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Shark Week

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I usually try to catch some of Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. They are fascinating killing machines....something I sure wouldn't want to be swimming in my immediate area of the ocean. Anyone else watch Shark Week?


shark week si great! But I don't mind being in the water with em, at all. They kill smaller things.

I'm a wide-body, so guess I shouldn't feel threatened by them. I still think I would be scared crazy if I saw a fin heading my way. :o

Well I think 2007 was my last dedication to watching Shark Week...UNTIL THIS YEAR!!! This year it is off the chart exciting. A capsized whale watching boat with actual live footage of the event-two victims taken under by a great white-a very dicey rescue of 3 people in the overturned ship on the ocean floor with a few inches of airspace and they have to swim to the cage while under pursuit by a huge vicious great white who also tries to tear up their cage as they try to make it to the rescue boat...I was on the edge of my seat. Now trying to mesmerize large sharks to put them asleep by scratching their chin and flipping them on their backs...Zombie Sharks. Anyone else watching this year?

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