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Genesis then....and then!

Pages: 1 8 replies

tiki mick posted on 04/03/2010
beadtiki posted on 04/04/2010

I LOVED the original Genesis (when Phil was drummer and back-up vocals only!). The stories they told were GREAT - loved Harorld the Barrel and Giant Hogweed! Are you a fan of both or either? I thought my husband and I were the only ones who still listened!

little lost tiki posted on 04/04/2010

On 2010-04-04 10:13, beadtiki wrote:
I thought my husband and I were the only ones who still listened!

you two and lucas make three...

tiki mick posted on 04/04/2010

Well, (rockabilly intro)

I admit to being an ex huge fan of almost ALL prog rock.

I just think it is funny when a band goes from being so crazy and avante-garde in their early years, to be totally commercial later on. Which was the point of this thread, of course!

Jungle Trader posted on 04/04/2010

True on Genesis the band. Peter Gabriels' good stuff on "Shaking The Tree", man I love that cd. The look and song of that first video reminded of Pink Floyd. It seems that Peter has stayed truer to his beginnings than say Phil. But whatever works is fine. Phil is a very creative musician as well. (Home By The Sea) to name one.

beadtiki posted on 04/05/2010

Lucas, have you listened to Deaf School, UK, John Cale or Phil Manzanera? My husband has always been a music "rebel" - he HATES most mainstream and turned me on to his music - except I just couldn't get into Frank Zappa - I know, I know - the BIGGEST rebel of them all! Okay, I like the song Bobby Brown - but that's just 'cause I'm gross!

Oh, and LLT - ha ha - you're SOOOOO funny I forgot to laugh! So I'll laugh now! :)

tiki mick posted on 04/05/2010

To tell you the truth, my prog rock favorites were always YES, King Crimson, ELP, Rush, Genesis, Floyd, Led Zep...and unfortunately that was about it for me. Gradually I started losing interest in all these bands. But, occasionally I see something I like, like the song "paperlate" and it reminds me of the old days!

cheekytiki posted on 04/07/2010

Genisis now...

When I was 14 my music teacher gave me the song Mama to study, a song all about addiction, strange but still to this day a good song.

beadtiki posted on 04/09/2010

On 2010-04-07 00:28, cheekytiki wrote:
Genisis now...

When I was 14 my music teacher gave me the song Mama to study, a song all about addiction, strange but still to this day a good song.

that was cute - they have great ads in the UK.

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