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Weird Uncle Tiki at Tiki Ti March 19, 2005!

Pages: 1 10 replies

Aloha, Gang!

It's been months since I've been to my second home at Tiki Ti, but this Saturday I'll return! WOW! It'd be super-duper to see you there. I'll be there right about opening time and can only stay for about an hour and a half. A short time, yes, but I take what I can get. Hopefully we can hoist some Ray's Mistakes together.

-Weird Unc

p.s. I'm on the road and typing this from Kinkos so I won't read any replies to this until next week.

Yo Weird Unc!

"Gene of the Jungle" will be there too!!!!


[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2005-03-18 18:47 ]

C.U. there, you whino...


Anyone else going?.... Nick Tiki and I will see ya there!


Well that depends on how long you guys are staying? what time are we talking about?


Ah, darn! I'd love to meet you there but the timing is just wrong. Maybe next time.

Krustiki and I got there around 9:30 last night. Tiki-Ti was packed, but we didn't see anyone we knew. Were we too early or too late?

Too late I'm afraid...we also missed Judd by 5 minutes, and then left after having one good potion, while Nick'n'Gene went to have dinner at El Chavo's next door.

How fun it was to be back at Tiki Ti! Had a blast seeing old friends and savoring a Ray's Mistake. Sorry I missed some of you fine folks, but as I posted earlier, I only had a very short time to spend there(sniff). Hope to catch you all there sometime soon.

-Weird Unc


Wasn't there a bet going on here about when weirduncletiki's next visit to Tiki Ti would be?

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2005-03-22 09:46 ]

On 2005-03-22 09:46, DawnTiki wrote:
Wasn't there a bet going on here about when weirduncletiki's next visit to Tiki Ti would be?

Ah, yes, the The "How Long Can Weird Unc Stay Away from Tiki-Ti?" Pool. That only counts for Wednesdays, since that's 1) the only night we have sufficient coverage to catch him, and 2) his generally preferred evening. He still hasn't made it for a Wednesday, and no one seems more surprised at that than Weird Unc (excepting, perhaps, his wife).

All the slots in the pool have passed, so after the crawl I'll announce a reset so we can all pick new slots.

The pool only works if Weird Unc knows as little as possible about it, so continue any discussion of it in that thread, which he's agreed to not read until the pool is over.

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