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What is Your favorite Rum?

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JTD posted on 05/03/2004

On 2004-04-29 15:10, martiki wrote:
Cruzan has recently started selling a dark rum in the states called Cruzan Black Strap Rum. It's a heavy molasses rum in the vein of a Whalers or Myers's, but it's excellent for certain drinks, and reasonable priced as well. Look for it.

I tried this out this weekend. Very strong flavor. Very much like maple syrup, which I happen to like. Will overpower a delicate drink, so use carefully.


kick_the_reverb posted on 05/04/2004

regarding Cruzan "Dark Rum".
A couple of months ago I bought a 1.75 L bottle of Cruzan Dark Rum (aged at least 2 years is waht it says on the bottle). I suspect it's not the "new" Cruzan dark.
Anyone have an opinion about it? I intend to bring it to the Oasis as one of my supplies, but should it be used as "Dark" or just treated like light virgin Islands rum?
What do the experts say?


Klas posted on 05/08/2004

On 2002-09-25 11:15, Mano Tiki Tia wrote:
I know that there are different rums for different drinks, but on the whole what would be the one rum you just could not live without. Either a favorite or most used rum.

My most used rum and one of my favorites is the El Dorado Demerara dark rum. For some reason it's also relative inexpensive by swedish standards.

TheMuggler posted on 05/08/2004

The 15 year El Dorado Demerara is my hands down favorite. For every day mixing I like the Lemon Hart but when I want a really spectacular cocktail only the El Dorado will do.

Also, its even tasty straight.

[ Edited by: TheMuggler on 2004-05-08 13:22 ]

TikiGardener posted on 05/08/2004

[i]On 2004-05-03 07:50, Johnny Dollar wrote i found a bottle of it this weekend, but did not purchase it. it was pretty cool. it didn't have a price but the fella said it was 40-something dollars. i'm pretty sure the technology to light up the label is the same as came out about 5 years ago for aftermarket auto customizing - these phosphorescent strips that are flexible and light up with a 9 volt battery. you coculd conceivably make your car look like it came out of TRON.

but TRON wouldn't be drinking such fine rum, of course...

Tron? Did someone say Tron? Ok this isn't tiki, but it ties in percectly ( in an evil way ) with the above mention of Tron, and its friggin hilarious!

My retinas are permanently singed.

It may take a little while to load.

Have a drink and don't say I didn't warn you...

Kono posted on 05/09/2004

On 2004-04-29 15:10, martiki wrote:
Cruzan has recently started selling a dark rum in the states called Cruzan Black Strap Rum. It's a heavy molasses rum in the vein of a Whalers or Myers's, but it's excellent for certain drinks, and reasonable priced as well. Look for it.

Wow. Out of curiosity, I just bought a bottle of this tonight. I really like this rum. I'm sipping it on the rocks no mixer and it's very good. Kind of like a sweet stout with a little kahlua thrown in. And it has such a nice aroma. I think I might pick up some of that Dooley's toffee liqueur I've been eyeballing and try mixing the two. I think I actually prefer this over Meyer's (heresy!) and it cost about 40% less.

Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/11/2004

I'm still learning a lot about rum, but I have been a BIG fan of Gosslings Black Seal for several years. It makes a great floater on drinks, as well as a unique pina colada. Unfortunately it is a little difficult for me to come by in Santa Barbara CA. My routs have usually been ordering online, but in my recent quest for unusual liquors (trying to match Grog Log and Intoxica) I have frequented most of the liquor stores in town. I just scored a bottle of Black Seal today for $13.99, which is about $10 less than I have usually paid for it. :D
Yesterday I also scored a 1L bottle of Lemon Hart 151 for....... $19.00.
I believe these both to be a case of "been sitting on the shelf too long, and forgot how much they were supposed to be."
EIther way, I am a happy.... and tipsy man!


P.S. Anyone know of a way to get a hold of some Havana Club (or other rum from that island we don't talk to)?

