mail....


Humuhumu posted on 05/14/2004

I just got word that my friend Monica from Seattle might be able to come down and join me for the NW Crawl. Some of you may remember her from the first Tiki Taix. She's great fun, I hope she can make it!

Gramps posted on 05/14/2004

Count me in. I am so there.


TikiMaxton posted on 05/14/2004

Just a couple of reminders: Tickets are available **IN ADVANCE ONLY ** and only on the website (www.nwtiki.com). Also, be sure and put your name on the mailing list when you visit the site, so you'll know about updates and changes as soon as they happen!

Hurry - the free mugs are going fast!

TikiMaxton posted on 05/15/2004

Greetings and Aloha again everyone!


Don't forget that you can only buy your Crawl tickets in advance, and only
at http://www.nwtiki.com. The free mugs are going fast, so get your tickets now
while they're still available!

---Posters and Postcards!---

We now have Crawl posters and postcards that we're busily distributing and
posting to various businesses that we think might be frequented by tiki
freaks. If you have (or know of) a business that might proudly (and
effectively) display our shameless (but visually stunning) self-promotion,
let me know and I'll make sure to get some material out.

--- Home Bar Profile: Ahi Lua! ---

We have added our first 'Home Tiki Bar Profile' to the nwtiki.com website!
This time
we're focusing on Ahi Lua, home to Mr Tiki Bar of Tiki Central.


--- Kenike's Wahines ---

We're very pleased to announce the addition of Kenike's Wahines Polynesian
Review to
our entertainment line up! We've added images and a full description here :


--- Hotel Suggestions ---

After our last announcement, several of you wrote and asked for hotel/motel
suggestions. So far we've got the following (in the general vicinity of
the Jasmine
Tree) :

Days Inn - 1414 SW 6th Avenue - 503.221.1611

Double Tree Hotel - 310 SW Lincoln - 1.503.221.0450

The Mark Spencer Hotel - 409 SW 11th Avenue - 1.800.548.3934

Downtown Value Inn - 415 SW Montgomery - 503.226.4751

That's all for today - we should have images up this weekend for the NW
Tiki Crawl 2004 Mug!


Note: This newsletter goes out to those on the NW Tiki mailing list AND
the Tiki Central NW Territiory Event mailing list. It's also posted on the
Events forum of Tiki Central, so you may receive duplicate copies if
you're on all those lists. Sorry for the inconvenience - just trying to
get the word out...

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The Mallory Hotel is as close to the Jasmine Tree as the Mark Spencer. It is at 729 SW 15th Ave.

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All paid up for the NW Crawl...I see the list of hotels, but does anyone have an opinion on where to stay?

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The Doubletree and the Downtown Value Inn are very close to the Jasmine Tree which will be handy for stumbling to bed purposes after the Saturday festivities. They are both also near the riverfront, downtown and cheap transit.
Here are a couple other close places that may be less expensive. I don't know anything about them other tham they are close to this same area.

4th Avenue Motel
1889 SW 4th Ave
PORTLAND, OR 97201 - 5303
(503) 226-7646

6th Avenue Motel
2221 SW 6th Ave
PORTLAND, OR 97201 - 4912
(503) 226-2979

On the eastside there is a Motel 6 on SE Powell Blvd that is close in. Maybe a 6 or 7 minute drive from the Jasmine Tree.
Motel 6
3104 SE Powell Blvd
Portland, OR 97202
Phone: (503) 238-0600

The Mallory Hotel has a classic feel and great bar (the Driftwood Lounge).

and yet one more link.

[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2004-05-17 18:33 ]

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I think the Mallory is a good choice. Cool bar and historic atmosphere.
If you pm me (and ask nicely) I can get you my husband's corporate rate on two very nice hotels in Portland. Both are like apartments and have a kitchen and separate bedroom/ living room. Both are in NW Portland. One is walking distance and the other is on the trolley line that will take you directly to the Jasmine Tree.

