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Comments about Ikea rattan furniture?

Pages: 1 7 replies

Tiki Chris posted on 01/30/2004

Here are a rattan chair & table. They are reasonable priced & fairly attractive in my opinion. The chair costs $40, & the table costs $20.

They are also Ikea. I'm half-way considering buying these for an area that I intend to 'tiki-fy'.

I don't love/hate Ikea, & I certainly have a few of their products in my home.

I can't afford to go vintage; I can't wait around for a bargain or garage sale; & I probably can't afford shipping from California or elsewhere.

I'm just wondering what TCers reactions are to the chair & table. I'm not in love w/ them, but I think they maybe could work in a tiki space.

Let me know what you think & if you have any better sources of inexpensive rattan furniture.

Thanks in advance,
Tiki Chris

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2004-01-30 17:35 ]

SES posted on 01/30/2004

I bought the papasan chair from Pier 1 and their foot rest sans the cushion. I added a nice round heavy glass top(purchased at Michael's crafts) over the foot rest and created a nice table. I like the round better than the one above. I can't tell if the chair is for one or two people?

DawnTiki posted on 01/30/2004

Tiki Chris, I'm not in love with them but you could Dr.(wink) that chair up to look pretty good! I am also in the market for 2 reasonable priced rattan/bamboo chairs. I might have to go get two of these untill I can find chairs that I really want to spend my money on. I'm off to Ikea. BYE!

tikifish posted on 01/30/2004

I ALWAYS see vintage rattan chairs at the Goodwill. You mayt want to check there first, you might find something cool. Then again, the IKEA ones will be in better shape.

DawnTiki posted on 01/30/2004

Yea, I hit the thrift stores often. Last summer I found a old dilapidated rickety living room set. I am sure it was great in it's day. But it was too far gone for even redoing. Plus Goodwill wanted 299.00 for it. I was pretty sad to see it just sit there unwanted, I tried to talk (more like begged) the manager into lowering the price, unfortunately I am the worst haggler. No luck, he just saw it as making it more valuable, the next time I went into the store they had raised the price to 350.00 :roll: it figures....

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-01-30 15:04 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 01/31/2004

Thanks for the tips, y'all. I'm checking the thrift stores pretty regularly. nothing so far. I did, however, find a huge rattan table & a thick glass top on the side of the road w/ someone's garbage. It's as good as new. I reckon it's worth a couple hundred easy.

Whatever furniture I get will be for commercial use. So sturdiness & perceived cleanliness/newness will be pretty important.

susane: I've got the Pier One papasons in mind too.

DawnTiki: How would you "doctor" them up?


[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2004-01-30 17:34 ]

DawnTiki posted on 01/31/2004

Make some cool barkcloth cushions, or maybe some natural colored hula skirting around the bottom to hide the legs. I talked myself out of going to Ikea today, its an all day trip for me when I make it to one, so I'll go Monday instead.

tikifish posted on 01/31/2004

The last time I was at the goodwill, thay had about 50 rattan chairs, all identical, all new. It loked like a tiki bar just went out of business! But more like a Fikipino furniture shop. In any case, I don't need any. But it was kinda fun to see...

I see the papasan chairs at goodwill all the time too.

Saw an Eames recliner once, but the bastards knew what it was, and put it in their 'auction'.

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