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Recipe that uses a premixed pineapple and coconut juice?

Pages: 1 1 replies

JaredB posted on Thu, Apr 7, 2005 2:36 PM

I just went to Trader Joe's and got some of their pineapple/coconut juice. I know that I saw someone post a simple recipe on here for a drink that I could make with it (for those times when I'm too rushed or lazy to mix a real tiki drink) but now I can't find it.
Would the originator mind posting it again?
(you wouldn't believe how many results come up when you just search this forum for pineapple and coconut.)

JaredB posted on Fri, Apr 8, 2005 9:03 AM

Oops, I was looking up so many recipes the other day that I got confused. The one I was thinking of was actually from Taboo Table - and I found it.
Havana Banana.
Thanks anyway everyone, go back about your business.

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