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"...I see the list of hotels, but
does anyone have an opinion on where to stay?"
I just survived two nights at the Palms Motel a block away from the Alibi. If you don't have high-falutin' tastes and can stand a mildly(but not really that bad) dive motel with an INCREDIBLE neon sign, I recommend the Palms--expect to pay $40 for a standard room. There was a fridge and microwave in the room. The motel (like the Alibi) is located on a new street car line that heads into downtown. I would stay at the motel again. It all depends on your tastes, though.

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Hello Everyone - this is just a quick announcement to reveal the customized 'NW Tiki Crawl 2004' Tiki Mug, by Tiki Farm. http://www.nwtiki.com/mug.html This is the mug you get for free if you're one of the first 40 people to buy a full-package ticket. There are still some free mugs left, so hurry and order your tickets today!

Also - as a few people have asked - we wanted to clarify that tickets are only
available online and IN ADVANCE.

That's the news for today - we'll have a photo layout of Castaway Cove online in a
few days!

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Hey, nice mug, Gents...will be drinking with you soon!

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Tiki Crawl Update:

Aloha everyone!

Reminder: The free mugs are going fast - get yours by being among the first 40 to purchase tickets to the event at http://www.nwtiki.com!

We'd like to announce the addition of our 'Castaway Cove' page to nwtiki.com. It can
be viewed at http://www.nwtiki.com/Cove.html

Castaway Cove, home bar to TikiMaxton, is one of the delightful locations you'll see on the 2004 NW Tiki Crawl Home Bar Tour! Seats on the Home Bar Tour Bus are limited, and at this time they're only available with the purchase of a full Crawl Pass, so if you want to be sure to see some of Portland's finest Home Tiki Bars, get your tickets right away! Sorry, but nobody will be allowed on the Home Bar Tour unless they're on the bus.

Thank you, and we hope to see you at the crawl!

UB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ce9c6565f9b2653c29c52ba870fd7d7a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

The Castaway looks killer!
Maggie and yourself did a very special job.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/40e2d48cfed67c6ff18ee7c37f026405?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Thanks, Unga! Why not come up and see it in all its glory? June 27th would work for me :wink:

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Cool, looks like there's going to be a pretty good turnout. Just got confirmation that my friend Monica is coming, too.

If you're thinking of coming (and you should be -- I've been to most of these places and met most of these people, and this weekend is not to be missed), better get your tickets pronto!

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4ed0482ef908816ba38086d76f2dda74?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Aloha all. Just caught Lushy again in Seattle at the Seattle Art Museum on Thursday night. They were sooo good; they played the whole set from the Oasis, at least. But you should have seen the rain! Must admit I'm patiently awaiting their reappearance a bit later in the "summer" months. Their sound is 50 degrees hotter than the weather in this damn town! :)

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b76a32d8b19e86dc6258bc0de29425a8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Hi Everyone - Exiting Crawl News to Report!

Selector Lopaka is very kindly creating an 25 track exclusive mix cd for the 2004 NW Tiki Crawl. We're calling it 'Music to Crawl By!'

Selector Lopaka has indicated that it will contain some rare exotica and Hawaiian music that not everybody will have in their collections.

This CD will only available to those who purchase their tickets by June 7th - so if you know you're coming but haven't bought your ticket yet - now is the time!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b76a32d8b19e86dc6258bc0de29425a8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Another Update - We'll be having a raffle during the Saturday night Jasmine Tree portion of the event. Each attendee will recieve one raffle ticket, and more tickets will be available that night.

The raffle prizes for this years event have grown significantly since the planning
stages - so far, the prizes are :

  • Caliente Tropics 2 night package
  • 2 Days at the Neskowin Condo at
    Proposal Rock Inn
  • A Tiki Bar Chalkboard by Tiki Maxton
  • A Poly-pop Shield carved by Tikitronic
  • Multiple treasures by Woofmutt
  • and a mug from Munktiki (details

Details, images, and a full list of raffle prizes will be maintained at

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/40e2d48cfed67c6ff18ee7c37f026405?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

And let's not forget The Big, Mysterious, Tiki Grab Boxes of Mystery! Nobody knows what treasures might be found inside these mysterious boxes (of mystery). A previously unknown Ren Clark mug? An original, hand-painted Trechikoff? The pickled and preserved brain of Trader Vic? Get real! But there * will* be surprises galore in store for the lucky winner of one of these exciting, mysterious collections...

