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Help wanted: Tiki Menu Expert

Pages: 1 5 replies

I just ran into a few menus that I was wondering about. I found them at a old antique- junk store. The first is a Kona Kai menu - brown cover -Kona Kai man in the left corner - about 6 pages. The other was from Hawaiian.....- something, i cant remember. But this one was black - with embossing all around and it was in 3 sections, with the two small outer sections folding in to meet in the middle. They were both in fair condition The guy was selling them for $18 and $25. Is that too much? I though it was. but I'll be the first to tell you that I am no tiki menu expert. I need your help to see if I should invest in these.
Thanks to all in advance for helping!
I just remebered what the Black one was - it was from Hawaiian Gardens - the guy said it was from the 1930'S

Dang my bref stinks!!!

[ Edited by: kimcheebref on 2004-10-26 15:26 ]

[ Edited by: kimcheebref on 2004-10-26 15:31 ]

[ Edited by: kimcheebref on 2004-10-26 16:27 ]


Here's my take on it. The menus (or anything else for that matter) are worth what you are willing to pay for them. Personally, I don't buy (specifically Tiki Stuff) for investment purposes. If that were the case, I'd sell all my stuff and retire to Tahiti. If I like something and it seems to be an ok price and will make me happy, I buy it. Is a Tiki Bob mug worth the $75 they seem to go for on ebay? I don't think so (I got mine for a couple of bucks). But to the guy or gal that "has to have one to complete their collection" it is. I'd pay big bucks for a Mainlander mug (it seems to elude me), but that's because I need one to help complete the collection. The point is this: If you like them, buy them. If they'll make you happy, buy them. If you're worried about a return on your $$, forget it.


I've seen menu's go on ebay for more, and I've seen them go for less. I'f you decide you don't want the Kona Kai one, I'd love to have it. I live in Philly, and am trying to do as much research on the place as possible. My best suggestion is to search the completed items on ebay, and see if any come up, I don't think I've seen menus from either of those come up lately, but I could be wrong.

bref~ buy em if you like em. those are good prices. unless you think they are FAKES! (heeheehee....sorry everyone else, inside joke about a rip-off ebay dealer we are both dealing with) :)

Tiki Matt
I think that you took my word of "invest" too seriously. I invest because IT IS worth it to me. Doesn't everybody? I am just tight on funds right now. I had no clue if I could possibly get them for cheaper on Ebay. I do not know very much about the menus- plus they were in fair/poor condition. Would you buy a mug or a tiki item with a flaw? I usually like to buy my items with the least amount of flaws possible. I just wanted to know a little bit about them. I have no expertise on these items. And for collecting - My collection is never complete- these items would only add to it. I was just wondering if i needed to return my bottles/cans to get them before they're gone.

[ Edited by: kimcheebref on 2004-10-26 18:08 ]


Kimcheebref-I agree-if you like them,pick them up-there are some REALLY high rollers as far as tiki menu buyers go on Ebay.These folks have serious cash,and will put your lights out,as far as spending for a coveted menu goes.I adore menus,and would love to own some vintage tiki ones,but they usually go a lot higher than I can afford.Not only that,be tickled that you found those menus "in the wild".

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