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Friday the 13th

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And I'm feeling lucky :wink:

Put it all on red and let it ride, Futura Girl!!!


We are really lucky down here in Florida. Hmm lets see, not one but TWO tropical storms one being a cat 3 hurricane. How much luckier can we get on this Fridady the 13th???

Dunno Ben but we're gonna get some good surf off it!

My dad and stepmom live on Key West, and my grandfather lives in Ft Myers on the West Coast. Both areas are expected to be hit, so everyone pray to the Tiki Gods that we are Ok here in Florida.



hey TRR, looks like the Key West folks have lucked out and will get Minor problems. However the Ft Meyers area is about dead on for an direct glancing blow. Expecting heave water surge between Ft Meyers and St Pete. Good luck, I have my fingers crossed for them.


I was going to start a new thread, but since it's mentioned here: Best wishes to all the Floridians.

Pablus is in Tampa right?

Hang on tight!

At least you can see these damn things coming. California may fall into the sea by lunch today for all we know.

All I know is SAVE THE TIKIS!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention the Shag print sales have been delayed as well.
Good luck Florida!


I've got an aunt in Punta Gorda - this does NOT look good...


Friday the 13th, indeed! Whatever you Floridians do, DON'T go see Alien vs Predator to kill some time. Please, I beg you! You're going through enough misery already. Don't do it! And don't say I didn't warn you!

Worst. Movie. Ever.

Friday the 13th is indeed a lucky day for me. It was the day I met my wife and asked her out on our first date.

On 2004-08-13 17:31, Monkeyman wrote:
Friday the 13th is indeed a lucky day for me. It was the day I met my wife and asked her out on our first date.

Right on Monkeyman. Friday the 13th has always been a good day for me too, today being no exception. I woke up this morning, called my boss and told him I was takin' the day off. He said "no problem, see you on monday". I slept till noon, made a run to the beach, kids left the house, watched the ballgame & the Olympics, ate Chinese take-out and now FT13 is officially over. I don't understand what the problem is with this day.

Celebrate! But don't drop that tiki mug!


Had a snakeskin belt stole from me at work at OSU on Friday the 13th.
It was not cheap.
A fine man by the name "Dog" stole it.

Saw "dogs" obituary in the paper a few years later ( guess somebody caught him and capped his a$$) but I was wrapping something in the paper and just saw the obituary by chance.
He was a young guy too.

Ha! wonder if they buried him with my belt on?

Karma people, don't mess with ol Skip.


"Had a snakeskin belt stole from me at work at OSU on Friday the 13th." I don't think we want to know the details :) ...and NO, I am not Messing w/ Ole Skip. I know better.

"I don't think we want to know the details"

Ha! yeah I even thought of that one, I went upstairs and left my locker open,
So no it was not a Jim Baker type event.

Man at OSU if you are a certain type of thief or no good, they don't want to touch you.

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