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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food


Pages: 1 6 replies

kah706 posted on 04/23/2002

Does anyone have a recipe for the Martiki?


[ Edited by: kah706 on 2002-04-23 13:34 ]

thejab posted on 04/23/2002

I should bring my cocktail books to work so I can look these up as I always read tiki central at work.

Since I can't provide the Martiki recipie here's a refreshing minty cocktail to try:

The Jade Cocktail
1 3/4 oz. gold rum
1 1/2 teaspoons lime juice
1/2 teaspoon green creme de menthe
1/2 teaspoon curacao
1 teaspoon sugar
Shake ingerdients well with ice and strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lime slice.

mig posted on 04/23/2002

I don't have a recipe for the Martiki. But when you find her, make her apologize for that god-awful 80's song "Toy Soldiers".

Oh, that was Martika.

Sorry, just being dumb, I needed a little lunacy in my day.

TikiMaxton posted on 04/23/2002

I've discovered (or did one of you turn me on to) a website called drinkboy.com that has some great recipes on it. The feature that I like best about this site, though, is that it has a Palm handheld download option, which allows me to carry all my drink recipes on my PDA! You can imagine what a tremendous boon this is to the alcaholic geek! Now, when I'm at a bar, I can whip out my PDA and show the bartender exactly how to make a mai tai or fog cutter or whatever. How cool is THAT?

bigbrotiki posted on 04/24/2002

Da Beachbum will have it in his new drinkguide called "INTOXICA", which will be available at the Palm Springs TIKI OASIS 2002.
He also finally has a website in the works, I'll post the URL as soon as it is up.

woofmutt posted on 04/25/2002

As maxton said drinkboy.com really is an excellent site...But wait, it gets better, there's also a drinkboy "group" at msn communities (commuinities.msn.com/drinkboy...Or something like that. You can figure it out.) The "cocktailians" (as they call themselves) in this group will blow you away with their knowledge and expertise. Anyone with a serious interest in drinks should check it out.

kah706 posted on 04/28/2002

Thanks for the info, folks! I can only hope that Beachbum's new book will be in the same spiral bound format. You know what it's like trying to prop open a cocktail recipe book with a bottle or whatever while you're making a drink, just to have the book close and send things flying across the bar.


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