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Mojave Oasis The Gathering III April 12-14th!!! 2013 **** UPDATED****

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Rules schmools.....

See you soon :)

Is it Mojave Oasis time yet? Hmmmm all most.

On 2013-04-12 09:08, Joe Banks wrote:

Devin Blue I can't wait to see you!


Watch out for those brain eating amoeba's!


You kids have fun.....

GROG posted on Fri, Apr 12, 2013 10:07 PM

GROG posted on Fri, Apr 12, 2013 10:43 PM



nothing warms my heart more then Grog&Banks on a gloomy beach morning... of which makes me want to be in my beloved desert all the more!!!! have a great event folks!... if there is non of this??? your missing out!

12:0 Noon AND NO SUN YET!!! (and i was hoping to sun dry my mugs in minutes!?!)

[ Edited by: crazy al 2013-04-13 12:11 ]

!!!!!?? it is now drizzling in the LBC 1PM...... oof-ah' so much for quick drying glazes...

[ Edited by: crazy al 2013-04-13 13:01 ]

Dang! 4PM here and the Sun never came out and time to put on a sweater....... thanks for hogging all the sun folks!

[ Edited by: crazy al 2013-04-13 16:12 ]

It was a great weekend!
Had an Tiki-tastic time I will post pics when I get home & have a nap.

Home again, home again, jiggity-jig. (that and 250 miles)
Amy and staff, thanks for a great event
Fellow campers, thanks for the memories.

GROG, you make-a me raff!



That's a pretty cool painting effect...did ya happen to grab any photos of us menehunes using that?


Not this time around...we will take some then next time you guys play...but you have to hold real still!

New Mojave Oasis postcard!

On 2013-04-14 14:10, Joe Banks wrote:

Big mahalos to everyone who made this weekend possible! It was a blast, even if it did get windy at the end. Fun times, good company, great memories! Looking forward to the next one!

New Mojave Oasis postcard!

On 2013-04-14 14:10, Joe Banks wrote:

Big mahalos to everyone who made this weekend possible! It was a blast, even if it did get windy at the end. Fun times, good company, great memories! Looking forward to the next one!

New Mojave Oasis postcard!

On 2013-04-14 14:10, Joe Banks wrote:

Big mahalos to everyone who made this weekend possible! It was a blast, even if it did get windy at the end. Fun times, good company, great memories! Looking forward to the next one!

New Mojave Oasis postcard!

On 2013-04-14 14:10, Joe Banks wrote:

Big mahalos to everyone who made this weekend possible! It was a blast, even if it did get windy at the end. Fun times, good company, great memories! Looking forward to the next one!


On 2013-04-14 19:42, Krisdrama wrote:
New Mojave Oasis postcard!

On 2013-04-14 14:10, Joe Banks wrote:

Big mahalos to everyone who made this weekend possible! It was a blast, even if it did get windy at the end. Fun times, good company, great memories! Looking forward to the next one!

That Wind was nuts...I had the feeling that I wasnt in Kansas anymore ! Great weekend tho....Good times !

Dang! 4PM here and the Sun never came out and time to put on a sweater....... thanks for hogging all the sun folks!

We hogged all the wind too.


Great photos Joe Banks! I'm with Krisdrama... these could be postcards! Correction... SHOULD be postcards!

SO bummed we missed it, sounds like everyone was blown away by all the fun!



The menehunes had a blast (literally)! Thanks again Amy for an epic party!

Some foreign Legionaires:

Big shout out to Tiki Dude...who put in 14-16 hour days:

Can you dig it?

The one and only Marie:

He doesn't look lost at all!

Ravene (I think):

Mad Dog in da house!

Great event Amy! Thanks to you and Marie and to all your supporting staff for the great food, drinks and the awesome time!

I was very glad to FINALLY check out Mojave Oasis and to everyone who helped build it I have to say you did a fabulous job.

Looking forward to the next one!


On 2013-04-12 10:20, lucas vigor wrote:

On 2013-04-12 10:10, little lost tiki wrote:
Come on down to Little lost Tiki's trailer to enjoy some Happiness and Art!
it appears i will be having a FIRE SALE this weekend!

Fireworks (and firearms.... unfortunately) are banned from the park,Dee...

was that fire yesterday?

I know the concept of little lost tiki being facetious is one that is hard to grasp, but, NO there was NOT a Fire!!!!
The food & musical performances were very very HOT though!!!
If you weren't there you missed a great time with great friends
If you took LLT's post literally - get the meds checked and stop watching "Finding Bigfoot"

On 2013-04-12 10:20, lucas vigor wrote:

On 2013-04-12 10:10, little lost tiki wrote:
Come on down to Little lost Tiki's trailer to enjoy some Happiness and Art!
it appears i will be having a FIRE SALE this weekend!