[ Edited by: Tonnikan Jinn on 2004-05-10 23:49 ]

midian posted on 05/11/2004

could someone, please, name other heavy molasses rums?!?

thejab posted on 05/11/2004

On 2004-05-11 07:25, midian wrote:
could someone, please, name other heavy molasses rums?!?

Other rums besides which ones?

The darkest rums like Myers's and Coruba and Whalers are dark because of caramel coloring, not molasses or aging.

shroud posted on 06/20/2004

Rums from Spain are so very underrated. I brought back a bottle of Ron Pujols which is a very exceptional brown rum.
My favorite dark rum is Ron Amazona which is from the Island of Mallorca, Spain. This rum is my absolute favorite of all rums with a very sweet mollasses flavor, perfect to sip on with ice. I have tried to find a place to buy it outside of Mallorca but have been unable to. My local liquor store recommended Goslings Black Seal as a subsitute, but it is not nearly as thick or dark as the Ron Amazona which has a smoother and bolder taste. Highly recommended if you ever visit Mallorca.

shroud posted on 07/14/2004

From the advice of this thread I picked up a bottle of Pyrate XO for $30 and a bottle of Cruzan Single Barrell for $23.

Trader Woody posted on 07/18/2004

Hey Shroud, I got married out there in Mallorca but never tried the local rums. The whole wedding crowd got stuck into the local liquer Tunel, as well as the excellent Spanish brandies that cost next to nothing at all the local bars.

Certainly the Mallorcan distillaries did a great job of imitating English gin, so it's great to hear that they are producing good rum. I'll look out for some when I visit Spain in the Fall.

Trader Woody

shroud posted on 07/18/2004

Hi Trader Woody,

Be sure to pick up a bottle of Ron Amazona. This stuff is great, I even like it better then Pyrat XO Reserve. Was able to find a place that sells it online from Barcelona, however since I live in the state of Georgia, I am unable to purchase alcohol by mail order.
In Mallorca I visited Palma Nova and was very surprised to see that the British had taken over that area. English was spoken on the street with very little Spanish. Lots of shops were run by British who had moved to Mallorca and lots of cheap alcohol.
Guess I will have to stick with the Pyrat XO Reserve as thats the best rum that I can buy locally. The Cruzan Single barrel is a good second choice, although the flavor of the Pyrat seemed more exotic to me.

Johnny Dollar posted on 01/17/2005

On 2004-02-09 16:52, Tikiwahine wrote:
Thought I'd revive an old thread, lots of good info here.

Has anyone else ever seen/tried this rum?

I saw it while visiting Gaithersburg, MD and almost bought it because the label was so cool. I passed on it since my limit was 4 bottles, and it didn't look like the quality was there.

tikiwahine, the bottle i bought last saturday nite there was $7 and it would probably be fine for a mixer. i tried it straight and "smooth" wasn't the first thought that came to mind :)

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2005-01-17 09:51 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 01/17/2005

On 2005-01-17 09:50, Johnny Dollar wrote:

tikiwahine, the bottle i bought last saturday nite there was $7 and it would probably be fine for a mixer. i tried it straight and "smooth" wasn't the first thought that came to mind :)

I have not received my bottle yet.
Guessing it wasn't good to begin with, I bought the bottle to hang up in the bar (eye-candy).

the drunken hat posted on 01/17/2005

i'd have to say my top 3 rums in no paticular order would be:

pyrat xo
mt gay extra old
zaya reserve

all three are fabulous in their own way.

hewey posted on 01/18/2005

My fave rum is Australian - Bundaberg Rum. Great with coke (i know, not very tiki), and a great sense of humour in their adds and stuff.

Otherwise, I made up this for a re-labelled bottle of rum:

Heweys Brew is brewed from
specially selected sugarcane,
harvested under a full moon
by voluptuous island natives
scantily clad in coconut bikinis.

