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New "E" Ticket Magazine out - early Haunted Mansion & Walt's Daughter...

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Hey all - I just updated the "E" Ticket website. We have a new issue out - articles on the early version of the Haunted Mansion, and interview with Walt's daughter - Diane Disney Miller - and a tribute to co-founder Leon Janzen, who we will all miss.


Mine arrived in the mail last week -- another great issue!


Tangaroa, what do you do for the magazine? Sorry if you've told us before, just curious. I just got my copy too, and tore right through it (I mean, I read it fast). That was a nice article about Leon.

I'm wondering if the Disney museum in the San Francisco Presidio is still going to happen. We've also been hearing about Lucas making the Presidio his giant new studio complex instead of the ranch. Wonder if both will fit there.



I designed & maintain the website, occasionally write or contribute to the articles, occasionally do maps of lost attractions, etc... etc....

Leon was one of my very best friends - I've known him since 1990...

"Oh mystic powers - hear my call...
From my limbs, let new life fall..."

[ Edited by: Tangaroa on 2004-10-26 16:10 ]

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