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Bali Hai, San Diego, CA (Restaurant)

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Name:Bali Hai
Street:2230 Shelter Island Drive
City:San Diego
Phone:619-222 - 1181

The Bali Hai was featured in the "Book of Tiki" as a terrific old school Tiki Bar/Restaurant. Located on Shelter Island, San Diego's Tiki District, the BH is within walking distance of Humphrie's Half Moon Bay, Trader Mort's Liquors and a variety of other Tiki points of interest. The BH is known for having a great view of Downtown San Diego and a Fantastic Mai Tai. Arthur Lyman was once the House Band at the Bali Hai. A Definite stop on the Polynesian Pop Super Highway.

Website: http://www.balihairestaurant.com/

[ Edited by: Alnshely 2007-04-19 00:49 ]

Did I read somewhere that Sven Kirsten (Bigbro Tiki) stripped and repainted Mr. Bali Hai?

Note: Have guests entering the Bali Hai photograph you with Mr. Bali Hai. I had my photograph taken by guests leaving and the pictures came out wobbly.

Nope - that would be Kevin Kidney & Jody... (forgot his last name!)

There is a link to the story about Kevin Kidney's and Jody Daily's restoration of Mr. Bali Hai on Sven's website, which may be the connection you remembered. Here's the link to the story:



Went to the Bali Hai last weekend and talked to the Barback, who happens to be the son of the owners. He said Sam Choy is no longer involved with the joint and it's now just the Bali Hai. He was brought in as a partner to get the food back into order and also get the Sam choy name on the place, but now Sam Choy is no longer with the Bali Hai.

When there the Bartenders Sam and Rob are great and they always pour extra heavy. Enjoy!!

I just had lunch there 2 days ago. The food was so so, I'm glad that Sam Choy is no longer associated with them, because he is better than that. Bali Hai has fantastic views and is in a great location. It has the old school feel, with some great artifacts throughout the place. Unfortunately we could not see any artifacts from our table.

Drinks, of course I ordered a Mai Tai served in the Headhunter Mug $14.95, it was not as good as what I make at home, but it was dangerously strong, and the value with the mug was good, I ordered a Goof Punch in the keeper mug as well and it was a bit watery and half as strong for the same price, so I would stick with the Mai Tai!



[ Edited by: Kreaky Tiki on 2004-04-04 23:22 ]

This is my favorite tiki restaurant. They have an original tiki mug you can take home that is really unique, and the drinks are by far the strongest I've ever had.Try the Blue Mystique. (Great name for any X-Men tiki fans out there!) It's a drink for 2, and comes in a fish bowl sized glass. Glad I took a cab after that one! The view of the harbor is fantastic, and the food is great too.

I may have a couple hours to spend in San Diego later this month. Does the interior of the Bali Hai have a very high TiPSY factor (lots of tikis to photograph)? Also, aside from the Mr Bali Hai mug, how many other mugs are available and at what costs? ...gotta budget for this, ya know. Thanks.

I may have a couple hours to spend in San Diego later this month. Does the interior of the Bali Hai have a very high TiPSY factor (lots of tikis to photograph)? Also, aside from the Mr Bali Hai mug, how many other mugs are available and at what costs? ...gotta budget for this, ya know. Thanks.

I would say that Bali Hai doesn't have a very high TiPSY factor in the actual dining room. Most of the tikis seem to be at the entrance or at the top of the stairs. If memory serves, it's about half a dozen to a dozen tikis in total. They are very cool though.

As for the mug, I think, and I could be wrong, that they only have the Mr. Bali Hai mug for sale. It was 14.95 with the drink, or you could buy it alone for 8-9 bucks.

Don't miss the Bali Hai if you can help it. I found it to be one of my favourite stops when I was down in SoCal last month, (and I visited many Tiki bars and restaurants then). Even though the TiPSY factor isn't so high, it's still a lovely setting (being right on the harbour) and the food was very good.

