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Disney Frosted Mugs

Pages: 1 10 replies

tikifish posted on 05/30/2004

Sure, they are the red-headed stepchild of tiki mugs, but surely there is someone out there who wants to trade me something for some? I have 3, 2 big and one small... not entirely sure, they are residing under my sink right now. I'd have to look but I'm afraid I might get strangled by 5,976 Loblaws bags that will jump out when I open the door.

Stratiki posted on 05/31/2004

As I am sure has been mentioned already, stick a small tea candle in them and they light up nicely. Bit of an un-earthly glow for the table that has everything.

tikifish posted on 05/31/2004

Yes, I think I was the one who gave that advice originally! But I am just running out of room in my condo to be keeping things I don't absolutely love.

lanikai posted on 06/01/2004

"As I am sure has been mentioned already, stick a small tea candle in them and they light up nicely. "
"Yes, I think I was the one who gave that advice originally!"

back in da 70's!?
these have been marketed as candle holders for years...

Stratiki posted on 06/01/2004

Well...someone always does it first. 70's? 60's 50's, who cares? The point is, as Tikifish FIRST pointed out, it gives these mugs, if they can be called that, another purpose on the bartop. Suits me. Let's have a drink.

lanikai posted on 06/01/2004

On 2004-05-31 21:58, Stratiki wrote:

The point is, as Tikifish FIRST pointed out, it gives these mugs, if they can be called that, another purpose on the bartop. Suits me. Let's have a drink.

I'll drink to that.

Pakelika Mikela posted on 06/04/2004

I may be the minority, but I think the Disney tiki I have is cool(I only have one and I think I found him in Chicago)....in any respect, for me it brings back memories of staying at the Polynesian Village when I was a kid...it was a fun time. Anywho...I like any tiki I find...they don't wash up on shore that much here on the banks of the Erie Lake.


Hot Lava posted on 06/06/2004

They're great for Jello too -- and they're always room for Jello.

Feelin Zombified posted on 06/07/2004

On 2004-06-04 15:44, Pakelika Mikela wrote:
I may be the minority, but I think the Disney tiki I have is cool

I, for one, like the damn mug(s).

The first mugs I ever had were a pair of both sizes sitting on my bookshelf in my bedroom from age 8 or 10-ish. They stared at me for years, slowly burning a permament tiki watermark on my brain. If it wasn't for them, I'd probably be posting on OwlCentral instead.


tikisobayli posted on 06/07/2004

Would have to agree, these frosted mugs were the first that I ever found (In a thrift store) and are responsable for starting us on our collection...

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 08/11/2004

This Ebay seller knew how to photograph his frosted Disney mug!

Sven, this wasn't your work, was it?

[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy on 2004-08-10 18:44 ]

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