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LAST DAY!!! GROG' niece need votes.

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GROG posted on Thu, Apr 23, 2009 10:41 AM

GROG' niece trying to get $500 scholarship by getting votes for smile. GROG appreciate people help in voting.
You can vote daily several times a day until contest over. GROG niece on right.

..and People Say We Monkey Around
"I think the monkeys at the zoo should have to wear sunglasses so they can't hypnotize you." ~ Jack Handy

Here link to vote:

Thanks for help.

[ Edited by: grog 2009-06-30 10:22 ]

Conga help, nice smile, cuter than Grog.


Murph posted on Thu, Apr 23, 2009 2:37 PM

Vote sent.
Nice teeth.

good luck!

WooHoo! I vote :)

She got my vote!

Jungle help brother Grog and neice. Vote!

GROG posted on Thu, Apr 23, 2009 10:59 PM

Thank you everybody who vote for GROG' niece. She's moving up in the ranks.
Remember, you can vote daily, a couple of times a day, so vote often. :D


[ Edited by: grog 2009-06-16 14:40 ]





Voted! Nice smile.


Voted, Good Luck!


Voted 4 times in the last few hours. She is #104 with a bullet

GROG posted on Fri, Apr 24, 2009 9:35 AM

She's up to 99 now! Yay! She broke 100. Thanks. Keep it up everybody.

Vo-tayed. Keep smilin'...

I voted. What did I win?

She's gone from 251 to 98 since I first looked yesterday.

Remember what we all did with the Shasta Tiki Punch way back when? :wink:


Clarita don't gets it, but voted twice :)

My Space

[ Edited by: Clarita 2009-04-24 11:17 ]

GROG posted on Fri, Apr 24, 2009 11:17 AM


Sorry. I forget that certain references become obscure over time.

Tiki Soda Found At Market

This is my favorite of the Shasta Tiki threads because it's a nice example of how in 2003 a newbie could get clowned by Tiki Rider and Tiki Bong and not start crying. Plus, we see the time-honored tradition of someone, in this case SugarCaddyDaddy, posting all of the previous threads addressing the topic which has been brought up yet again.

But I digress. She's up to 94 now. :D

GROG posted on Fri, Apr 24, 2009 2:12 PM

Thanks for your continued suppport.

Vote DAILY for GROG' niece:

[ Edited by: GROG 2009-06-16 14:42 ]


On 2009-04-24 11:51, Tiki-Kate wrote:
...it's a nice example of how in 2003 a newbie could get clowned by Tiki Rider and Tiki Bong and not start crying. Plus, we see the time-honored tradition of someone, in this case SugarCaddyDaddy, posting all of the previous threads addressing the topic which has been brought up yet again.

I couldn't agree more, Kate. Sadly, most of those people on that thread are long gone. It's like an entire generation of TCer octogenerians has died off. Maybe it's that kind of stuff that was partial inspiration for this thread.

But I digress as well. Oh, and Grog, I voted.

GROG posted on Fri, Apr 24, 2009 9:06 PM

Down to #65 now!! You guys TOTALLY ROCK!!!!!!!!

Beautiful young lady, I'm guessing she got her looks from the "other" side of the family :lol: Up to #54

GROG posted on Sat, Apr 25, 2009 3:49 PM

You guys are AWESOME!!! Thank you for your support. Yep, GROG niece not look ANYTHING like Uncle GROG, and that's a good thing, but we do have a similar smile.

Ok vote is in. Nice smile! Good luck. I'll keep voting.

Nice teef.

Voted, etc., etc., etc...

Actually, if you check out the pics of her competitors -- most are kinda lame?!

Deinde claritas desiderat multa suffragia? ~ Seneca :D

GROG posted on Mon, Apr 27, 2009 6:33 PM

GROG can't believe we got her up to 40!! That is awesome. When GROG first got email from sister about voting in contest for scholarship, GROG' niece was at 250. ZOOMIN'!!! GROG wonder if we can get her to #1? GROG going to vote as often as possible, and see what happens. Thanks everybody for your support.


I also voted for your niece. Next time Grog go party so I don't have to hear "Why isn't Grog here?" "Where is Grog" Blah,blah,blah!


voted about 30 times and counting... EVERYONE VOTE NOW!!!!!!!!
got her to 34 so far....

On 2009-04-28 03:34, Tiki Trav wrote:
voted about 30 times and counting... EVERYONE VOTE NOW!!!!!!!!
got her to 34 so far....