If you have the time take a walk around the Bali Ha'i's garden & boat dock, there're more Tikis there, too. Stroll around Shelter Island, walk around Humphrey's 1/2 Moon, walk to Trader Mort's. As you walk from the Bali Ha'i to Trader Mort's, you'll notice that some fence posts're carved into a rough Tiki shape.

[i]On 2004-04-07 12:58, freddiefreelance wrote: As you walk from the Bali Ha'i to Trader Mort's, you'll notice that some fence posts're carved into a rough Tiki shape.

Those small tiki posts are most amusing. Sort of like mini tiki elves keeping you company as you walk past the very dramatic A frame on the west side of Humphrey's & past the boat slips.


I stopped by the Bali Hai last weekend while in SD and was pleased by all the tikis you have to pass to get to the dining room! Very nice carving work and the map of the south pacific which is featured in the Book of Tiki. I picked up the mug for $9 (sans drink) and I'm very happy with it. The guy there told me they had shot-sized mugs of Mr. Bali Hai too, but I didn't pick them up.

Also, as you head to Shelter Island, you will see Mort's Liquor which has a respectible tiki out front.


San Diego has a great tri-fecta of tiki with Bali hai, Humphrey's, & trader mort's.

On 2004-04-30 09:53, Tiki Bird wrote:
San Diego has a great tri-fecta of tiki with Bali hai, Humphrey's, & trader mort's.

Don't forget the Islands Room at the Hanalei Hotel!

...of course, that changes SD from being a tri-fecta of tiki...

Your right, Hanalei Hotel is great, also Mr Tiki hopefully will be a great addition in the gas lamp district. Geez San Diego will be a tiki town soon.

Shelter Island's the Trifecta, the rest of San Diego is it's own Win, Place, & Show card of Tiki.

I have pictures of some of the random street Tikis from SD county, mostly N. County, that I'm planning on posting as soon as I get my scanner working...

On 2004-04-30 10:46, Tiki Bird wrote:
...also Mr Tiki hopefully will be a great addition in the gas lamp district.

I mentioned before in another post somewhere that I saw the architectural plans and a bunch of the tikis being made for Mr Tiki while at Bosko's house about a month ago. Based on what I saw, there will be no compromise as to the quality of this place. Bosko even said that the owners are putting a lot of money into the place to do it right. I can't wait for it to open.

Pretty soon, we'll be able to set up a San Diego Tiki Bar Crawl...

PolyPop, There's already a San Diego Tiki Bike Tour in PB, run by Marc Menkin ((858) 488-2209, I think), & I'm thinking about a Spam Musubi crawl around Mira Mesa (4 plate lunch places within 10 minutes of my work, plus Jollibee!)(OK, there's no Musubi @ Jollibee, but you can get Tuna Pie!).

On 2004-04-30 14:58, freddiefreelance wrote:
PolyPop, There's already a San Diego Tiki Bike Tour in PB, run by Marc Menkin ((858) 488-2209, I think), & I'm thinking about a Spam Musubi crawl around Mira Mesa (4 plate lunch places within 10 minutes of my work, plus Jollibee!)(OK, there's no Musubi @ Jollibee, but you can get Tuna Pie!).

Yeah, but I'm talking about a Tiki BAR Crawl.... Bali Hai, Islands Room and Mr. Tiki (once it opens). Hotel for out-of-towners to stay at could be Humphrey's...Bus could pick up/drop-off there and a Home Bar Tour could be coordinated for the following day...

Just a thought...

**Poly-Pop ***

He who dies with the most broken mugs WINS!

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2004-04-30 15:14 ]

*On 2004-04-30 15:14, PolynesianPop wrote:*I'm talking about a Tiki BAR Crawl.... Bali Hai, Islands Room and Mr. Tiki (once it opens). Hotel for out-of-towners to stay at could be Humphrey's...Bus could pick up/drop-off there and a Home Bar Tour could be coordinated for the following day...

Excellent idea.


On 2004-04-30 14:06, PolynesianPop wrote:

Pretty soon, we'll be able to set up a San Diego Tiki Bar Crawl...

I'm in!


I'm all for a San Diego Tiki Crawl! I'll even volunteer to throw a tiki shindig at our house as part of the tour.

