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Eli Hedley Daughters' Books and Photos signing

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RevBambooBen posted on 08/06/2006

Aloha TC and Beyond!

For those of you who are going to miss the Laid Back Luau at the Cove on the 20th, here's another chance to talk story with the surviving daughters of Eli Hedley, the Original Beachcomber.

August 27th from Noonish to 2 or so, at Bamboo Ben 712 Yorktown ave. Huntington Beach, Ca. 714-960-1860.

They will be re releasing How Daddy Became a Beachcomber, a new auto biography by Bungy and signing a few family pictures of the past.

Cold pineapple juice and treats will be on hand.

[ Edited by: revbambooben 2006-08-07 10:56 ]

bungy posted on 08/08/2006

Re; Bamboo Ben's on 27th!
Ol' Bamboo Ben forgot to mention the most important Book for all you Tiki Lovers! It is "Eli Hedley Beachcomber 1943 Catalog Reprint" with all the creations he used to make from driftwood etc, and lots of pictures of his hand carved TIKIS!!!

Also! My Book is called "View From The Top of the Mast" with my sailing adventures throughout the South Pacific!
See ya either at the Cove (Royal Palms) on 20th..or.. at Bamboo Bens on 27th! Yipee!!! Auntie Bungy

tikiwinebear posted on 08/08/2006

Aloha Bungy!
For those of us who unfortunately can't make it down to meet you at the book signing, will your books be available at our local bookstore (Barnes & Noble, etc) or on Amazon.com? I would really like to get a copy of them! I have loved your stories and can't wait to hear more adventures of your life. And also, see all the amazing carvings by Eli Hedley.

  • Myke
Kanaka posted on 08/08/2006


I got an orginal copy of "How Daddy Became a Beachcomber" a while back from a book collector. It's a wonderful book and one of my favorites. I've probably read it 30 times. What a wonderful life it must have been. I would love to get signed copies of the new books when they are available!


pablus posted on 08/08/2006

You know, I've been waiting for "How Daddy..." for over 2 years now.
I was on the list when it was getting passed around and yet... I still don't have it.

I also want to purchase your book bungy.

Help a braddah out, Boombam.

virani posted on 08/08/2006

I was lucky enough to be able to read it, and I would love a copy of the re edition book. How is it going to be sold ? Are you going to sell the book through TC ?

bungy posted on 08/09/2006

humuhumu is very sweetly helping me get an ad on tiki Central! So, all 3 books will be available!

  1. How Daddy Became a Beachcomber by Marilyn Hedley (reprint 1947)
  2. Eli Hedley Beachcomber 1943 Catalog Reprint with tiki carving photos added.
  3. View From The Top of the Mast by Bungy Hedley (me!!).

These will all be available at Royal Palms, CA on Aug 20; La Conga Resaturant after 6 PM same day, in San Pedro.. or thru the mail. Email me and I'll give you details!
I will definitly be at Hukilau in Ft Lauderdale for the fun and will have all 3 books there, too.
Bamboo Ben is having a Book signing fiesta!! At his shop on Aug 27 from noon to 2.. Thank you all for being so patient and NICE!!! Auntie Bungy
And look for the ad!!!
Also, any of you in Texas??.. I can send you book signings for here.. or meet you soemwhere!

bungy posted on 08/09/2006

I forgot!!!
These 3 books will be listed with Barnes and Noble, Border Books, and AmazonBooks.com .. Auntie!

Unga Bunga posted on 08/09/2006

On 2006-08-08 16:36, pablus wrote:
I was on the list when it was getting passed around and yet... I still don't have it.

There's a list? Could not find one in "search".

virani posted on 08/09/2006

there was no list, but I don't exactly what happened after I sent it...it was supposed to pass around.


freddiefreelance posted on 08/10/2006

Bump! Ben read your PMs, dadgummit!

Annnnnnd... Auntie Bungy's books on Amazon:


[ Edited by: freddiefreelance 2006-08-10 11:16 ]

Kanaka posted on 08/10/2006

I ordered all three this morning.....they are in stock and ready to ship at amazon.


bungy posted on 08/11/2006

To Kanaka!!! You will be the very first to order form Amazon.com!! I think we have to celebrate!!! Auntie Bungy ..And will be on pins and needles for result!!

