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thor has passed on

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I went out and bought old hardcover editions of Kon-Tiki, Aku-Aku and Fatuhiva. I knew they were at a local used bookstore, but Thor's passing gave me a fitting reason to enshrine them in my tiki room. May we all be forever inspired by his spirit of adventure and courage to challenge the conventional wisdom.

Last night I had a split second of Tiki-joy while watching the 10 O'clock news, when a distinguished looking man emerged from behind a pair of fine wooden doors, each with a Tiki mask on them. Then, just as suddenly, I realised who it was - that the masks were the famous Kon-Tiki masks, and the reason for his appearance on the news.

Thor was a man who did great things with his life and he lives on through his books & his museum in Norway.

Trader Woody

In one of the obits I was reading over the weekend it mentioned that one of the reasons for Thor's sprightly old age was his habit of digging a big hole in his garden each and every day. Somehow that really impressed me.

Yours, off to buy a bucket & spade,

Trader Woody

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