Upon drinking Heweys Brew,
the individual is transported
to a time devoid of politically
correct bullshit, where it is
still acceptable to sacrifice
a virgin for entertainment.

Heweys Brew is a beverage
the whole family can enjoy,
from old codgers to ankle biters.

Tikiwahine posted on 01/18/2005

On 2005-01-17 09:50, Johnny Dollar wrote:
tikiwahine, the bottle i bought last saturday nite there was $7 and it would probably be fine for a mixer. i tried it straight and "smooth" wasn't the first thought that came to mind :)

Ahh, so my suspicions were correct! It is a very cool bottle though, definitely a keeper for the shelf. Maybe next time I'll pick one up. At $7, who cares what it tastes like!

edited to add the / in quote

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2005-01-18 11:20 ]

SwingingTiki posted on 05/27/2005

Hey there, I goofed and started a new thread before seeing this one. My current fav is Pyrate Planter's Gold for sipping. I'm very much a rum sipper, and it's good. Some rums can taste kind of hairspray-ish, but Planter's Gold is very smooth and kind of sweet, while still having a nutty, woody bite to it. For dark rum, I'm a Gosling's Black Seal man. I tend to stay away from Bacardi. To me, it's just too bitter.

Unga Bunga posted on 06/08/2005

On 2002-10-20 11:47, weirduncletiki wrote:
My favorite sipping rum is Anniversario Ron Anejo from Venezuela. It has a rich caramely flavor, with a wonderful warm mouth feel and just the right amount of heat to rival a fine cognac. It's barrel aged and has nuances of oak. We, in Southern California, only get about 24 bottles shipped in from the distributor each year. Seems Vendome Liquors in Toluca Lake has cornered this year's shipment and sold it off to a waiting list. I was in there yesterday and much to my surprise, there were four bottles not spoken for on their shelf. One went home with me, but there are three more waiting to be enjoyed. Look for it in its distinctive leather pouch. Mmmm...

On 2002-09-25 18:52, tikibars wrote:
Lately, I've been digging the Ron Anejo Anniversario Pampero rum. This stuff is hard to get, though.

I just bought a bottle of this liquid gold and I'm hooked!
The Tiki Gids are smiling upon me. My local liquor store carries it.
Should be for sipping only.

I dream of tiki posted on 11/07/2005

Geez, I wish it wasn't so hard to get Lemon Hart in Florida.

[ Edited by: I dream of tiki 2005-11-07 09:25 ]

Tiki Rotterdam posted on 11/07/2005

Malteco Ron 15 years old
El Dorado 12 years old
El Dorado 15 years old

[ Edited by: Tiki Rotterdam 2005-11-07 11:59 ]

tiki-el posted on 11/07/2005

Sailor Jerry's rum is my fav! It is great!

hiltiki posted on 11/08/2005

Funny you should say that tiki-el, I just bought one yesterday first time for $11.99 on sale at Ralphs, I am not sure about the price or the taste but it looked good.

DrMiguelito posted on 11/08/2005

For sipping:

Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos
Pyrat XO
Mount Gay Extra Old

For mixing:

Mount Gay Eclipse
Flor de Cana 4 Year
Matusalem Platino

Matt Reese posted on 11/24/2005

Just got my first bottle of Pyrat XO and it's my favorite sipping rum so far. For mixing I love El Dorado demerara and Myers.

Tiki Rotterdam posted on 11/24/2005

I bought a bottle of Malteco Ron 20 y.o. from Guatemala the other day and i think its incredible!
The 15 year old is extraordinary too.
I'm not sure if the real hardcore rumdrinkers will like it though because its almost like a very smooth cognac, as soft as it can get.

foamy posted on 11/24/2005

For all purpose sipp'in and shots: Mount Gay. I'm pretty sure that I should'ave bought stock in the distillery years ago. An open bottle doesn't last long in the Vortex.

