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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

ANNOUNCEMENT: Beyond Tiki changes and a new off-topic forum

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Recently I've had discussions with some moderators and Grand members about how the Beyond Tiki forum is becoming a little cluttered and diluted.

There seems to be two distinct type of posts appearing in Beyond: serious, non-tiki posts that are of interest to the Tiki Central ohana, and then "timekiller" posts that also quite interesting to a lot of members of TC, but are along the lines of watercooler discussion that helps make a lot of people's desk-jobs a little brighter. Listmaking posts, links to silly websites, celebrity death announcements, etc.

There's nothing wrong with these Timekiller posts. I'm very proud of the fact that Tiki Central has become a place that people check multiple times a day and use as a source of non-tiki discussion and chat.

But for now, we're going to try and move these type of timekiller posts over to the Bilge forum.

So in summary:

  • Bilge is for timekiller posts, drunk posts, useless discussion, silly website links, celebrity death announcements, etc.
  • Beyond Tiki is for more serious, non-tiki discussion.

How am I going to draw this line?

First, I'm asking everyone to help out by U-Moderating posts that you think should be moved to Bilge. But please do not go back and try to U-Mod old Beyond Tiki posts from a long time ago. That would just clog up the U-Mod system.

Second, a big determining factor will be how perminently interesting the topic will be to Tiki Central members. A topic about classic cars is more Beyond-friendly than, say, who won Survivor (it was Chris, by the way).

Finally, I want to say: if you post something to Beyond, and it gets moved to Bilge, don't feel bad! You're not in trouble. You didn't make a mistake. It's going to take a long time before the looks of these forums are shaped.

Thanks for Reading. Please post your thoughts in the talkback thread:


*Formerly known as Bile

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