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Tiki Central / Tiki Travel

Naniloa Updates

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Aloha no!

I thought you lovely people might enjoy semi-regular updates on the Naniloa and the Polynesian Room.

Naniloa has passed her Hilton inspection, and is scheduled to get her Doubletree branding on 1 November. The lobby looks amazing. You can take a look here:


We are also putting in a lot of native Hawaiian and endemic Hawaiian plants.

The Polynesian Room is still awaiting refurbishing, but I have great hopes! (and looking forward to stripping off the pearlized pink paint and returning to the natural finishes on the tikis!)

Next time I go in, Iʻll start posting pix here.

A hui hou!

For those who are on FaceBook, there is now a Naniloa Fan Page - Nani Lolo. Please check it out!

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