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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki

Rapa Nui, Altea, Spain (bar)

Pages: 1 3 replies

Name:Rapa Nui
Street:9 Alcoy

I found this ad for another Spanish Tiki bar while out in Benidorm. Altea is just up the road, but due to the opening hours (7pm - 5am) that clashed with the Wild Weekend, I was unable to visit. Looks like a lot of Moai action on show, some cool barrel tables, but probably not worth making a major effort to get to.

Trader Woody

The ad and a few close-ups:

Trader Woody

nice one, woody. but now you got me jonesin' for some spanish tiki!!!

if only ryanair had flights from new york!

On 2004-12-01 10:41, Tiki Chris wrote:
nice one, woody. but now you got me jonesin' for some spanish tiki!!!

if only ryanair had flights from new york!

Yeah, the Spanish bar is a pleasure in itself, but when combined with Tiki it's a rare treat. The fun of Spain is looking for Tiki, then stumbling on a great non-Tiki bar. Even the most innocuous local bar can turn out to be a life-affirming experience.

I'm sure there's a whole lot more Tiki to find out there. Just before I left Benidorm, someone told me of a hotel near the beach that had a garden full of Maoi, and that's a town I've spent a lot of time in.

Trader Woody

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