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Have you unexpectedly met someone famous?

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2 years ago Brendan Frasier was escorted into my office and I gave him a 20 minute demonstation of the prototype project I was working on. He had invested a lot of money in it.

Sat in the Blue Bayou resturant at Disneyland while 2 women ignored a brat that was with them. The kid was yelling at the top of his lungs at the boats passing by. It was ruining the experience, and we kept thinking that the waiters would tell them to shut up ... I joked that it must be "Hubert Disney the 3rd" and the waiters couldn't say shit to him. But after they left the waiter appologized and said it was Meg Ryan who was ignoring her kids. I'm sure they were responsible for the Monorail not running later that day. If you ever meet Jack Ryan, punch him in the gut and steal his money for me.

Caught a glimpe of Roy O. Disney (Walt's brother's son) during orientation at the Disney Studios.

Plus I got a bunch of George Lucas stories (I worked with Tiki-Bot for Lucas for a while) ... saw someone who people were claiming was Tom Cruise at Skywalker Ranch.


I hope one day to meet this mythical Hanford Lemoore.

Have any of those alleged photos of "him" been analyzed for authenticity, or is it just some poseur in an aloha shirt and glasses hoping to get a segment on Unsolved Mysteries?

Some of my less starstruck celeb encounters include:

-Joe Montana in Office Max, about 3 months ago. Didn't talk to him (I'm not a football fan), but felt a little bad for him because most of the kids working there were too young to know who he was, I think. He WAS wearing a cool bowling shirt with a hula girl embroidered on the back, though. And he looks maaavelous!

-Steve Young sat right behind us at a Springsteen concert a few years ago. He had his head in his hands the entire show (I was told later that he had gotten a concussion in the prior week's game -- again, not a football fan), but his date seemed to be enjoying herself.

-I brushed elbows (literally) with Tom Waits at an Elvis Costello show, as we were waiting to herd in through the doors. I just smiled sheepishly and he gave me a little half-smirk, half-nod. (Okay, I was a little starstruck at this one, too).

-Bowzer from Sha-Na-Na in the gift shop at Harrah's in Reno. Woo-hoo!

-Mike Farrell (of MASH fame) at Circus Circus in Reno. The show was still in production at that point. He's a very, very tall man.

-Lots of '80s rockstars that my husband's old band opened for (Night Ranger, Eric Martin, Gary Hoey). And The Tubes -- Fee was pretty cool. I also sat in as a back-up singer with Bill Spooner's band (The Folk-Ups) at a friend's wedding last fall.

Have you noticed how many people have met Joe Montana somewhere or another? You think he's stalking TCers?!?!?!?

laney posted on Sat, Aug 9, 2003 11:26 AM

Well, where I work (in a gentleman's club) brings it's share of rock stars and celebs. Especially during NAMM, we also get a lot of ball players being right down the street from Edison Field. I guess it was cool to wait on Tommy Lee, he was polite and ordered fru-fru shots. I don't easily get star struck but it was fun to watch all the other guy's in the club going "hey is that Tommy Lee" I was like "no" Duh

But recently, Cory and I went to Ozz Fest. We spent most of the day in David's (Korn drummer) bus because it was super hot. Each member of the bad has his own bus. It was fun to see all the back stage stuff. Marilyn Manson looks funny riding in a golf cart. But the coolest thing happened, we were on stage for Korn's set. This was a surreal experience in itself, to see all the stuff the audience can't, it gives you a new appreciation for musicians. And to look out on a huge crowd, wow! I glanced over and saw Sharron Osbourne, a few people away, rockin out to Korn. I was like "look, Cory, it's Sharron" I loved the first season of the Osbournes, and have it on DVD (haven't seen the second) Cory told me to go over a say hi. I said "no way" so he made his way over and I followed. We stood right behind her as I tried to think of something profound to say about her beating cancer or what a smart business woman I think she is. She was looking for her bag and I saw it behind her chair so I picked it up and handed it to her. I shook her hand and told her how star struck I was and how nice it was to meet her (nothing profound came out damn it). She seemed genuinely surprised and thanked me. She told Cory "Your girlfriend is beautiful" Wow! Later I told Cory he should have said that I was up for adoption.

