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Tiki Tattoo

Pages: 1 19 replies

proby95 posted on 06/04/2004

I'm new to the site and was wondering if anyone had any good pictures (real or sketch) of any of the tiki gods that could be used for a tattoo. Please let me know at [email protected]. Thanks.


dogbytes posted on 06/04/2004

welcome to Tiki Central ~ you could use the search feature, and come up with lots of inked skin photos..or you could ask Unga Bunga if his work is copyrighted..


Tiki-Toa posted on 06/04/2004

The question is really what tiki to get tattoed first! My advice, is find one that fits your personality or a feeling that you want to evoke when you or others see it, but it should always be for you. If you want, I can help you, I have a VERY large file of various tiki images and I could send you some to try and help.

Johnny Dollar posted on 06/04/2004

i hope you don't mind me posting this, kon-hemsby, but it sprung to mind instantenouesly.

proby95, kon-hemsby's tat is badasssssssss:

Unga Bunga posted on 06/04/2004

On 2004-06-03 23:27, dogbytes wrote:
or you could ask Unga Bunga if his work is copyrighted..

No, this is my gift to Tiki Central.
Tattoo Away!
(Elicia cutie :) )

Kenike posted on 06/04/2004

If the tattoo artist is good he/she can design a unique one for you. I walked into the tattoo place with a couple of pics and said "I want something like this..." The guy drew one up based on what I showed him and I ended up with a tattoo that's unique and I'm the only person who has one...unless he copied it for someone else.

[ Edited by: Juno on 2004-06-04 14:27 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 06/04/2004

i'm inclined to get a tattoo that says "unga bunga rocks!"

or maybe

Kava Dan posted on 06/04/2004

If your into more traditional Tiki's, I have one very similar to the one below around my ankle with the Tiki facing the front. It was done by Trica Allen in Hawaii and Tavita in Tahiti.

The ones below, designed by Frenchman Lovisa Gilles who lives and operates on Moorea would make good arm or ankle tattoos.

[ Edited by: Kava Dan on 2004-06-04 15:08 ]

Rattiki posted on 06/05/2004

Drawing a tiki is pretty easy as Tikis are primative in form by nature. If you have a half way decent drawing ability you could just look around at what you like and draw one yourself, or have a tatoo artist build on your initial idea to get what you like. I drew this and had it done in Pattaya, Thailand just below my navel. It is about 2 inches tall.

[ Edited by: Rattiki on 2004-06-04 17:48 ]

Doctor Z posted on 06/05/2004

I don't know if there's a pic of it on TC anywhere, but TraderPup got an awesome tiki tat during Hukilau last year!

'Pup, post a pic please!

Polynesiac posted on 06/05/2004

Unga! that would be a brilliant Tattoo!

or maybe

I actually knew someone in college that got him tattooed on their leg... DE PLANE! DE PLANE!

"Hey, at least I'm housebroken."

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2004-06-04 21:11 ]

Futura Girl posted on 06/05/2004

you guys are so.....

Kon-Hemsby posted on 06/06/2004

On 2004-06-04 09:37, Johnny Dollar wrote:
i hope you don't mind me posting this, kon-hemsby, but it sprung to mind instantenouesly.

proby95, kon-hemsby's tat is badasssssssss:

Cheers JD, appreciated. I had a new tiki tattoo finished last week, so I'll post some pictures some when it's healed.

SES posted on 06/06/2004

Rattiki that tiki needs a shave! LOL

Rattiki posted on 06/06/2004

On 2004-06-06 11:34, susane wrote:
Rattiki that tiki needs a shave! LOL

Are you kidding? It took months to grow back as it was! :lol:

Benzart posted on 06/07/2004

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-06-30 06:21 ]

Benzart posted on 06/07/2004

Hi Proby95. I could carve you a tiki tattoo and do it for free. I do'em all the time...Well I do'em in wood but same deal, same tools. No? Well check out our local artists on the "Creating Tiki" forumThere is some Dynamite art work over there. All of FLOUNDERart's work would make nice tattoos (hear that flounder, you should make temp tattoos of your work..) Please ask for permission from our artists before giving pictures to a tattoo artist though I'm sure they won[t mind.Come on in, sit down and stay awhile.

Benzart posted on 06/07/2004

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-06-06 21:06 ]

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-06-30 06:23 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 06/07/2004

On 2004-06-06 11:16, Kon-Hemsby wrote:

On 2004-06-04 09:37, Johnny Dollar wrote:
i hope you don't mind me posting this, kon-hemsby, but it sprung to mind instantenouesly.

proby95, kon-hemsby's tat is badasssssssss:

Cheers JD, appreciated. I had a new tiki tattoo finished last week, so I'll post some pictures some when it's healed.

way cool! j$

tikitony posted on 06/08/2004

Tiki Maxton was supposedlly getting my drawing put on the back of his leg?

Pages: 1 19 replies