Specialty: Goslings Black Seal. You can't make a Dark'n Stormy without it. If you haven't had a Dark'n Stormy, you owe it to yourself to try one. Easy to make. A mug, ice, Black Seal and Ginger beer. Classic.

finkdaddy posted on 11/26/2005

On 2005-11-24 07:52, foamy wrote:

Specialty: Goslings Black Seal. You can't make a Dark'n Stormy without it. If you haven't had a Dark'n Stormy, you owe it to yourself to try one. Easy to make. A mug, ice, Black Seal and Ginger beer. Classic.

I absolutely love the smell of Goslings Black Seal.

hala bullhiki posted on 12/31/2005

well, between our trip to jamaica and christmas, i got a ton of new rums in our bar...in jamaica we had everyone in our party bring back 3 bottles each, we got havana club(silver),appleton v/x,appleton reserve,appleton extra,coruba(dark),j.wray &nephew overproof white(green&yellow label),jbw genuine white overproof(red label),goldlabel trelawny jamacian rum,wray and nephew berry hill pimento liqueur,wray&nephew rum cream.......then for christmas, the wahine gave me a bottle of the appleton 21 year reserve!...and finally, for standing up in the wedding in jamaica, tom&melissa(see benzarts rings) got us a bottle of el dorado demerara 25 year old millinium edition bottle #430 out of only 2000 made!!!....i gotta say my 2 favorite rums to use in drinks is the havana club(which we have been substituting as suggested in the grog log, and the coruba which we have been substituting for myers dark.....im glad i can get the coruba easy, now i just need a regular supply of havana club!

Chip and Andy posted on 04/10/2006

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2009-06-05 17:43 ]

rupe33 posted on 09/13/2006

Haven't seen one of my favorites listed in here yet -
Ron Matusalem Platino is a silver rum that's nearly sippable, something that I find to be quite rare; it always seems like the darker ones are more useful for sipping.

It's from the Dominican Republic, and their website is here:

They also have a darker Classico and a Gran Reserva (15-year), but I've not tried those yet. There's a lot of info on their site - here's the Platino's page:


[ Edited by: rupe33 2006-09-13 07:28 ]

GentleHangman posted on 09/15/2006

Being Diabetic, I must keep my consumption of rum to a minimum. Rather than tempting myself with an array of different rums, I've pared it down to simply two that I use singly or together as needed:

Appelton Estates VX
Saint James Hors D'Age

Since the Mai Tai is my Tiki drink of preference, this works well for me.


Mr. Mark posted on 11/07/2006

I don't think anyone has yet mentioned One Barrel rum from Belize. It has a subtle, pleasing hint of brown sugar that works well in a lot of drinks. I would certainly use it more if it were a little easier to obtain. Good stuff.

danimal posted on 12/08/2006

On 2006-11-07 11:44, Mr. Mark wrote:
I don't think anyone has yet mentioned One Barrel rum from Belize. It has a subtle, pleasing hint of brown sugar that works well in a lot of drinks. I would certainly use it more if it were a little easier to obtain. Good stuff.

Mr. Mark,
One Barrel is relatively easy to buy in California. Try HiTime Wines or Robert Burns Wines.



[ Edited by: danimal 2006-12-08 07:09 ]

pappythesailor posted on 12/08/2006

I feel about rum as do about coffee--it's mostly all good (except that #&%@ Starbucks). Flavored, unflavored, imported, domestic, cheap, expensive--I'm usually happy with it. But my desert island rum: Myers's Dark. No question.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 12/10/2006

Pyrat Rum XO Reserve the fine cognac of Rums.

There are many others I like....even pricier, but dollar for dollar this one of the tops.