ModMana :drink:


Hit the Bali Hai last weekend for some drinks after some job interviews. It never disappoints. The Hanalei hotel was pretty cool too, lots of tikis

I had dinner at Bali Hai last Thursday night and lunch last Friday ($6.95 buffet...easy on the wallet for a guy budgeting a cross country drive and a few mugs for friends). They have some nice Bishop Museum style tikis in the gift shop, but I was surprised by the lack of logo merchandise. Aside from the mugs, the shot glasses and a ball cap, there was nothing that said "Bali Hai"...not even a postcard. The giftshop manager told me that they were considering pitches from several t-shirt companies and that at least one of the designs featured Mr Bali Hai. I was also told they are not planning to attach the bone to Mr Bali Hai's nose because children tended to try to stand on it. I shot pics of all the tikis I could find and will post when I finally get home to my scanner.

A few pics from early May of 2004; exterior night view:

The goof by night:

...and by day:

Mr Bali Hai by night:

Interior view at night:

This sculpture resides outside near Mr Bali Hai:

Two sculptures beside the stairway:

Two pics of restroom door hardware:

I also shot photos of all of the interior tikis as well as the views out the windows. If anyone asks, I'll gladly post them.

[ Edited by: tikijackalope on 2004-08-16 18:18 ]

On 2004-05-11 02:53, tikijackalope wrote:
I also shot photos of all of the interior tikis . . . If anyone asks, I'll gladly post them.

Excellent photographs and, yes, I'd love to see photos of the interior tikis.

Did the Bali Hai change its front doors and add bamboo lounge furniture downstairs?

christiki295 wrote

I'd love to see photos of the interior tikis.

Hey Sven, good product placement:

They have several of this one:

When you buy a mug, be careful to check them for slight chips around the rim, the lid and the base:

The view from my table at lunch; the irony of watching what I assume to be a warship sail past a fake Polynesia that was partially born of war in the real Polynesia was not lost on me:

Did the Bali Hai change its front doors and add bamboo lounge furniture downstairs?

I don't know about any changes in the front door since I've only been there once, but the interior I shot was upstairs in the glassed-in area. I peeked at the downstairs areas but didn't notice the furniture.

[ Edited by: tikijackalope on 2004-05-11 21:27 ]


On 2004-05-08 01:23, tikijackalope wrote:
I was also told they are not planning to attach the bone to Mr Bali Hai's nose because children tended to try to stand on it.

Thats unforturnate. Would have like to to see Mr. Bali Hai complete.

I found an article on the history of the Bali Hai, it's relation to Christian's Hut, & the Goof:


‘Goof’ On The Roof At Bali Hai
Thursday, September 25, 2003
By Karen Scanlon -

Shelter Island had taken shape like some odd elongated balloon. Palm trees begged for by Port Director John Bate lined the earthen roadway, and the landfill had settled so that construction of buildings could begin.

On the east end of the “island,” the first restaurant was underway - known then as Christian’s Hut (the name taken from the mutineer Fletcher Christian of Her Majesty’s ship the Bounty), or simply, The Hut. Today, it is the Bali Hai.

This Polynesian-style Tiki “temple” was built, owned, and operated in1953 by Alice Hudson. A hefty load of logs to raise the structure came from the nearby Julian mountains. “Tiki,” according to Polynesian mythology, refers to the first man, or his personification. He somehow evolved as the “god of artists” - thus the decorative architectural features infused by a cultural Tiki fever.

At the time, San Diego’s Hut was the third such establishment sired by the first on Catalina Island in 1935 near the set of the movie “Mutiny on the Bounty.” The bar, favored by star Clark Gable, was moved to Newport Beach when filming finished.

However, The Hut did not survive on Shelter Island. Hudson offered the place to neighbor Jack Davis for $60,000 cash. “But I couldn’t come up with that much cash at the time. Big mistake,” he admits.

Purveyors were given shares of stock instead of payment. By 1955, accountant Tom Hamm of Los Angeles was sent by business mogul William Kirk to the ailing restaurant to “look at the books - and he never left,” says Hamm’s daughter Susie Baumann. Tom Hamm became manager and eventually bought out stockholders.

