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Sand Bar

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Bob, the atmospherics and vibes are there for a really awesome home tiki bar. Love the new frame; as finished and mounted on the wall, it has the dimensionality of a diorama...


Still love the angled bamboo - and the colours on the new frame & picture - great


mahalo guys,

Chuck, your house reminds me a lot of ours.

edit: was always curious, is the Chuck Tatum an acquaintance?

hiya mudbone, both the shell lamps on the shelf below the new "window" are
working (need to re-do the base to reposition the cord on the one on the left),
the black ceramic wahine lamp has a red bulb and the clam shells on the wall
have led's to light them.
have more lights to go in when i get my arse into gear... and yeah there are
awesome lighting ideas here on TC.

g'day Tom, thank you for your compliments... yeah when you're in the room
and glance at it, it kind-of looks like a window.. man i feel like goin' for a surf
right now, i'll take the right hander if ya don't mind, you can have the left.

p.s. really enjoying the build-out of the beach house Tom.

cheers, Holler Waller.

i just posted on a thread in the general forum, then remembered it was for genuine
back in the day hot rod - Tiki connections, so i'll put it here instead so i don't
derail that thread.

hmmm... i decided to delete this stuff 'cause none of it really belongs.

note to self: don't get juiced-up and post irrelevant stuff on Tiki Central.

[ Edited by: komohana 2016-03-21 05:15 ]


On 2011-08-29 03:33, komohana wrote:

....lover not a fighter...

...but we all know there are those times when you've got no choice but to fight your way out...

when i went to get the ford stuff, (see post script below) i had some time to kill before i met-up
with the bloke, then found an op-shop that i've never been to before and there where these polynesian
weapons, going for a song... man, that was a great day.

i only had to re-bind the hand grips and three i've mounted on the wall,
the forth i'll put somewhere in the bar later... just in case.

p.s. apologies for posting the hot rod stuff, i wasn't sober at the time.

On 2012-01-29 02:18, komohana wrote:

p.s. apologies for posting the hot rod stuff, i wasn't sober at the time.

thanks for the smile....

You could muddle the heck outa anything with that

LOVE what you're doing! Especially all your DIY tiki work!

Wow.. not sure how I missed this

Thats a great layered frame... terrific


aloha shipmates,

Holler Waller, funny you should mention that, as the thought of that
club as a muddler had occurred to me, heh! bucket o' jungle juice anyone?

hiya moki and duke, very nice of you to say so.

ahoy Monkeyman, thanks for your kindness... and the inspiration afforded by your magnificent room.

well friends, that foul four letter word... "work"... has been taking up way too much
time lately, combined with other projects, little progress has been made other than
some more lighting and the beaded curtain to screen the music gear.

with soul destroying flash...


[ Edited by: komohana 2013-03-03 17:56 ]


aloha crew,

well, in the immortal words of dale kerrigan - i dug a hole...

several in fact, being for the footings on which to build the bar, at last!!

so what? you might say. well, the ground is almost like bloody concrete here in summer,
being clay/gravel, in fact there was a pit close-by where they dug clay to make house bricks,
and we've been having a few warm days...

(inside the shed)

at least my mate had a little sense, i just wish the lagoon was big enough for two.

anyhow, why i mentioned the make-up of the ground here... i like to call the back yard - satans' anvil,
on account of it being so hot and hard, where all but the most hardy plants wither and die... is because
i stabilised some of it with cement and layed a dirt floor for the bar, kind of like rammed earth.

progress shot...

and a couple of pictures of the interior...

initially i wasn't going to put any windows in the side wall but ended up making a couple openings to let
the doctor in - the sea breeze here is known as the fremantle doctor - but they'll be more like hatches than
windows - solid with no glass.
in the last photo, the door-way can be seen, and an opening for a roller shutter.

the lining of the walls is well under way and not much of the bamboo ply will be seen after tapa etc. is applied.
the ceiling is hessian, or as the americans say - burlap.

also in the last picture, it can be seen that my album covers around the circular clock have fallen off due to the
heat radiating through the wall, this is now cured as the bar shades that area.

more soon friends, bob.

Wow!! Some great additions. That layered frame really is awesome. Your dog has grown too since the last time I saw this thread :D. Excellent job all around. Aloha!!!!!!!!

