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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Retro Room

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Alnshely posted on 06/21/2004

I recently put some new Bamboo flooring in. I got it from Judy down at Bamboo 2 U. it was my first time installing bamboo, it came out pretty good. I'm putting it down in the bar next, I'll post pics when I do. I repainted our guestroom and put all our retro stuff in there, Shelley calls it the swank tank.

The Bamboo Floor, It looks alot like Hardwood. I used the carbonized kind, it's longer wearing.

That our Chromecraft sofa, recognize your parents shelving.

Shelley made these cool Amoeba curtains, I got the Turquoise lamp at the Goodwill by the Bali-Hai

I dig this Hi-low and the lamp and the dial phone

That's Billy Muir's "Supersonic Guitars", he's playing Hukilau this year.

Ice crushers

Pink stuff!!!

Blue stuff!!!

Bar stuff!!!

Rabbit ears, 3 networks and 3 local stations was good enough for my Dad, it's good enough for me.

I got this cool table on Ebay. I went to pick it up in Mission Bay, the people lived in a total Tiki environment, they had mugs and everything. I told them about TC, are you guys still lurking out there?

I redid the Bath too


OnaTiki posted on 06/21/2004

Wow, the floor looks great...and the retro stuff brings back some memories! keep up the good work ..Hope to see it in person one day! ps. still need to find out where you saw that traveler palm??

Tiki Rider posted on 06/21/2004

Looks great! I just recently had my wall 2 wall carpet ripped out and replaced it all with bamboo. I love it but found it to scratch pretty easy and be alittle slick though.

Biotron2000 posted on 06/21/2004

With all the great stuff to see in that room, the telephone was surprisingly my favorite piece. Does it have a modular RJ-11 plug, or did you wire up an old-style 4-prong plug?

Unga Bunga posted on 06/21/2004

Al & Shelley,
I like your style!
That looks like a fun place to live.
Hope to see you down south this summer.

Sam Gambino posted on 06/21/2004
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Tiki_Bong posted on 06/21/2004

Al & Shelly,

Man your work looks great! Makes me jones to come down for a drink.

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tiki mick 1 posted on 06/21/2004

Jesus Marimba!

This is one of the coolest homes I have seen! I really like the shower curtains!!!

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mattfink posted on 06/21/2004

Nice stuff guys!! My house (with the exception of the Tiki lounge in the basement) is all 50's style....makes sense as it was built in 1956. Here's a shot of the living room right after I bought the house in 2001:

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tikicleen posted on 06/21/2004

very VERY cool houses al and shelly...and mattfink! love the 50's atomic-age design. :)

al: how easy was it to install the bamboo? was it glue down, or nail down? we are getting the natural colored bamboo installed tomorrow. any tips on keeping it from scratching?

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vwtikigirl posted on 06/21/2004

Great houses ...

AlnShelly - love the boomerang theme throughout the room ... the drapes are awesome. Where did you get the shower curtain?

Mattfink - you should post more pics!

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stentiki posted on 06/21/2004

Hey Al,

Long time, no Tiki.

That's beautiful, man! A great addition to an already amazing place. And I love the name, "Swank Tank."

Hugs to Shelly.



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P.S. Mattfink, your place rocks too (in an Elvis era sort of way!)

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2004-06-21 12:51 ]

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docwoods posted on 06/21/2004

I'd call both those swingin' houses boomarangatoriums!

Alnshely posted on 06/21/2004

OnaTiki, I called Evergreen Nurseries and was told it was a triangle palm that I saw. Frank, the Manager, said it has a similar look. Evergreen Nurseries 760-754-0340

Tiki Rider, I'm surprised it is as fragile as it is. It looks great though.

Biotron2000, it had a 4 prong I wired a wall jack on the end of i,t and it plugs in that way. It came with a really long cord.

Unga Bunga, come on down any time

Sam Gambino, thanks Sam

Tiki_Bong and Tiki Mick, come on down I'll mix one

mattfink Awesome room dude!!!

tikicleen, I glued it, it went down real easy, but, I get a B- on my first install. I put felt sticky feet on all my furniture, try not to drop anything.

vwtikigirl, Bed Bath and Beyond. It was in the Beyond section

stentiki, Uncle Artie!!!! great to have you back

docwoods, and we're all Boomerangatangs

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mattfink posted on 06/22/2004

Thanks Al & gang...actually I should take the time to get new pics as the room looks a bit different than when those were taken.

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Kon-Hemsby posted on 06/22/2004

Matt, Killer lounge. Let's see the rest of the place.

rockin regards

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laney posted on 06/24/2004

Hi Al, we never did get to talk palms. My parents have some beautiful mature triangle palms in their yard and they are one of my favorites. I've planted 2, lost one and the other seems very slow to take off (I planted these before I knew I had the fungus in the front yard)
Here's a link to a photo in an online palm gallery. They are three sided not flat like "traveler palms" (not a palm really)
I found mine amongst the Queen Palms mislabeled at a Home Depot (but I could easily tell what it was). I think this is pretty common as people often talk about finding more rare and expensive palms and cycads mislabeled at Home Depot on the Palm Society Board.

Sorry, off topic, great rooms btw. Love the spaghetti lamp but only one, he's lonely :(

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bongofury posted on 06/24/2004

Alnshely........I......Like......It! Very boss. Yours too Mattfink.....

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