Don't Korn own a sushi bar in Huntington on Main?


Well, I used to live in Sherman Oaks, CA and ran into celebs with some regularity, so I am somewhat jaded. But in my town now, I have conversed with Kevin Nealon, that guy who hosts The Best Of on Food Channel and John Irving.

I once had the pleasure of the company of the UK SUBS in this pub i worked at, they were playing at a venue near by but spent the time before the gig playing on our pool table and drinking coke.

Once when i was in berlin at that art-bar with the half burried bus, me and my friends were drinking away when this crowd of americans come and occupy the table next to us. One of the girls we were with looked over and pointed out that JON BON JOVI was at the next table. Since none of our party were into rock music it was of no importance to us, but one of JON BON JOVI's hangers on over heard our recognising him and went "yeah you can look at the famous people, its alright, come stare at the stars". So to spite the rockstars everybody at our table got up and walked away, and for the rest of the evening no one in the bar would speak to them. the enduring image i have from that night is of a forlorn JON BON JOVI deperatly trying to find somebody to speak to him.

kctiki posted on Sat, Aug 9, 2003 6:56 PM

On 2003-08-08 18:27, Chongolio wrote:
I met God in a cowboy bar in Chico and then again a few years later in a parking lot in Long Beach at a Grateful Dead concert.

Too weird! A friend of mine says he was in the parking lot at a Grateful Dead concert and met Jesus. Jesus told him to stop taking drugs and being such a loser. He did stop taking drugs, but now he's a Parrothead. Maybe God's not done with him yet.

On 2003-08-08 19:40, tiki-riviera wrote:
I once met the uber cool tiki artist Shag. I asked him to sign a copy of his supersonic swingers book for me and he looked down his nose at me like I just pissed on his pants. This didn't sit well with me and I was going to kick his ass but the dude is built like Hulk Hogan and had two bodyguards. Well I flip hime off and his bodyguards grab me and Shag starts giving me a wedgie, so I mace them all and as i'm leaving I punt Shag's poodle at least 10 yards. He starts crying and screaming that he's going to hunt me to the end of the earth. wimp.

Ya, but did you get the autograph?

A few unexpected encounters of mine

  1. I was driving through upstate New York, and decided to take a small detour to see the general area where the original Woodstock concert was held. I spotted an old hippie bus parked at the side of the road, selling souvenirs. I stopped in, and the only other customers were singer Melanie (of early 70's 'Brand New Key' and 'Lay Down - Candles in the Rain' fame)with her family. She had performed at the original concert, and was back visiting with her family. Her husband wanted to take some pictures of her next to an original Woodstock sign, but they couldn't find their camera, so I offered to take some with mine, which I later mailed to them. They, in turn gave me a few autographed CDs. Melanie was very nice, and her two daugthers were absolutely gorgeous.

  2. Last fall, during intermission at a local theatre play, I used the basement restroom, and was later waiting at the top of the stairs for my girlfiend to return. I looked next to me, and there was Senator Joe Lieberman (Al Gore's running mate) standing there, also waiting for his wife to return. We gave each other the raised 'Here we are waiting' shoulder expression, and then a steady stream of older guys in suits came to shake his hand.

  3. I was at a party in the Los Angeles area about two years ago. I was chatting for a long while with a very amusing and entertaining guy, long blonde hair, round glasses. At party's end, my friends and I walked to our respective cars together with him. As we got into our car, my friends said to me "Do you know who that was?", I replied 'No', and they said it was the guy who played Cousin Oliver on the Brady Bunch (his name is Robbie Rist) I was having a celebrity encounter, and didn't even know it at the time.

I have a few other encounters that don't fall into the 'unexpected encounters,' yet still do mean something to me.