Gibbo posted on Tue, Mar 5, 2013 3:22 AM

Hey there Bob,

The bar is looking great mate.

I'm feeling for you with that digging too...hottest summer on record here in Western Australia.

Cheers and good luck with it all,

Great job...it is coming along nicely. :tiki:

Hi, 'm coming to this post a little late but I like what you've accomplished with the space. That black figurine you picked up from the garage sale is a piece of Australian kitsch by a guy named Barsony. He was a Hungarian immigrant to Australia after WWII and was popular in the 1950s-70s. Here's a pic of a Barsony piece we own.

His stuff is quite collectible and fetches $200-300 on the east coast. Great find.


To ebay I go!


aloha guys, thanks for stoppin' by.

yeah, i often thought whether or not to expand on the lamp, eventually deciding not to as i'd already stretched
the non-Tiki with the dog etc., besides, i wasn't sure if his work was all that well known outside australia.
i understand that quite a bit of it was exported and was popular in europe, but probably not america?
as no-one else commented until yourself, Thurston, another australian, this kind-of confirmed my thoughts.

anyhow, as it has been brought up, here's a link to a segment the collectors produced a few years back,
which i guess would be a good introduction to anyone who may not be familiar with his work.


cheers, bob

[ Edited by: komohana 2014-03-07 18:18 ]

Beautiful stuff, thanks for the video. There was a similar style of ceramics popular in Germany in the 50s, often made in Austria (close to Hungary):

It is telling that these kind of Exotic portrayals seemed to flourish in countries that did not have a large indigenous population of that kind, just like Tiki flourished AWAY from the Pacific Islands:


Gibbo posted on Sat, May 4, 2013 12:33 AM

Hey there Bob,

How about some updates on that wonderful bar extension old mate!

Cheers and Mahalo,


aloha Tiki mob,

apologies Gibbo, don't know where the time's gone.

anyhow, routered a patern onto some battens for the bar ceiling..

made some small shelves..

.. to incorporate onto one of the walls..

benchtop and stuff to hide small fridge..

made a backing board for the cane shelves, original glass shelves at the moment but i'll make some wooden ones..

finally put some seagrass mat on the floor of the lounge, likewise a patern on the base boards.
they turned out fairly good, but aren't seen much, for the furniture etc...

wasn't keen on having the weapons in such a prominent position, so moved them to behind the lounge chair..

also my fishermen, because i've found a nice large picture for the wall they were on.

the actual bar is about half made and will be bolted to some footings in the floor.

from that position and moving out of the bar..

..my A frame is taking shape..

cheers for now, bob

[ Edited by: komohana 2014-04-19 04:39 ]


Amazing pieces you got there. Nicely decorated. Would be nice to see the entire room at some point.

Gibbo posted on Mon, Mar 3, 2014 2:59 AM

Hey, hey , hey Robert....looking bloody good mate! I see the tiki found a nice spot in the bar too.

Did that big club come from Kalamunda?

Cheers and regards,

[ Edited by: Gibbo 2014-03-03 02:59 ]


aloha guys,

the black one Gibbo? no, that was found by an uncle on the rubbish tip at dongara, of all places.

cheers all, bob.

[ Edited by: komohana 2014-04-19 04:59 ]


aloha tc'ers

the bare bones of the inside bar can be seen through the open door but has yet to be finished,

meanwhile, my A frame is mostly done.

the steel cross-braces are yet to be covered with split bamboo, and as yet insalled
additional internal timber bracing will have the dual role of carrying extra lighting
and a good sized shell chandelier the life size wahine scored a while back.

along the horizontal member of the A, i will attach a carved board, with name etc.,
which will also cover the ends of the other poles and the side sections of the roof.

the roof area is about ten foot square and is formed by two layers of reed fencing with
black shade-cloth sandwiched between, total water-proofing is not really required.

plans are also afoot to re-build the barbecue area behind the A frame, which will include an outside bar.

cheers, bob.

