Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki
My game is available now! Help me test it/sell it!
Pages: 1 0 replies
Thu, Sep 26, 2002 4:39 AM
Hi all, A few weeks back I posted about my OTHER little side-project, the game Rocknor's Bad Day. To all who checked it out: Thanks! The website is now open to the public and the full-version is on sale. Yay! The free version of the game is now listed on keeps track of how many downloads the game has had, and the popularity. The more downloads and the more good reviews, the higher it will get listed. If you're interested in helping me out:
Please be honest! I'm not asking for lies on there, just some honest votes. Please email me and let me know what you think of the game. Thanks for helping out. ~Hanford PS: The way you sell games on the Internet is: Drive people to the site. At the site, drive them to download the free one. In the free one, drive them to buy the full one. This is why I'm interested in getting the game better-ranked on |
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