Kanaka posted on 08/17/2006

Auntie Bungy,

I received the books Monday. I'm about a quarter of the way through View from the Top of the Mast! It's wonderful. It's nice to see your perspective on events in comparison to Mare's. I'm glad you didn't just rewrite the same story about the first part of your family's life. Very well done!!! I should be finished with the first reading this weekend. The catalog is wonderful too but I don't get the horses....I guess they were popular at the time. I would have loved to have seen the house at White Point and the store in Hollywood back in the day!


RevBambooBen posted on 08/24/2006


Can anyone get this article up here in print form?


ookoo lady posted on 08/24/2006

Here's the article:

Published Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:13 PM PDT

Family tribute to a tiki father
Book signing to be held in honor of 'The Original Beachcomber'
By Kelly Strodl

Ever since they were little girls, Marilyn, Bungy and Ba Hedley have been scouring beaches for little things left behind that could be transformed into treasures. They learned this love from their father, Eli Hedley, the man named by the Wall Street Journal as "The Original Beachcomber."

The San Pedro resident had quite an impressive resume by the time he died in 1981, having worked in Hollywood as a set designer and decorated hotels, bars and entire apartment complexes in his tiki style. Hedley was also responsible for part of the tiki look within Disneyland, where he ran "The Island Trade Store" gift shop in Adventureland for about a decade.

Hedley's masterpiece, though, has always been considered the family home built out of driftwood at White Point in San Pedro. Now a state park, the house stood for years as a monument to the family's love for the washed up treasures of the ocean.

On Sunday, the famous tiki master's daughters will be at Bamboo Ben's tiki shop in Huntington Beach to sign books and memorabilia from the beachcombing days.

The sisters will be signing copies of "Eli Hedley Beachcomber, the Original 1943 Catalog," "View from the Top of the Mast" and "How Daddy Became a Beachcomber" at the shop owned by Huntington Beach resident Bamboo Ben , Ba Hedley's son.

"It's neat how the whole Polynesian pop business is coming back again," Bamboo Ben said of his business building tiki bars.

His aunts are equally proud of the third-generation tiki aficionado.

"We're really proud of Bamboo Ben taking after Dad," Marilyn Hedley said of her nephew.

Marilyn is the author of "How Daddy became a Beachcomber," which was first published in 1947 and illustrated by the Hedley's oldest sister, Flo Ann Hedley, who died last year.

hiltiki posted on 08/26/2006

Is this happening for sure????I'd like to go????yes????

The Sperm Whale posted on 08/26/2006

On 2006-08-26 15:43, hiltiki wrote:
Is this happening for sure????I'd like to go????yes????

I know that I'll be there!!! See you tomorrow!!!

RevBambooBen posted on 08/27/2006

Bring chairs if you want to hang out for the day.

We get nice sun from noon-ish on.

We have some chairs but they will be reserverd for the elders.

Might want to park next door at Wallgreens.

Also, we'll have ice cold virgin Hawaiian Punch,( you make the call. :wink: and some finger foodz.....

Should be a good time. Lot's o Tiki and Pre Tiki History.


Da Boo's

p.s. Bring camera's. Bring ukes. I'm sure Cray Al will be bringing his NUTZ !!!

It'z all Goooood!!!

rugbymatt posted on 08/27/2006


I hope things are going well today, tell Bungy and the ladies I send my regards. It was great meeting them all last weekend in San P. Love the books!

Met up with some TC'rs at Lee's Hawaian Islander in Lyndhurst, NJ last night for dinner. It is a very old school Polynesian/ Chineese joint, you'd love the interior: bamboo, 2 story rock wall with two falls, a giant outrigger suspended above the main dining room, and smaller cascading rock wall behind the main bar. Great bunch of older gentlemen run the place, next time your back east you need to check it out.

Enjoy the day out there and have fune next month in the UK.


hiltiki posted on 08/27/2006

Bungy, it was so nice meeting you in person and I look forward to reading your book. And nice meeting the rest of the family, you guys are all so much fun.

ookoo lady posted on 08/27/2006

We just got back from Bamboo Ben's....

