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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Help: Me jetlag Zombie need ride Saturday afternoon to Tiki Farm

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Folks, it is looking good for my chances to catch the early bird flight from Hamburg to LA on Saturday morning, which will get me into LAX around 1:00 pm.
But after shooting all night and 12 hours on planes I will be a Zombie and would love for someone who is driving to the Tiki Farm Bash to pick me up in Silverlake anytime that afternoon. Is there anyone going around then?



Are you going in the afternoon? I can probably pick you up around three or four. I havn't maped it out yet for time. Give me a call when you get back or write me privately at the bcxists email address.



Great! That was fast, didn't know you were going, Brian.
Yeah, 3:00 or 4:00 would be great. I will call you if anything changes because of the flight. If I don't, I made it, and I will call you once I get home, to confirm.


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