  • Spending a weekend at a music workshop taught by 60's musician Donovan.
  • Getting in line at Tower Records in New York to meet Iggy Pop. I later wrote him a fan letter, and he wrote a nice letter back.
  • A tiki-related encounter: while in Atlanta for a Drive-In movie theatre event, I was able to attend a party at Atlanta's Trader Vics - where I was able to meet and talk with Tura Satana, Haji, and Lori Williams of "Faster Pussycat! Go! Go!" fame. It was my first visit to a Trader Vic's, and definitely the most memorable.


I forgot the best one! I was working at the River Cafe in Brooklyn (Under the Bridge) as a valet. Tina Louise came in and the piano player started the theme to "Gilligan's Island". In a huff said "That show ruined my career." The Maitre'd turned to me and added, "What carrier?". She was not happy.

Unga Bunga,

yeah I got the autograph, there's still blood on the pen he signed it with.

Hey ikitnerv,

Faster Pussycat Kill Kill!! is one of my favorite movies. How cool to meet two of the stars. How did they look?


I just remembered a kinda revealing incident. Not really a celeb sighting, but a celeb mistaken identity.

I was out barhopping with a group of friends, one of whom was a passable identical twin for Uma Thurman. At first it was kinda fun, "Hey, those suckers across the bar think I'm hangin' with Uma", I thought. It turned annoying soon thereafter as our group was followed, rudely interrupted, spied on, chased, harrassed, and otherwise constantly bothered by people that wouldn't take "stop" for an answer. We tried to explain that it wasn't her and to leave us alone. Some did and some didn't. It went on all night, with some "fans" even following in their cars. It was quite an education in what it must be like to have to live with that level of recognizability. That poor girl should get some anti-Uma surgery.

Well, at a screening of the 'Double D Avenger' at Thrillville, I sat next to Pirate Juggs (aka Mimma Mariucci). She was totally nice, (if a little scary looking in person) and even obliged me by exclaiming 'Shiver me titty timbers!' I just missed getting her autograph. :(

Also - when I was a little girl I met Billy Barty! He was totally, totally nice and thought I was the cutest girl ever. He even offered to marry me since I was his size. (I was about 4 years old and thought this was a total scream) A genuinely nice person. :)

"Those who think conventionally will never read my thoughts..." - The Black Lizard


[ Edited by: Frenchy Polynesia on 2003-08-11 16:27 ]

I don't know if this counts, but when I was working at Home Depot during college, I sold Jeffrey Daumer a Skill saw (ouch).

Could be worse, Bong - you could have sold him Tupperware.

Oh - wnd while we're on the serial killer topic. Ted Bundy tried to pick up my mom when she was at Oregon State University in the 70s... He had the cast on his arm and was using the 'can you help me with my books into the back of my volkswagen' spiel. She was totally creeped out by him and got the hell away FAST. Thank goodness.

"Those who think conventionally will never read my thoughts..." - The Black Lizard


[ Edited by: Frenchy Polynesia on 2003-08-11 16:44 ]


I rode in a van to a concert with Curt Cobaine and Courtney Love. Nirvana was on tour opening for the Chili Peppers but they were alreay going supernova. Got free tix to the show for giving the driver directions but didn't dare talk to them. Everything about them reminded me of Sid and Nancy.

On 2003-08-08 10:12, limptiki wrote:
Does not count as a meeting but Ralph Lauren clearly sneered at my baggy and probably wrinkled non-Polo aloha shirt at the Pebble Beach concours a few years ago--it made me proud.

Did you know his real name is Ralph Lipschitz? (AND, "no," I'm not kidding.)

I've only gotten up to page four at this point, but it is clear there is this "Six Degrees of Separation" thing happening here. I would bet that all of us have it going on relative to at least one posting on this thread.


Most of the celebs I've met were musicians, with the exception of Peter Fonda and Cesar Romero. I met Dennis Quaid a few months ago, who is a good musician as well as a terrific actor. Very, very nice down-to-earth guy. (What was Meg Ryan THINKING??)
Also met Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson, David Allan Coe, Jerry Reed, Leon Russell, Larry Gatlin, Roger Miller and a bunch of lesser-known folks. Thankfully, not an asshole in the bunch - all very nice people.