Although I NEVER use it for mixing and as any good Scotsman will tell ya I only drink it NEAT!

kikekeki posted on 12/11/2006

El Dorado Special Reserve (15 year Demerara)...
smooth :)

danimal posted on 05/03/2007

I scored a 50ml sample of Santa Teresa 1796 at Rumfest in Ybor City. It's a great rum in the Spanish style. Medium dark with strong legs. Lemon pepper nose. Spicy and dry, without the usual oaky-whiskey overtones that most Caribbean rums get from their casks. I assume that this rum, or ron, is aged in barrels made from local hardwood. It's really a nice, interesting rum and worth finding.

I've been asked to help judge rums at The Tales of the Cocktail by the Minister of Rum, Ed Hamilton. The competition is scheduled for mid-July. I'll post a report here with all the news that's fit to print.


TikiJosh posted on 05/04/2007

On 2006-04-10 15:02, Chip and Andy wrote:
Reading this and seeing several of you mention Sailor Jerry's with a smile, I have to ask if I got a bad bottle?

On a recent trip to the gulf Coast of Florida, I found a bottle of Sailor Jerry's in Fort Meyers (I think) and got it mostly for the label. When I got home and opened the bottle, my first impression was "What is this spiced with? Pure Sugar?" Upon tasting, I had a similar reaction. This stuff is called "Spiced" and is a nice 92 proof, but I can't figure out what it is spiced with..... I think I would rather drink pure molasses with grain alcohol added......

Is Sailor Jerry's an acquired taste? Is it really a good rum and I got a bad batch? Or is this something I just put on the shelf and look at the pretty girl on the label?

It actually reminded me of cherry brandy or cough syrup or something like that. I'm not sure what they did to it, either, but it is, ummmm, interesting.
Hmmmm, favorite. Hard to say. I haven't tried them all yet!
I guess if I was picking from stuff that I have tried, I would pick maybe Zaya or Ron Zacapa for sipping, and either Lemon Hart or Appleton for mixing. I picked up a 50mL bottle of black seal a while back and I thought that stuff was great. I have yet to try any of the Cruzan rums like black strap. Saw the Belize One Barrel at Hi Times the other day. I almost bought it but decided against since I've never heard anything. Now that there's a positive recommendation, I'll have to give it a try.

GentleHangman posted on 05/04/2007

A Smith Brothers cough drop comes to mind when I taste Sailor Jerry's rum!

Unga Bunga posted on 05/07/2007

Ron Zacapa "Centenario" 23 Anos Aged Rum !

(As already menioned here.)

Bincho posted on 05/07/2007

Thanks for the warnings about Sailor Jerry's --The bottle was in my hand just the other day.

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 05/15/2007

The best rum I ever had was St. James vintage 1937, from Martinique. I was at a shop in St. Barth's, checking out the rums, and the clerk mentioned that he had something I would be interested in. He brought out a bottle that had the top broken off, but no glass went in the bottle. They couldn't sell it anymore, but would give it out as samples. Vintage from 1937, aged in the barrel! This was the smoothest, cleanest, most flavorful rum I have ever had. They had one older vintage, from 1885, but it was about $3000 for the bottle.

siMcOe wAbO posted on 05/16/2007

i just tried some English harbour 5yr rum from antigua......wicked!!

full caramel flavour...delicious in mixed or with water and ice!!

next is a blantons bourbon.....

then a demerra rum......

then another tequila.....

and so on and so forth.....


Scottes posted on 06/05/2007

I finally cracked my bottle of Appleton Estate 21-year-old. Very nice indeed. I would have to place this as my third favorite so far - after the Ron Zacapa Centenario 23-year-old and the Flor de Caña 21 (which I enjoy slightly more because of its complexity). One day I’ll have to sit all three of these rums down and do a comparison. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.

Tikitatt posted on 06/05/2007

Does anyone know of a rum bar in Orange County, CA. area? I would like to try different types of rum without buying all the bottles.



danimal posted on 01/01/2008

HiTime Wines has Old Grog from Clarke's Court on their website for under $20. It's a heck of a rum at that price.


[ Edited by: danimal 2008-02-14 18:04 ]

Pages: 1 2 3 4 174 replies