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Tiki Central / California Events

Hidden Tiki Lounge Unveiling November 1

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I just moved into a house in Dublin (East Bay) and am creating the "Hidden Tiki Lounge." I will have a special unveiling party Saturday November 1 starting at 6pm for anyone who wants to check it out.

PM me your email address and I will add it to the evite list.


"the other jen"

Congrats on your new home. Unfortunately I have something planned for the next few weekends. I would love to stop by sometime though as I previously lived in Dublin for 26 years. PM coming your way and best wishes for a great lounge opening. :)

Still a lot of work to go, but it will be ready next weekend...

So Cool! Can't wait to see it!

The Hidden Tiki Lounge is DONE!
I only burned one finger with the hot glue gun...

Is a tiki lounge ever really "done"? Pictures for us Low-Cal people please!!!

I'll take pics this weekend and post them.
"Done" means the shelving is up, the tikis and mugs are on the shelves, the pictures are hung, the bar is in place, the fountain is plugged in, the lights are hung, the monkeys and birds are hanging from the vines, and the floor is vacuumed.
"Done" also means my hands are so sore from using the staple gun, glue gun, hammer, power drill and screwdriver that I can barely type any more. I am also bruised and battered, blistered and burned, and almost can't walk because every muscle is exhausted from the manual labor.

But what a great feeling to have a fabulous tiki bar stumbling distance from my bed...

See you tomorrow night!

Hey DG....sounds like ya took a lickin, but I bet the place looks great. Hope ya have a good turn out and looking forward to the pictures. I'll hook up with ya later. Happy Tikiiiiiing. :)

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