Fireworks (and firearms.... unfortunately) are banned from the park,Dee...

was that fire yesterday?

I know the concept of little lost tiki being facetious is one that is hard to grasp, but, NO there was NOT a Fire!!!!
The food & musical performances were very very HOT though!!!
If you weren't there you missed a great time with great friends
If you took LLT's post literally - get the meds checked and stop watching "Finding Bigfoot"


reason I asked is because there was a fire around the corner of my house in anaheim the day before, and that picture looked like it came from the story possibly (House had RVs in front)

Did i mention there was a tornado Saturday night?

Thanks the ohana for keeping the vending booth grounded while i rushed over there!
and a BIG MAHALO to Amy,the staff ,and all the fine folks who attended this awesome event!


Hey all, I know people are tired from the long weekend, but if you took some good pictures or videos of the smokin menehunes would you kindly post them here? We are the one tiki band that has the least amount of good videos , so we would really appreciate them! We like them for the shameless self-promotion factor, and because they let us know how we look and sound, what we could do better, etc....


A big thanks to Amy and the Mojave Oasis crew for another excellent event.

And thanks to all of the Tiki Central Ohaha who:

  1. Stopped by and said Aloha at my trailer crawl;

  2. Carried me home after my second shot of Dr. Z's Stroh rum;

  3. Helped save my motorhome awning from blowing away in the middle of the night!


Thanks for the hospitality! Saturday night was so much fun, it literally blew me away.


Cammo posted on Mon, Apr 15, 2013 6:00 PM

Where's Buzzy?


here was my crazy weekend of gloom.....

good news is while you're all having a sunny blast (cue wind sound)
The crappy beach weather produced these!

Hope to see most you folks getting all Caliente Again, and getting one of only 20 in this glaze.

Looks like a great time, more to come! IT'S TIKI SEASON!!!!

[ Edited by: crazy al 2013-04-15 18:24 ]

More to come. Sorry if they're not very clear, they were taken with my phone.

And a big thanks to Forest and the Dead Head Rum custom Mojave Oasis III event mug!


Truly, an Oasis! Quite unlike the the distant shores I found myself at...

Great weekend - many thanks to everyone involved in putting on the Mojave Oasis event, and those that attend and make it the great time that it is. Hoping to not omit anyone, but I'm sure I will: Amy, the staff making things run smoothly all weekend, Marie for tirelessly tending bar, Jeff for tirelessly making sure the tunes doesn't stop, The Ding Dong Devils, The Smokin' Menehunes and The Glasgow Tiki Shakers for putting on set after set of live music, Forrest for preaching the good of rum, Rum Dog for the annual desert art installation, the crawl hosts, the crawl participants, and friends both new and old. Seeing everyone all weekend in a relaxed atmosphere makes Mojave Oasis what it is.

Special shout out to my fellow Tiki Shanty Town citizens. Thank you for welcoming Val and I into the fold.

And hey, I didn't even mention the wind once.


Photos or it didn't happen!

More to come. I'll also try to get some high resolution versions up on Flickr sometime this week.


if it's not a little complicated, it's probably not worth it.

[ Edited by: heylownine 2013-04-15 21:09 ]

Photos, part 2.

(As an FYI, yes it really was as windy as this photo makes it appear)

I'm going to try and get some higher resolution versions up on Flickr later this week.

Thanks again everyone!


Mojave Oasis, what a FUN event, it gets a little BETTER every year.
Thanks to everyone involved!
Here's a few photos from Friday, second batch to follow...

I think Jim was drunk.

Krisdrama and Tikival puttin' up lights

Seriously, how tall is Doug?

Ray telling jokes.

Don't you wish you could click on this and make it bigger?

And now, the Ding Dong Devils...

On 2013-04-15 15:06, lucas vigor wrote:
Hey all, I know people are tired from the long weekend, but if you took some good pictures or videos of the smokin menehunes would you kindly post them here? We are the one tiki band that has the least amount of good videos , so we would really appreciate them! We like them for the shameless self-promotion factor, and because they let us know how we look and sound, what we could do better, etc....


It's a little short, but I have a Smokin' Menehune video on Flickr from this past weekend. I can post higher resolution versions of the photos I posted in this thread to Flickr later this week if desired.


On 2013-04-15 23:59, Tonga Tom wrote:

Don't you wish you could click on this and make it bigger?

Hey yeah, why can't I? :)


On 2013-04-16 00:06, Tonga Tom wrote:
And now, the Ding Dong Devils...

Nice photos, and I like the framing on these in particular!


On 2013-04-16 00:19, heylownine wrote:

On 2013-04-15 23:59, Tonga Tom wrote:

Don't you wish you could click on this and make it bigger?

Hey yeah, why can't I? :)


This is when the "smart" phone comes in handy.

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