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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Official Introductions Thread. New Members, Post your introduction here...

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sbmoor26 posted on 05/21/2004

Aloha, I'm sbmoor and a local of the DC area. I'm thinking about doing a Tiki Tour (bike tour) connecting all of the tiki bars here, though there were many more in my native state, Florida. Anyway, hola.

freddiefreelance posted on 05/22/2004

sbmoor26, check out the Maryland/Virginia/DC Tiki Webpage for more info on your area, & maybe contact members Sabina, Johntiki, Turbogod & ikitnrev, among others.

Red Sand Man posted on 05/22/2004

Hello everyone,

My name is Erick, AKA Red Sand Man, and I am an addict........to tiki that is. My addiction began in my teen years hanging out with a gang from the wrong side of the Pacific. It started off with what seemed like a harmless plate of spam and rice. Next thing I knew I had a small pile of slippahs outside my shack door. I was stealing away in the dark am hours in hopes to snag myself a few choice waves. On the road trips up and down the coast, as we passed liquour stores, bars, hotels, and apartment buildings with the polynesian/oceania/hawaiian theme. I would think to myself wouldn't it be cool to live there.

Well as I grew up and began to assimilate into society I would have tiki binges......Taking a date to Sam's seafood for the show. Picking up the occasional mug or hapawood tiki and hiding it away in my closet so the girlfriend du jour wouldn't ask me "What are you keeping that tacky ugly thing for?" (My wife still says this, but at least she doesn't ditch them on me)

For the longest time I believed that I was alone, that I was sick. Then I found Tiki Central,......and I realized that I was not alone. Thank You Tiki Central.

MachTiki posted on 05/22/2004

Welcome to your new home Red Sand Man. We're here for ya.

Mike the Headhunter posted on 05/24/2004

Greetings all,
I am mike and I am just joining TC. I have been collecting and scouring the mountains of western nc for 3 years. Looking forward to posting and questioning. Hasta whatever

Johnny Dollar posted on 05/24/2004

welcome aboard! feel free to post any photos of yer cooler stuff under "collecting tiki!" muchas thanks

Tiki Farmer posted on 05/26/2004

Hello everyone!

I have been monitoring the board for a little while but finally decided to join and post. I'm kind of in the wasteland of tiki in central Iowa, nothing within 6 hours. Doing my best in this town of red Mai Tai's to educate people about tiki. Thanks.

kha_o posted on 05/26/2004

I'm kind of in the wasteland of tiki in central Iowa, nothing within 6 hours. Doing my best in this town of red Mai Tai's to educate people about tiki. Thanks.

I feel for you - I went to the U of Iowa in the early 90's and came to the conclusion that regular pilgramages to Chicago was the only cure for my Tiki needs. Had some luck in Iowa City with the junk stores finding mugs, but the drink of choice in IC is cheap beer (and lots of it).

ChefMike posted on 05/26/2004

Hello All! So glad to have found this board.I live in the Dayton, Ohio area and was convinced that with the destruction of the Kahiki, that my link with Tiki was all but gone.

tiki teresa posted on 05/27/2004

Hello! I just registered and posted a message in Collecting Tiki! Yay! I'm no longer just lurking here.

I run a tiki/Hawaiiana store online, just moved to Southern California from the Bay Area, and pretty much love all things tropical. I recently tried to explain to someone how I got into tiki and realized that it must have been brewing for a long time - as a kid I lived a couple blocks up the street from the Tradewinds Motel (they had a really cool old neon sign with polynesian looking sailboats on it) and the Little Outrigger bar (must have driven past them 1000s of times). Plus, I used to go on surfing trips to Hawaii with my parents, so it's no wonder that palm tree dotted islands and rum drinks make me feel at home. :)

Any tiki folks in the Pasadena area?

Tiki Teresa

TNTiki posted on 05/28/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:18 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 05/28/2004

Welcome to Tiki Central!

Tiki Farmer
and tiki teresa!

Cheers! :drink:

TIKIJACK2001 posted on 05/28/2004

Good day, All. I'm TIKIJACK.

