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The show me your Witco thread.

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I don't have any of the Witco catalogs Tiki David and I have never come across a bar or stools based on the color stick design but if I do I'll let ya know bro!

I finally have some witco that will make sense in my future tiki room. This beauty wasn't cheap, but I think I think it was worth the $150 I paid.

Witco seems to be pretty hard to come by around here.

That's a good score for $150!
Nice find Slacks!

the words , "finally" and "this beauty" should tell you something, $150.00 was a pretty good price.
i have 3 of them for sale @ $350.00 ea. so.... there ya go.....

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2008-11-14 04:59 ]

Congrats on the outrigger, slacks. Glad to see the wife didn't talk you out of it.

On 2008-11-12 17:33, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:
Congrats on the outrigger, slacks. Glad to see the wife didn't talk you out of it.

Yeah. She's not thrilled with me, but she did come around after a bit of coaxing...

I thank you for your opinion on the price SDT! T'was helpful.

No problem, Slacks. Call me any time you want to make an impulse purchase. I have no problems encouraging other people to spend extravagantly.


:lol: Found this piece yesterday, my second Witco find out in the wild..

Someone actually painting over top of the original yellow & orange colors. It's now green & pink/purple? Does anyone know how to get the paint off without ruining the original paint? I'll have to wait for a sunny day to take this out side at hopefully take a better photo. This is a giraffe, yes? I thought someone said it was a horse? And the horses I've seen don't look like this.


Witco ? Experts please chime in here. It's unmarked. 2' tall, and the base appears to be not original and added later.

No marking on the back. Got it for $20, which I consider a deal. The guy selling it knew nothing from Witco, but said something about a local guy carving it. I dunno, looks very Witco to me, but I'm no expert.


Nice score there for $20.00 sure looks like the real deal. Tbanks for posting it.


If not Witco, certainly was an inspired guy who carved tikiyaki's sculpture. Cool design.

Sweet find whether WITCO or SHITKO it is a SWELL piece!

It's cool but I don't think it's Witco...I could be wrong though. I looked through my Witco picture files and did not see it but ask Bigbro, I think he has several of the original Witco catalogs from different years. He should know...

Big Bro has confirmed it as a "no".

Damn fine knockoff of the style tho, and at the end of the day for me anyway, is that I like the piece, and it looks great in my pad. :)


tikiyaki, nope not a Witco that I have ever seen. Cool carving though.

I know not everyone gets a chance to see much from a Witco Catalog, but since these pictures were posted on Ebay from someone selling a Witco Catalog from 1976, I thought it would good to post them here for reference sake.


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-11-21 10:49 ]

Found today...

I found these with a large table full of Mexi-Tiki and African pieces. Everything had been painted black.


I'll attempt to remove the paint someday.



Psycho Tiki D

I know not everyone gets a chance to see much from a Witco Catalog, but since these pictures were posted on Ebay from someone selling a Witco Catalog from 1976, I thought it would good to post them here for reference sake.

Thank you for posting those catalog photos. :roll: I guess I know now the piece I found last week is a horse and not a giraffe. :lol: I could actually read the discription (HORSE MAZAZINE RACK) underneath the photo on one of the above pages. Maybe you're the one that origanlly said it was a horse on here some where? With all the great stuff you put up on here, you must have a lot a room in that tiki castle of yours? Where do you put it all? :lol:

Check this out.


Seller has two up for grabs. Photo from previous owner shows them not hanging incorrectly.

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2008-11-30 00:44 ]


I've posted these before in other threads, but I will add them here plus a couple of new ones....

My favorite, fossil fish

The damaged fish were expertly replaced by Ken Pleasant

Mrs. Fury gave me the small one several years ago, the bigger (16") one is a recent find

Our second local Witco find within a week, 7" wide & 5' tall. Background is on what appears to be naugahyde

Wow, Ron, that's a good one! Looking forward to feeling its naugahyde sometime.

"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2008-12-12 07:44 ]

can't really see the price tags


On 2008-12-19 21:27, RevBambooBen wrote:
Are these Witco?


They look like what I dropped in the toilet this morning

No, they are contemporary.

On 2008-12-12 13:23, sneakyjack wrote:
can't really see the price tags

what were you interested in?




On 2008-12-28 16:53, Tikisgrl wrote:




On 2008-12-20 05:28, TIKI DAVID wrote:

On 2008-12-12 13:23, sneakyjack wrote:
can't really see the price tags

what were you interested in?

I sent you a PM



Your Witco find can also be seen on page 95 of Tiki Modern. Nice piece.


On 2008-12-29 15:25, tikipaka wrote:

Your Witco find can also be seen on page 95 of Tiki Modern. Nice piece.

Thanks, it's small but the price was right, 2 bucks to get into the Flea Market, 2 bucks for the Witco plus gas!


On 2008-08-15 16:44, Psycho Tiki D wrote:
From today's finds...

Witco Cat magazine rack.

And his pal!


so the second cat is witco? I picked up one of those from a local dealer a few months back for 40 bucks, but I was never sure if it was real....

Here's a couple we picked up before Christmas. They were at an antique mall. The tag said tiki, but not Witco. Anyone know what these were called? Or when they came out? I was glad to see this style in Tiki Modern


"marked tiki but not witco",you didn't educate them did you?
great score.one of my favorite designs.I do not know what it is called ,but I have a fountain based on that design

My my, t'is the famed "Mick Jagger" Tiki (or simply Polynesian Fishing God):


It would be quite rare for large carvings to have the Witco label still attached to them. Looks like the bases were added later by someone else, could have been intended as lamps.

But wait: There is one on e-bay right now! Good luck, Nancy :wink:

The Mister surprised me with this for Valentine's Day. A fellow dealer found this at an estate sale for $65, and sold it to my husband for cheap before it went into his space. The fabric needs a little cleaning but I kicked out the Witco Outrigger and hung it up anyway.


This cropped up in the OKC area and I was a bit interested.


Anyone with knowledge know if this is a usual size (if such standard exists)? It just seems a bit small. But I don't collect Witco and I wouldn't know.


That is a good price for this original condition, hard-to-find set. You can see the pieces in "Tiki Modern", pages 240, 241 and 260. The bar is small, but the modern abstract Tapa/ deconstructed Tiki face design on it is very cool.


I ran across this today. Looks like Witco but I don't know if it's genuine; there were no identifying tags or marks.

LOL Tiki!

[ Edited by: LOL Tiki 2009-02-28 19:32 ]


It is a Witco, it looks to have been repainted and very few (carved pieces) if any have markings or something that would positively ID them.



On 2009-03-01 15:06, TIKIBOSKO wrote:
It is a Witco, it looks to have been repainted and very few (carved pieces) if any have markings or something that would positively ID them.


Hi Bosco - Thanks for the info. The paint did appear to be in very good shape; it didn't look fresh but it wasn't particularly worn.

found in sofla,the head and tail move.

"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2009-03-10 06:51 ]


I picked these up in Florida last week. The car still has it's original yellow decor tag. The wheels, grill, windshield and steering wheel is rough cut brass. The next one is a bridge, no tag. I am assuming it is the Golden Gate Bridge?? Sven? Thanks, Scott

[ Edited by: tikicar 2009-03-10 17:15 ]

Anybody help me out with this ...is it a WITCO?

Sure looks like one, judging from the hands it may have had some other function (not just to hang on a wall) or maybe not?


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