By now, other business ventures and public amenities had appeared on the barren landfill and lured more visitors to Shelter Island - and to Bali Hai. The Tiki temple’s exotic birds, Polynesian floorshow, food-and-drink menu, its own dock, and flawless view of San Diego Harbor charmed the growing population.

“All this local wood, from Julian - you couldn’t duplicate this building today,” Susie Baumann says. The restaurant has been owned and operated by Susie and Larry Baumann since 1975.

A Polynesian concept for Shelter Island would help restore a playful spirit to San Diego, following the busy port activities of World War II. The South Pacific was out of reach for most mortals, so primitive effigies carved in wood, rum concoctions, and flowered shirts were emulated at home.

As for that Tiki trickster and charmer, “Goof” on the roof - he remains a mystery. But that’s his real name. “The Goof” became a recognizable symbol for Tiki fun seekers.

Shelter Island’s first establishment stands alone at the northeast edge (far left). Its Goof - the muse of restaurant builder and owner Alice Hudson - arrives by “woody” wagon at the construction site of Christian’s Hut (now Bali Hai), 1953.
Photo by: Courtesy Larry and Suzy Bauumann

Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Freelance, Ph.D., D.F.S

[ Edited by: freddiefreelance on 2004-05-17 19:28 ]

k'eli posted on Wed, Jun 2, 2004 5:07 PM

Yes the Bali Hai is a fantastic "Home Away from Home" bar/restaurant. Although some if not all of the tikis are bad replicas of the originals. The "mini tikis" as referred to by christiki295 are actually Meneheunes - 'com on get with the language and culture if you are going to talk about tikis and all. Most of you don't know what you are talking about and don't have the slightest actual appreciation of the true art/culture of the tiki.

Most of you on the TC website are only out for the "drinking" and trying at the same time to act like you really enjoy the "tropical/paradise" atmosphere. Your commentaries are so "frat/sorority" worded it is shameful for one of the true "Hawaiian" heritage to even acknowledge this. The crawls that you have are so in the "college" days.

Actually I know that if you are considering this as a stop on the "crawl" you will not be accepted. It is a respectable restaurant and bar - not for the "college" crowd.


This is not the national geographic society nor is it a fine dining club. Some of us enjoy the drinking, some like the pop culture, and some know exactly what to call artifacts and designs from a host of oceanic cultures. Our social gatherings are not "college" as you call them but a group of adults who enjoy each others company and need a release after endless hours of work and family obligations which most of us have.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2004-08-18 20:55 ]


I second that thought Monkeyman(but in an extrememly respectful way).

laney posted on Wed, Jun 2, 2004 6:15 PM

This person, with such Aloha Sprit, talks like he speaks for the Bali Hai. Does he/she? Not a good way to get business either!


The following is a description of Tiki Central from Tikiroom.com;

Quite simply, Tiki Central is the largest collection of Tiki enthusiasts on the web -- and probably anywhere! Tiki Central is a newspost for the latest Tiki news, a meeting place for Tiki people, an UberAlbum for Tiki Photos, and Calendar Of Events for the greatest Tiki Lounge parties in the world. Tiki Central is the best resource for:

Tiki Events parties, tiki bar openings, tiki bar closings
Tiki Bars Yes, tiki bars, new and old, are discussed all the time
Tiki Findings Mugs, statues, poles, plates, belt buckles, napkins, pop culture references, etc.
Tiki Drinks Mai Tai, Scorpions, you get the idea.
Tiki History Classic bars, etc.
Tiki Music Martin Denny, Les Baxter, Don Tiki, and other legends"

As one may notice, drinking and bars weigh heavily here. Discussing REAL Polynesian culture is not often done--this site leads more towards the concept of Polynesian Pop which is a loose (and not always accurate)interpretation of the Polymesian lifestyle. I enjoy learning some REAL facts about real Polynesian Culture when they do pop up here-but ,K'eli, to generally call (most of) us idiots is not going to warm us up to receiving the benefits of you knowledge. Correcting someone, I feel, is most welcome as long as one doesn't insult or attack them. All I can think of when reading the quote of yours that Monkeyman posted is YIKES!!!