On 2003-08-10 11:55, ikitnrev wrote:
A few unexpected encounters of mine

3) I was at a party in the Los Angeles area about two years ago. I was chatting for a long while with a very amusing and entertaining guy, long blonde hair, round glasses. At party's end, my friends and I walked to our respective cars together with him. As we got into our car, my friends said to me "Do you know who that was?", I replied 'No', and they said it was the guy who played Cousin Oliver on the Brady Bunch (his name is Robbie Rist) I was having a celebrity encounter, and didn't even know it at the time.


Damn! I was a fan of his as a kid! And I liked that he played a former child star turned guitarist on "Batman, the Animated Series", since he is one.

On 2003-08-11 23:54, [email protected] wrote:
it is clear there is this "Six Degrees of Separation" thing happening here.

It's worse than you think! I've hung out with actor Anthony Rapp, who was in "Six Degrees of Separation" (both the play and the movie).

--cindy, name dropping again


We just ran into Jason Alexander (George from Seinfeld) at Cantor's on our way home from Night of the Tiki at the Key Club last Saturday...

Oh and Don Ho, he signed one of the free Shag posters for us.

Everytime we go into LA we see someone...
-Chris Rock at the Beverly Hills Hotel
-Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters at the Beverly Center.
-The dad from Family Ties (don't know his name, is he a celebrity?) at a Deli in Pasadena.

  • Met Martin Sheen who came on the field after one my college football games in 1982. My mom snuck down to where he was sitting and kissed him on the cheek!

  • Ran into and shook hands with a bleary-eyed Bill Clinton in 1992 just before his first term election walking alone on the 3rd Street Prominade in Santa Monica after a press conference. After a few minutes, I noticed he was not alone at all! There were "men in black" type security people with ear pieces close by!

  • Saw Dr. Ruth Westingheimer sun bathing on the lawn at my grad school ceremony in 1994 (no free sex advice!). Her son was in the Ph.D program.

Ran into Raiders receiver, Tim Brown at FedEx in Oakland (a dream come true for any Raiders fan). When he realized I recognized him, he said, "wassup brutha-man" and quickly bailed out before I could ask him for his autograph. Damn!

  • Met with actor Peter Boyle (Everybody Loves Raymond) in my office last year. His daughter was admitted to the college I work for and when I told him that I loved his show, he said - "keep watching the show, I have to pay tuition!" She turned us down for Brown. Loser!




[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-08-13 20:11 ]

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-08-13 20:13 ]

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-08-13 20:16 ]


I just remembered someone else famous I never met. Last summer while eating at a restaurant in L.A. in walks Tom Sizemore and Madam Fleiss (sp?) they sat at a table next to ours, they were very cozy. I was just surprised to see them together as a couple.

1)Escorted Presidents/dignitaries in motorcades through Orange and LA counties.
2)While working graveyard shift one morning at about 3 am had breakfast with Alice Cooper and his entourage at Dennys on Alicia/I-5.
3)While working out by Desert Center I-10 e/of Indio, met Jan Michael Vincent during filming of Air Wolf.
4) My friend busted a guy for DUI one night. There was a male passenger in the right front seat who was dead. The guy that got busted turned out to be none other than Randy Kraft(serial killer).

[ Edited by: tiki rider five-O on 2003-08-13 21:01 ]

Holy Smokes I remember when they busted Randy Kraft. I remember that story. The CHP pulled him over on I 5 in Mission Viejo area right? TikiRider, you guys got a tough job. Then again a lot of people do as well, but in different ways.

That's the place...N/B 5...it's kinda scary thinking that if it hadnt been for some lucky stop Kraft could have continued his deeds for who knows how long.

I knew a guy named Crazy Al, before he became the next Sponge Bob Cartoon craze! The Crazy Al Show!

