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Who has the most Tiki mugs?

Pages: 1 18 replies

SullTiki posted on 09/22/2002

I was just curious as to the size of everyone's collection. I've only been collecting for the past 3 years. I just counted them up and i'm at 87.

tikifish posted on 09/22/2002

I think Mr. Smiley has 87 of every kind!!!
You've got a lotta catching up to do...

Tiki Diablo posted on 09/22/2002

I don't know who has the most, but I have the BIGGEST ONE! I'll show it to everybody at the Big Ol Tiki Bash. Keep your minds out of the gutter folks.

[ Edited by: thechikitiki on 2002-09-21 23:02 ]

SullTiki posted on 09/22/2002

Ah yes, the infamous and elusive John C. Holmes Mug...

Tiki King posted on 10/02/2002

I have millions, MILLIONS I TELL YOU! They are hidden in houses and garages and storage units all over the world, but there mine, ALL MINE! AHHHA AH HA HA HA HHHAA HHAAaaaaa....ha. uhh, Doctor?

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 10/02/2002

I have 62 different ones. I do not collect doubles. I have been collecting since the end of May this year. This is addicting.

TheTikiGuy posted on 10/02/2002

90 mugs, most of them vintage

Trader Woody posted on 10/02/2002

I wouldn't worry too much about the quantity of Tiki mugs you have...there's people out there with collections so vast that you'd hyperventilate as soon as you enter their collection room(s). To get a large collection these days you either need a limitless supply of $$$ or are willing to fill a wall with leilani mugs.

My advice is to treat your mug collection like you would a record collection....go for ones you particularly like or have some sort of personal attachment too. That way it's YOUR collection and not just a size issue.

Trader Woody

PolynesianPop posted on 10/02/2002

My advice is to treat your mug collection like you would a record collection....go for ones you particularly like or have some sort of personal attachment too. That way it's YOUR collection and not just a size issue.

Because size doesn't matter, right Mr. Woody? :)

Trader Woody posted on 10/02/2002

Well I've always heard it's actually the 'width' of your collection that really counts.

(And how you display it, of course!)

Trader Woody

mrsmiley posted on 10/03/2002

I only have a couple chipped Benihana mugs--unless my TV show tonight on Home & Garden Tv proves me to be a liar!!

tikivixen posted on 10/03/2002

OOH! OOH! mrsmiley is SUCH a liar. He has a bunch of "Trader Dick's" ones, and even some of those incredibly rare and expensive coconut mugs from Trader Vic's!!!

DawnTiki posted on 10/03/2002

It's true I saw Chiki's Tiki Mug with my own eyes, it was so BIG, it had its own room, I started to walk up to it, I thought about what it might be like to take a sip from the rim of this drinking vessel fit for the Gods, then I noticed an earie blue light emanating from depths of this Massive Monster Mug! My palms started to sweat, my knees got week, my head began to swoon, I turned and ran out of that room, to frightened to look back! :drink: Come to think of it.....it could have been the fumes from all the varnish! PEE U! Great Mug!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2002-10-02 19:45 ]

the75stingray posted on 10/03/2002

Well, I always heard that it wasnt how BIG your collection was, it was how you used it.

Lets just say that I have quite a few more than my wife would like me to have...and fewer than I would lik eto have.
But, unlike some others, I do collect doubles of everything! I guess it's that obbessive-compulsive thing I've spoken about, but I'm always afraid that one will get broken - and atleast I'll have a back up. (No, I could NEVER live in So Cal - too much shakin out there.)
I am so bad about this that if I had 10 of my Stephen Crane Luau mugs (as seen on the back of the BOT), and I was about to be foreclosed upon and live in a cardboard box, I would only sell 5 of those mugs..and maybe trade 1. But, I would keep atleast 2 in case 1 of 'em got broke.

Very anal...I know...I'm told that frequently. I am a very sad excuse for a person. :(


Tiki Diablo posted on 10/03/2002

Thankyou for enjoying my tiki mug Dawntiki. We have moved it to Bamboo Ben's store to keep the custom-made tiki bars company.

tikimug posted on 10/04/2002

Some advice for those of you who haven't been blessed with a BIG one, do what I did and go buy a corvette! :wink:

Trader Woody posted on 10/04/2002

I don't even drive......you know what that means, girls. wink.

Trader Woody

sexotica posted on 10/04/2002

Woody, your name says it all! :wink:

martiki posted on 10/04/2002

I have all the mugs I need...but not all the mugs I want.



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