[edited by hanford to fix formatting]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2004-06-02 23:45 ]

k'eli posted on Wed, Jun 2, 2004 6:37 PM

Okay - my sincere apoligies to all - I/we was treated rather rudely at an event by those who were quite drunk -


On 2004-06-02 18:37, k'eli wrote:
Okay - my sincere apoligies to all - I/we was treated rather rudely at an event by those who were quite drunk -

Sorry to hear about that bad treatment. Assuming you are of Hawaiian/Polynesian heritage it must be annoying at times when you see your culture diluted by misrepresentation. We at Tiki Central are (as a whole) into the Pop aspect--some of us are ALSO into the serious aspects of the culture and are quite knowledgeable about them. There are jerks in any group though. When we find them-we ATTACK!!!! :) I look forward to your contributions.


Thats unfortunate that you were not treated well by others in the group at a recent event. I can understand why you would be upset. On the whole Tiki Central folk are nice people who go out of their way to treat others with kindness. At some point in time, we were all new to the group and would hope that others treated us politely.

Give us another shot and see if things turn out differently. There are plenty of Tiki Central social functions in SoCal during this time of year.

TNTiki posted on Wed, Jun 2, 2004 7:14 PM

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:11 ]

laney posted on Wed, Jun 2, 2004 7:21 PM

Bong's sorry! :wink:

Really, I think the group as a whole is very un-frat-like. As someone who has worked in bars for way too long, it suprises me how great this group behaves with the amount of alcohol consumption involved. Everyone was so nice at Oasis (of course we probably sweat out the booze) I've even had many TC members over at my house for a party that I had only met here on-line. Everyone was super polite and respectful.

I know it's hard but, you shouldn't let drunken behavior bother you so much. I can guarantee the person who offended you isn't even thinking about it, now. Invest more time getting to know people before you burn the whole lot of us.


On 2004-06-02 18:37, k'eli wrote:
Okay - my sincere apoligies to all - I/we was treated rather rudely at an event by those who were quite drunk -

mai ho'okaumaha. a'ole pilikia.

[edited by Hanford to fix formatting]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2004-06-02 23:47 ]

I don't want to lock this topic, so please no-more off-topic posts here, I think the brouhaha is over with.



we LOVED this place. the dining area itslef could use some tikis, but the food makes up for it. i had the chicken of the gods-AWESOME!!! my wife had the portuguese sausage stuffed chiecken which she loved. of course we had to get the mr bali hai drink in the mug. i also finally got the book of tiki from the gift shop. definately going to go back next time we go to san diego.

Hey tiki5-0, did you happen to notice if they had any shirts, caps, postcards, etc. in the gift shop that actually had the image of Mr. Bali Hai on them? When I was last there in May, the gift shop manager told me they were considering offers from several venders for such.


no, all i saw were the mug and the mini-mugs(shot glasses). i was kinda bummed. i was looking foward to a t-shirt or some other type of memorablilia, but the mug will do.

Nice eye on the carved tiki outside of Mort's Liquor there on Shelter Island. Most people don't know this but that particular tiki was originally carved by Eli Hadley and used to stand outside of the old Island Trade Store in Midway City, CA. Neat, eh?


I am hitting LA in early September. I have already warned my non-tikiphile friends that a trip to Bali Hai WILL be part of our San Diego visit. Too bad to hear that there are no T's or other souvenirs. I will probably be forced to pick up a mug or two or...

I didn't get to check out the gift shop when I was there, as it was closed. I did score the Mr. Bali Hai mug (he's frowning down at me even as I write this).

[ Edited by: Stainless Steel Tiki on 2004-08-19 12:09 ]

Just an update to say the 50th Anniversary special is continuing 'til the 2nd week of October: "for every table (minimum of 2 per table) one person can select a 1954 special. Dinner only. No substitutions. Served Sunday through Thursday."

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