I'm new to this whole Tiki thing.... I kinda stumbled onto it while researching the latest request by my wife.... a Tiki Bar on our deck!!!! I was looking for photos and ideas and came across this site. All I can say is, "WOW!!" I'm starting to see why she is so Gung-Ho about this project!! There's no doubt in my mind that once you "Go Tiki," you never "Go Back!!"

Here's the scenario: I am on a limited budget, to start, anyways. I'm sure the bars I've seen in your pictures weren't created overnight, they just keep growing and growing as you keep adding neat Tiki stuff. But I'm looking to start this project and have an "operational" bar by mid-summer. My questions to the group are this:
#1: Where do I begin?
#2: What features MUST I include to have a true Tiki Bar? Are there things that JUST CAN'T be omitted?

Any input from you guys & gals would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!

PiPhiRho posted on 05/28/2004

Hello Tiki Teresa,

I can't think off hand of any other of the regular hoiti toities who are specifically in Pasadena, but you are near the Bahooka. Bahooka is located nearby in Rosemead on Rosemead Blvd. at Lower Azusa Rd. You should consider joining us there on July 10 for the Von Franco "Night of Tiki" show. 7:30 PM. Bring business cards for your store.

freddiefreelance posted on 05/28/2004

tiki teresa, I think Tiki Gardener is from the City of Poodles & I lived there through most of the '80s. My parents still live in Arcadia & I'm certain there're plenty of LA, SFV & SGV Hoity Toities who'll be happy to drop in if invited.

TNTiki posted on 05/28/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:18 ]

PiPhiRho posted on 05/28/2004

On 2004-05-28 14:42, TNTiki wrote:
Hey PiPhiRho:

I will be in Pasadena the week of July 4th. Is the Von Franco show private or can I come?

Would love to go.

No, I don't think it is private. Just show up.


Barteld posted on 05/29/2004

Hi there, I am from Holland, not much Tiki here. I just joined you guys, cuz i just started to gain interest in tiki (and googie, the jetsons style). I will be checking a lot, i also just started to make some tikistyle drawings, so ill may just be posting some of them.
Greetings from Holland!

TNTiki posted on 05/30/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:19 ]

tomanikitiki posted on 05/31/2004

Aloha from Vancouver BC

New to this site, been TRYING to collect tiki stuff, as well as trying to build a tiki bar in our townhouse. Look forward to getting ideas from all of you.

Tikiwahine posted on 05/31/2004

Aloha and Welcome to Tiki Central tomanikitiki!

I'm just across the straight from you, good to see another Canadian on board!

Have fun with your bar build, you will find LOADS of info here.
Don't forget to post some pictures!

If you're able to travel, the Northwest Tiki Crawl is happening in Portland at the end of June!

tomanikitiki posted on 06/01/2004

Heard about that Wahine, was thinking about giving it a go

tomanikitiki posted on 06/01/2004

By the way thanks for the welcome....and are there any good places to pick up mugs on the Island?

Tikiwahine posted on 06/01/2004

I was really hoping to attend, but unfortunately I may be going to Hawaii on the 29th. Hopefully next year I'll be there!

Tikiwahine posted on 06/01/2004

Heh, you think I'll give away my best spots? :wink:

I have the best luck in thrift stores.

Capitol Iron downtown is full of all sorts of old nautical stuff, they have really cheap bamboo if you need it for your bar. (4" diameter pieces 8-12' long for $12)

tomanikitiki posted on 06/01/2004

Hmmmmm....Hawaii...Oregon...Hawaii....Oregon...choices choices, lol......that is a good price for the bamboo...too bad the ferry costs so much :)

Tikiwahine posted on 06/01/2004

hehe, no kidding!

There are a couple other Vancouver Tiki people on here...fartsatune, Travellin' Tiki & Velvet Ruby maybe some more lurkers...come out come out! :)

TNTiki posted on 06/01/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:22 ]

Dolphin Tiki posted on 06/01/2004

Hey Everyone!!!
I'm not really new to Tiki Central, but for those of you who already know me, you're probably thinking, "Well, it's about time!!!"
Yes, I finally registered! Z-Girl here.
Y'all can continue to call me Z-Girl if you wish, but I will be posting as Dolphin Tiki.