[ Edited by: komohana 2014-04-19 05:06 ]

Really coming along nicely--thanks for sharing so many step by steps!

loving your African statues and heads as well as your shelves with the ship!!! that's sooooo Awesome!!! then I scroll down and see your A-Frame BBQ area!!! Holy cow! that's insane!!! now I want one too!!!!


komohana - I'm really enjoying watching your place come to life. On your A frame did you use the standard thin reed fencing and did you treat it with anything (a stain or sealer) before putting it up?

Wow! Everything looks killer!

My next project, now that Spring is here, is to work on my backyard. Your A-Frame is really inspiring! I have to keep my structure under 12' total height though...

Thanks for the inspiration!

Gibbo posted on Tue, Apr 15, 2014 2:48 PM

Hey there young Bob,

The A frame is looking great mate. I will have to head on over for a closer look again.

Cheers and mahalo,


Thanks all for your comments.

Welcome anytime Gibbo.

SoCal Savage - yes, just the common garden variety fencing, the reeds being
hollow and about a quarter inch average diameter - untreated - a few types available here,
this one is called Java.

The inside will stay about the same colour for years, the outside will grey over time,
but another layer won't be too hard to apply.

Initially, i was thinking of thatch but decided to go with reed for several reasons; not only
to keep the cost down but also the weight - reed being much lighter, it's also quicker to attach,
air can pass through - reducing any impact by strong winds - this is also another reason why
i used shadecloth between - instead of a waterproof membrane, and i figured that the reed would be less
of a fire hazard - although i plan to give the whole thing a good spray with fire retardant some time soon.

SandraDee - like yourself, I'm a very keen op-shopper/garage-saler/scrounger and absolutely love the hunt,
of course, genuine mid-century american Tiki artefacts are next to impossible to find here.

Also strive to recycle as much materials as possible.

Pele Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice of ya to drop by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

IDoVoodoo - check out Tiki tOny's place :


along with lotsa folk here on TC, his work lit the fire under my butt and i plan on a similar shack for
our barbecue area, maybe with fire proof fake thatch.. 'cause.. you know....... my butt's on fire...

...am also gonna have a fire pit where that DAMNED lilac tree was, sure not gonna miss clean'n up after that bastard.

...although, we'll miss the birds that used to visit.

[ Edited by: komohana 2016-03-24 03:06 ]


Was reluctant to post 'til the two windows in the side wall of the bar were done, but they're
nearly there, still lotsa detail to finish - don't hold ye breath, could be a while...

The bar has been done for maybe six months, but I only connected the water up about January - WooHoo!

The bar cabinet, though not all that difficult took a LOT of spare time, I thank The GODS my wahine
is the very epitome of - Ahonui.

The bar top was... well I don't really wanna talk about it, as i'm try'n to keep the swearing down.

sooo... kick ye shoes off and come on in to the Sand Bar - beach sand on the floor, feels great in yer toes.


[ Edited by: komohana 2016-03-24 03:12 ]


[ Edited by: komohana 2016-04-03 21:40 ]


WOW! I've been watching this project come together for years and I have to say, it's such an amazing room! I'm extremely jealous, but in a good way. Great job! :)

I really like the front of your bar. Its so different than the traditional rattan or bamboo. From the picture it looks like wood with painted designs. Very creative!


^ Thanks men - appreciate the feedback ^

Rummy, I'm jealous of Mauka 'cause he can write better than me, has cooler stuff, and has better lighting.

Mauka, I'm jealous of Rummy 'cause he has more booze than me, has cooler stuff, and lives on the Pacific coast.


Thought I'd share my solution to a problem that bugged me for a * looong * time..

After finding a print on light canvas, I imagined all manner of steampunk-esque contraptions
involving steel and/or wood frames with twine, springs, pulleys, etc. to stretch the canvas out.

The light-bulb moment came when I was replacing the fly-wire on my front door..

Hammer the inner flange down a bit so the canvas only contacts the frame adjacent the spline groove..

With canvas splined in..

I made an mdf frame for it with a light-box incorporated in back.

I did have an led strip installed, and it looks great lit up, but the lights were spaced
too far apart and ye could see the points of light. I've since found a light strip with
the led's close together, but haven't fitted yet and haven't decided on the decoration
for the frame - but will probably be painted on.

[ Edited by: komohana 2016-04-04 07:04 ]


Nice bar!
Just saw this one.

Nice carvings as well.

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