I nearly bumped into Rick James and a couple of super freaky ladies as they were coming off a hotel elevator in Toronto...I think I was about 13yo at the time and my mother thought it was a pimp and a couple of prostitutes....too funny.

[ Edited by: mattfink on 2003-08-14 12:18 ]

On 2003-08-13 22:41, Tiki Rider Five-O wrote:
That's the place...N/B 5...it's kinda scary thinking that if it hadnt been for some lucky stop Kraft could have continued his deeds for who knows how long.

So that's why you pull over so many people for speeding there: "May be another serial killer, better safe than sorry!" ;})>

Seriously, I've gotten one, my wife's gotten one, my sister-in-law from Chicago, my brother-in-law from Chicago, and I think my sister & dad, too. There's more speeding tickets given out there than anywhere else in Ca.


TR 5-0,
That's some freaky/scary shit...

I'm talking about the late night meal with Alice Cooper. :)

Ok, one more for the road.

Mrs. Boo and I were at the Hollywood Palladium (on our second date) checkin' out Keith Richards and the Expensive Winos first gig in L.A.(it was taped live!). When the show was almost over we tried to sneak into backstage. Well, Mrs. Boo made it through with no worries and then the "Big Big Monkey Mon" grabbed me and tossed me through the backstage side door. I thought that they only did that in movies!! Anyway, while my head was opening the doors, the momentum of the Monkey Mon toss was quite fast and the next thing I knew, I was on top of Woody Harrelson in the rain! He said, what the F! I said, Hey! you're Woody! Long story short? It was a great show!!! (there are more but I'm not allowed to talk about them. ie; conf. contracts and big lawyers!! Yikes!!)Mrs. Boo has met a ton! (backstage/onstage/etc.). She even sang onstage with Chuck Berry! Maybe she'll post a few.

On 2003-08-11 00:07, tiki-riviera wrote:
Hey ikitnerv,
Faster Pussycat Kill Kill!! is one of my favorite movies. How cool to meet two of the stars. How did they look?

Yeah, that's my uvula showing, too.
Check out the whole photo story (those are middle-of-tale pictures). These were taken at Trader Vic's Atlanta, the first time we Drive-Invaders had gotten Tura and Haji to come down for a weekend (2? 3 yrs ago?). Vern (ikitnrev) got to come the 2nd time we got the girls, and we'd found Lori by then. GREAT fun!!

I've met a couple. I met Moe Howard when I was a kid. He was taking a ceramics painting class in Burbank. Carl Sagan once in Pasadena. And Natalie Wood and Richard Wagner at the Los Angeles zoo - looking at the monkeys.

One of the following stories is a bald-faced lie. See if you can guess which one.

  1. Sat next to Lance Henriksen and showed him the technique for shooting an Amazonian blowgun at a showing of "Aliens". He and his wife snuck out during the closing credits so he wouldn't have to deal with fans who might recognize him from the movie.

  2. Sat next to O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown during a showing of "The Mosquito Coast".

  3. Saw Stevie Wonder at the entrance lounge at Shrine Lake in Pacific Pallisades. Wanted to talk to him, so touched him on the elbow and gave him a tremendous static-electric shock. Caused him to stumble backwards into a monk and they both tripped over a low bench and tumbled onto the floor. I beat a hasty exit.

  4. Dom DeLuise pulled up to my garage-sale in a huge white Cadillac and proceded to buy almost all my stuff. Talking to me through the passenger-seat window, he would say, "What's that over there?" and I would bring it to him. "Yeah, I like that. Put it in the back seat," he would invariably say. Purses, lamps, cardboard treasure chests; he bought it all.

  5. Saw John F. Kennedy Jr. and Darryl Hannah romping through the streets of Westwood hand-in-hand on the night his mother, Jackie O. died.

  6. Shared a banana with "The Bear" from the TV show, "B.J. and The Bear". He was a true gentleman.



1981, a urinal at The Roxy, Keith Richards

Ran into David Crosby on the Star of India (worlds oldest active sailing ship) in San Diego a couple of months ago, the PR/photo guy with him asked me to talk to him to get a less posed picture, of course I didn't ask the questions I really wanted to ask!!!