I figured posting in the introductions thread would be a good first start with this whole web forum thing. But look for my REAL first post in the main discussion area.

Well, I guess it's official, I'm really a part of the group now! LoL

Formikahini posted on 06/01/2004

Welcome (officially) Dolphin Z-Girl! Nice to have you 'round here! I always kinda thought of you as being here anyway, just cuz. But now you really ARE! Yaaaay!
Miss F

vartiki posted on 06/02/2004

HI everyone, I am new to this but I love everything about tiki

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/02/2004

I know I am late doing this but ALOHA from the tropical paradise that is the land of cheese and beer, WISCONSIN!!

cheekytiki posted on 06/02/2004

Yeah,I'm another late entry, A big Hi from London to everybody

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/02/2004

To all you neewbies like me make sure you check out cheekytiki's website, and make sure to really explore TC (Tiki Central) I swear every time I come to spend time here I find someone or something new!!

Nai'a posted on 06/05/2004

Aloha Nui! Looks like a great information cite as well as making new friends. I have enjoyed the many topics discussed and will be contributing to the discussions. I work with dolphins in my spare time, thus my name Nai'a (porpoise) and once lived in the islands.

OnaTiki posted on 06/05/2004

Welcome, and hope you enjoy TC, it is a great ohana.

bigbrotiki posted on 06/08/2004

Who will be NUMBA 2000 !!? ...and what will they get?

Moki posted on 06/08/2004

It's me.....It's me! I'm numba 2000. Yipee!!

I'm the wife of OnaTiki. I've met several of the TC ohana at various events and look forward to meeting more.


Shipwreckjoey posted on 06/09/2004

Way to go Moki! Welcome aboard...see ya around the scorpion bowl.

MEAN GENE posted on 06/10/2004

Hey everyone! I'm finally a registered user. My wife Lisa and I met a lot of you at our booth at Tiki Oasis Weekend. We had the glass floats and the limited edition serigraphs. I was the guy in the ukulele jam with a straw hat and no shirt on. This is actually my 2nd post, we just left a message about Mr. Tiki opening today in San Diego. See you Saturday!
Thanks, Gene

Benzart posted on 06/10/2004

Welcome Mean Gene and Moki. Took you long enough. I'm sure you both will find your own favorite spot here to call home.

TrickyTiki posted on 06/10/2004

Hello All:
I thought I would introduce myself. I just found this site today though a search and just had to join!!! I just love everything "TIKI" and Hawaiian. This will be the perfect place for me. I have been collecting tikis for about 4 years now finding them here and there. Anyway, I have to get back to looking over all the great info on this board. Wish I had found this place a while ago!!! See Ya

Benzart posted on 06/10/2004

Welcome Tricky Tiki, Glad you foundus or glad we found you. 4 Years collecting means you have a ton of pictures to share with us. Hurry, Can't wait. Come on in and stay awhile.

TNTiki posted on 06/10/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:27 ]

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hiltiki posted on 06/11/2004

Hi everyone I am new to this but I love everything I have read here so far. I have been collecting tiki stuff for about four years. I love, love, Tiki. It is good to know I am not the only obsessed one. Love all the art work some of you have, maybe I will cerate one of my own soon. Yeah, thats it I am going to start right now.

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tiki queen posted on 06/13/2004

Aloha, all...Maui's own Tiki Queen here. I'm new to this whole thing and beg for your patience. I'm an artist & tiki fan livin' the dream on Maui, and hope you'll go check out my web page: http://www.tikiqueenarts.com. Feel free to link to it, and let me hear from you! Mahalos...
Tiki Queen

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hiltiki posted on 06/13/2004

tiki queen, I just saw all your art work, and read your stuff. Everything sounds real interesting. Your artwork was great. Hope you find a fun tiki bar there. What about TIKIS BAR & GRILL. I was there in Feb. it was daytime, but food was good and the drinks were ok..

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fd5eae298d1131eb2381bc5c69f202ec?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hiltiki posted on 06/13/2004

OOPS< sorry I didnt realize you are in another island. never mind .

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