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Posting Photos Help

Pages: 1 8 replies

Hi, Gang!
It took me some searching to find Al's instructions in another thread, so I'm going to repost 'em here to make the info easily accessible. I have a question: I'm a Mac user and don't have the old right-click, left-click option(I'm also pretty computer ignorant). How can I follow Al's instructions? Any help is much appreciated! Mahalo.

-Weird Unc

From Al:

Step one. Go to Shutterfly.com. This is a free service. They are a good online photo service. One of our Moderators, Mig, works there. It is easy to download photos. here's how

  1. Setup an account. It's easy they only want your Email address.
  2. Download photos. Easy as pie. the step by step will show you how.
  3. Now that your pics are posted they will all have a unique web address.

The pictures you see on TC are a direct link to that web address

Step two. determining the web address

  1. Open your pic on Shutterfly.
  2. Use your mouse, "right click" your pic.
  3. A menu will open. Choose properties (left click).
  4. A properties box will open. there will be a web address (URL)
    to that specific pic.

Step three. posting

  1. Hit the post button on TC.
  2. Copy and paste your pictures web address.
  3. Type ![]( directly before the address No spaces. you must use the brackets
  4. Type ) directly after. No spaces.
  5. Hit submit.
  6. That's it.

Now read TC's FAQ, on posting pictures.

Here's an example

Web address

Pic link

Hit the edit button of this message to see how it looks.
Any Questions?.
[email protected]

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2002-10-24 13:35 ]


Thanks for the re-post of Al's photo helps. I will definitely try to do this now.

That's the Tiki spirit! :D


So.... Is there a kind soul out there who can translate Al's instructions for Macintosh use? Please help this computer dummy. Thank you and mahalo.

-Weird Unc


Sure - instead of all that right click left click stuff, to determine your URL to link to, just click & hold on the pic. An option to "open image in new window" should come up (assuming you are using Internet Explorer). The picture will show up on a new page all by itself, with the URL at the top.... The rest of the directions are the same...

Got it! Mahalo, Tangaroa.

Otto posted on Tue, Dec 21, 2004 4:49 PM

On 2002-10-28 17:35, Tangaroa wrote:
Sure - instead of all that right click left click stuff, to determine your URL to link to, just click & hold on the pic. An option to "open image in new window" should come up (assuming you are using Internet Explorer). The picture will show up on a new page all by itself, with the URL at the top.... The rest of the directions are the same...

and if one is not a member of Shutterfly?


Free image hosting for the masses.

Hey it works!!! Yay

[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale on 2004-12-22 12:45 ]

Pages: 1 8 replies