But we done slipped to 37?!?! :(

Vote faster! :D

...an I do believe that #35 queen-clone woman wif the tiara on her haid done throwed bad moe-joe on the nearby competition?! She musta brought in eee-leegul reinforcements cuz all of a sudden she done jumped two spots?? :(

Still votin'...

GROG posted on Wed, Apr 29, 2009 2:47 AM

2:45 am and GROG just voted. Niece at 33 right now.

I'm doin' the best I can. Still voting.

Just voted...must wait 8 hours until next vote!!


GROG posted on Wed, Apr 29, 2009 10:24 AM

Apparently you not see GROG' post on previous page:

On 2009-04-24 14:12, GROG wrote:
A little birdy tell GROG,"Pssst.........not to encourge poople on your thread to cheat................ but if you clear your browser cookies you can vote multi times without having to wait the 8 hours. "


Thanks for your vote and continued support.

She's back up to 33. :)

GROG posted on Thu, Apr 30, 2009 9:12 AM

Niece still holding at 33 this morning. GROG think one of these days GROG contact niece, and sister and have them contact everybody they can so that we can plan to have one weekend where we do a big concentrated push to try and see if we can get her up to number 1 or as close as possible. GROG let everybody know what weekend we plan that for.

Uh oh....a little drop to 34. Lets go people! It's just a little click of the mouse!

I am sorely disappointed...
My turn to be the wet mop...
Is it just me,or is everyone just voting to get the top score now?
Are all parties doing this?

So, let me get this straight...
the MOST POPULAR kid(ie: most votes)
gets the college money...
how unfair is that?
Especially with y'all cheatin...
refreshin browsers and all!
Shame! Shame! Everyone knows your name!
i bet the other "teams" are doing that too! :lol:
i mean, if you're in the 34-37 range
that means that there are other forums doing the same thing
So it becomes more of a Forum competition than what it's supposed to be...

why doesn't GROG just pull out the hat on Sunday at the Nooner
or ask us artists to donate art for a fund-raising auction
instead of this charade? this Sham of a contest?
I would participate in that because it is much more honest and direct...

thank you for your time

the previous post was just an opinion
some food for thought
and does not necessarily represent the views of this forum...
thank you..

GROG posted on Fri, May 1, 2009 9:05 AM

Don't listen to this guy.

GROG niece need the scholarship money so she can become Forensic Chemist.
If you've seen CSI those are the people in the lab who run all the tests to figure out
what the substances are that are collected at the crime scene.
That what she studying to become.

Kenny...you know I love you. So I'm just gonna post my opinion on this...

I'm not voting for the "popularity" aspect. God knows I've never been one about popularity. I've always been the square peg, round hole girl. I keep quietly under the radar. Even to this day, I'm a shy one.

My feeling about this, and strongly, comes from the "I'm a broke parent of THREE college kids" aspect. Yeah..that's THREE in college all at the same time! Seriously, we are dead broke paying college tuitions. Working two and three jobs, and yes, the kids are too. ANY and all help ANYONE can get paying for college, I say do it. This costs nothing but a click of the mouse! Now, I'm definitely not clearing my browser (sorry Grog), but I'm making my vote, every 8 hours to help Grog's niece. With no shame.

As you well know, this is a pretty tough time. Lots of umemployment (my hub was out of work for 18 months!). Sacrifices are being made all around. So, just speaking as someone who has scraped the bottom of the rum barrel to get my kids into college and help to keep them there for the run, that's my motivation to help here. Shoot, I don't even know Grog (though I hope to meet him soon!).

Again, love you Kenny. But I'll keep voting as long as this link is up. Go Grog Niece!


GROG posted on Fri, May 1, 2009 10:00 AM


I'm voting to get the kid some money for college (and to honor a very simple request made by GROG who has always been kind to me.)

She's up to #30 again!

GROG posted on Fri, May 1, 2009 10:53 AM

GROG looked around the site a bit, and saw that this damned contest lasts for another 2 months!! What the hell?
GROG have the link bookmarked, so that everytime GROG turn on computer or check email, GROG go to site and vote.

Apparently how many VIEWS she gets and how many REVIEWS (remarks) she gets also adds to her score. GROG' niece have more votes than the girl that's in second place, but the #2 girl has a crapload of views and alot more reviews than GROG' niece. So, even if you don't vote, all the time, at least view GROG'niece page often, and leave a comment every now and then, so we can rack up some more views and comments along with the votes.

Thanks everybody---except Ruzic.

GROG posted on Fri, May 1, 2009 11:03 AM

If ya'll read the reviews, can you figure out which one was left by Derek Yaniger?


Grog very nice uncle. :)

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