...of MYSTERY!

And you can't win if you don't buy a ticket to the crawl! How can you sleep at night thinking about how good your chances might be to win one of these fabulous prizes, if only you'd get around to buying your crawl ticket? Face it, you can't! So get on over to http://www.nwtiki.com and get your tickets now! NOW, I say! Don't put your family through another day of this sweating, maddening uncertainty! You owe it to your loved ones to BUY A TICKET NOW! We only say it because we care about you. You know that, don't you?


(who is quite obviously taking advantage of the fact that he still has some rum left over from his memorial day shindig)

Edited to correct a number of rum-soaked mispellings

[ Edited by: TikiMaxton on 2004-06-06 23:07 ]

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Couldn't resist. Just bought my full-package ticket.

But hey, you knew I was coming anyway, right? lol That little taste of PortlandTiki last month merely whetted my appetite!

Hotelwise, I genuinely endorse The Palms. It's shabby but clean, the fridge and microwave concept rules, the bathtub was entertainingly weird, and, most of all, the SIGN is a religious experience.

(What I especially enjoyed is that the owner totally agrees with me about that! He will happily give you a snapshot of it and tell you about his plans to make the monkey move UP and DOWN the tree!)

And besides, it's SO DAMNED CHEAP!!! which leaves more $$ for thrifting and drinking...AND AND AND it's ACROSS THE STREET from the Alibi! 'nuff said.

Maxtons, Tikimama and Melintur, MrTikibar and SparkleGem and family--I am very much looking forward to seeing you all again!

XOX Tikivixen

p.s. Crampus Rules.

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Thanks for the hotel info everyone! After weighing all the options and everyone's helpful reviews, I think I'll go for the Palms myself...especially after seeing that cool sign!
I found their web page with a pic of the sign, here 'tis.


I'm looking forward to meeting you all at the Crawl! Cheers! K

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c1b38c46758c148b79da911dd3992cf9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Tiki Vixen!
It is wonderful to hear that you will be coming to the crawl!! It was great fun on your last visit. Hope that we can go shopping while you are here. Frances and Krampus say HI, too!
Very Best,

E Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Tikivixen--you were a selling point of the event for me--I booked after I saw you were going! I look forward to meeting you...shall I expect you to be wearing red? :wink: I have recruited my sister so far and possibly a friend that lives in Vancouver and I gave someone else a kick in the pants so he'll buy his ticket. :wink:

Does anyone know the TIMES that the events start? What time are we to meet at the Alibi on Saturday? What time does the Home Bar Tour start and where do we meet on that? Since I am trying to coordinate things I need to know this info (I didn't see it on the web...direct me to it if it's posted somewhere). Thanks so much!!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/40e2d48cfed67c6ff18ee7c37f026405?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

There will be a new thread for the crawl as we move down the home stretch, so keep an eye open for it. Until then, here's the tentative schedule for the Crawl:

Saturday, 6/26:
6:00 pm: Meet and Greet at Alibi
7:30-8:00 pm: Begin making our way to Jasmine Tree via the MAX train.
8:00 - Close: Party hardy at Jasmine Tree!

Sunday, 6/27:
Noon: Meet at Mr. Tikibar's place.
1:00 ish: Board the WikiWiki bus for a tour of the remaining 4 bars.
6:00 pm: Arrive back at Mr. Tikibar's.

More detailed itinerary to be posted soon!

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wish I was gonna be in town for that!
Made it down to Portland this last weekend, and FINALLY got to see the Alibi. WONDERFUL! Mai Tais were tasty, but
WEAK!!! dernit. 3 of em didn't do anything to me. fooey. But Karaoke was fun, and I took some pix. On the way out, i got a great pic of the Palms. Looked much nicer and cleaner than their site shows. I'll post it soon I hope. Didn't see any tiki folks from the board, but did see the NW tiki crawl posters. SPiffy! Did git to have food from Noho's, YUMMMMMY.
Anyhow, have a great time at the crawl. I'll be sippin mai tais that weekend in Indiana. Fellow TC member Mattfink will probably be there too. We'll toast to the Crawl!

Pages: 1 39 replies