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Tiki Central / General Tiki

hawaii 5-0 - the movie

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For those without access to the NY times:



"The studio is expected to collar a feature deal worth seven figures for the rights to a contemporized version featuring the same characters who became so ingrained in the minds of viewers during the show's 12-year run".

Why? Why the hell does everybody have to "contemporize" all these classic properites? 5-0 would have been SO cool if they'd left it set in early '70s Hawaii. Like Ocean's 11 - sure, the original wasn't a great movie, but the remake coulda been set in 'early 60s Vegas and been more than just another techno-heist movie...


and I bet ya they're gonna shy away from political incorrectness and hardly show any Tikis...(the original show already did).
What would they have to show as contemporary Hawaiian locations anyway? GAP stores, Hardrock Cafe and Banana Republic? That way they can shoot it anywhere....

Just wait for the inevitable P-diddy/JLo re-mix of the theme song... Argh!

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