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Serious Chainsaw Carving School. Seriously!

Pages: 1 5 replies

Turbogod posted on 09/24/2002

It seems a little pricey. If I could afford it though....



SullTiki posted on 09/24/2002

Damn you...you beat me to it. Guess i'm not the only one who reads FARK.

theandrewssister posted on 09/24/2002

well, I think that's cruel -- sticking a big pole up that poor bear's hem-hem...

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 09/24/2002

What do you think of a school that has a "Student Complaints" section on their homepage!?!....Who's going to want to be the 'complainer' of the class with a bunch of guys with chainsaws staring you down?


Turbogod posted on 09/24/2002

Plus it'd be pretty easy to narrow down the complainer with a class of 6

TikiMikey posted on 09/24/2002

On 2002-09-24 14:48, Turbogod wrote:
.... it'd be pretty easy to narrow down the complainer with a class of 6

Especially when only 5 showed up for class the next day!

Pages: 1 5 replies