We finally got to meet the lovely Hedley ladies.

Krustiki brought his new skateboard, and shared it with his buddies Dr. Z and Crazy Al.

Leroy from Oceanic Arts showed up to scope out the competition, and sample the cheese.

The Sperm Whale posted on 08/28/2006

It was great meeting the Hedley family. I cant wait to get started reading all the books I purchased. Ben you have a great and interesting family. It was real nice to finally get to meet Bungy and everybody else in person. Sorry we couldn't stay longer but we had other engagements today!!!

DawnTiki posted on 08/28/2006

I am so terribly disappointed to have missed this. I was going to stop by on our way out of town on a camping trip up north. But lame ass DawnTiki seems to have developed a nasty head cold and didn't get to do nuth-un fun today. Unless you consider blowing your nose raw, coughing till your throat feels like you've swallowed buckets and buckets of broken glass fun, then I had a loads of it!
I'm so bummed I missed this...a-a-a-CHOOO!

GROG posted on 08/28/2006

What a wonderful family. GROG met the Hedley sisters last weekend and really enjoyed getting to see them again. They said they really enjoy the Bamboo Ben comic and said GROG was like family now, and that GROG is an honorary BEACHCOMBER.
WOW! How much of an honor is that?!!!

Along with that honor, GROG also picked up an awesome dartboard cabinet and custom framed menu from Bamboo Ben, and Crazy Al mug of tiki #2 along with a pendant.It was like Christmas for GROG today.It was really neat seeing Leroy Smaltz, Bamboo Ben, and Crazy Al all together. What an amazing trio of Tiki talent all together in one spot.

Thanks Al and Ben, and great seeing you again, Bungy, Ba, and

Kanaka posted on 08/28/2006


Finished the book this weekend. What a wonderful story. Perfect ending! I would love to hear more about the Disney days and the "last" sailing voyage with your husband and children! I think there's material for a least two more books!

Thank you for the wonderful experience. View from the Top of the Mast and How Daddy Became a Beachcomber are now two of my favorite books. Kudos to you and Mare!


RevBambooBen posted on 08/28/2006

Mooohaloos to all!!!

Twas a fun Sunday at the hut.

Very honored to have Leroy and Vivian stop by.

And, to host a gathering of my Aunts and Mom ( who's b-day was yesterday too!).

Moooohaloos to all again!!!

freddiefreelance posted on 08/28/2006

:( I didn't get to go.

SoccerTiki posted on 08/30/2006

It sounds like it was loads of fun for all!!! WooHooWahine and
I are so bummed we missed it!!! We're just glad we were able to meet your aunts and mom the weekend before!!! (I think Aunt Bungy even woohoo'ed!!!!!!!!!!!!!) What nice (and fun) ladies!!! Almost done with all 3 books! Any old repro pictures left?

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2006-08-29 21:26 ]

bungy posted on 09/03/2006

What great FUN the California trip was!!! (I live in Texas!) And all you Tiki afficionadoas were wonderful!! My gripe is.. that I wans't asked if I wanted to try out the skate board!! Gee whiz!

To ookoolady (spelling!): How about figuring out keys to "When its Round-Up time in Texas??? I've made up a Hawaiian song for it complte with yodeling.. we can do a duet the next time we see each ohter. Keep up your repertiore.. it's great!
Here's to FUN!!! Auntie Bungy

RevBambooBen posted on 03/05/2017

My Aunt Marilyn, author of "How Daddy Became a Beachcomber, " passed away peacefully last week.

She was a sweet woman with a huge heart!

Aloha Auntie Marilyn!

You'll be missed.

TiKi TiFfY posted on 03/05/2017
GROG posted on 03/06/2017

Sorry to hear that, B-Ben. I'm glad I got to meet her and see where she and her family grew up on the beach. She signed her book for me.

hiltiki posted on 03/06/2017

Sorry to hear this Ben, I met her at her book signing and she was an interesting woman.

RevBambooBen posted on 04/24/2017

Pages: 1 34 replies