Sabu, I'm still sputtering incoherently. Please do not keep me in suspense for long. Which one?!?!???

They're all fantastic, by the way.

Once upon a time in NYC, I went with my parents to Michael's Pub. I don't know why. Some rumor of jazz being played there, I suppose. Anyway, who should be seated at the next table but Woody Allen (and, probably, Mia Farrow, but I was only about thirteen and thoroughly, mercifully ignorant of the details of the Neurotic One's tedious lifestyle).

As usual during summer in New York, it was extremely hot. As we were getting ready to leave, I sat fanning myself with a napkin.

That's a NAPKIN, folks. You know...small, white, paper. Harmless.

Suddenly, a huge, remarkably butt-ugly Mike Mazurki lookalike looms over small helpless me. Blocking out the light, that sort of thing.

"Hey, you," says the thug. "Who, uh, ME?" I squeak, thoroughly confused.

"Yeah, you," says the bruiser. "Stop doin' that!"

I think I tried to say "what? doing WHAT? breathing? what?" but probably I actually just sat there with my mouth hanging open.

"Stop it!" he practically shouts, gesticulating towards the napkin, still clutched in my terrified, sweaty fist.

I found my voice. "You mean, uh, fanning myself?!"

"Yeah, stop it right now."

I began to tear up. "Whuu--why?""Because Mr. Allen don't like it, that's why!!!" and he stalked back over to his wormy little boss to file his report.

I say it now for all the Internet to hear:

Woody, go f*$k yourself. Thanks!

Gee, it felt good to vent about that.

On 2003-08-14 13:39, freddiefreelance wrote:

So that's why you pull over so many people for speeding there: "May be another serial killer, better safe than sorry!" ;})>

Seriously, I've gotten one, my wife's gotten one, my sister-in-law from Chicago, my brother-in-law from Chicago, and I think my sister & dad, too. There's more speeding tickets given out there than anywhere else in Ca.

Freddie, thats a good one. I'm happily retired now though. You're right on those stats. Seriously watch out for s/b 5 through San Clemente. Some serious ticket writing going on there. Aloha!

Oh yeah, it's nice to sit up a little higher in a truck, I can see you guys comin' a mile away. If you're not doin' 75 to 80 then you get run over so what are you goin' to do? Especially on Highway 99 with only 2 lanes most of the way.
Oh, saw the guy who wrote Proposition 99. He was ridin' along on the freeway, betcha you're all excited about that one eh? Can't remember his name. Howard somethin'. He's passed on by now.
Oh, and the guy who got rejected after bein' nominated for the Supreme Court under Reagan,....uhh....Robert Bork? Saw him out at the Palm Springs Desert Museum. Whooopeee!!


I went to high school with this strange little guy with funny hair that everybody used to beat up on. His name was something like Bamboo Ben

I went to school with a dude who played bass for a punk band who were regulars at the Cuckoos Nest. I can't rember their name though! First my eyes, now my memory!!

p.s. his initials were NN2

Who's the BAND!?!

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen on 2003-08-21 09:18 ]

On 2003-08-20 18:34, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote: One of the following stories is a bald-faced lie. See if you can guess which one.

  1. Lance Henriksen and Amazonian blowgun
  2. O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown
  3. Stevie Wonder and a monk
  4. Dom DeLuise
  5. John F. Kennedy Jr. and Darryl Hannah
  6. "The Bear" from the TV show, "B.J. and The Bear".

AAGH! Tell us, Sabu!! They're all bizarramundo!


I don't think I can say without a few guesses first.

(I believe Chiki thinks that they're all bogus.)


On 2003-08-20 18:34, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
One of the following stories is a bald-faced lie. See if you can guess which one.

  1. Shared a banana with "The Bear" from the TV show, "B.J. and The Bear". He was a true gentleman.

I'm guessing #6. We all know "The Bear" aint no gentleman. I saw it all on When Animals Attack! Sabu stole his banana.

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