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Great drink recipe

Pages: 1 3 replies


Kiliki and I have been enjoying this one for a while, thought I'd pass it on.

China Village Mai Tai

1 oz Dark rum
1 oz Light rum
1 1/2 oz Triple sec
1/2 oz Orange juice
1 oz canned unsweetened Pineapple juice
1/4 oz alcoholic cordial Grenadine (24 proof)

Mix in shaker with ice.

It's very strong and very good.

It's easiest to mix if you triple it. That works out fairly well for measuring with a jigger.


Do you or does anyone have the recipe for the Trader Sling that they use in Trader Vic's... I got the bartender to recite it for me last time I was there but made the mistake of not writing it down...

Ok,...Slap my hand but,...I'm looking for a Mai Tai PUNCH recipie. One that I could make in bulk, for my next party? Anyone Help?


I'd suggest one of the recipes in the Grog Log. A) There are punch recipes, B) there are a couple of good recipes that are given in large quanities. I don't know why. When it says "8 ounces light rum," you gotta figure it's a drink for many. I hope! If you don't have this book, get it. If you need a recipe now, reply and we can hook you up.

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