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What I hate about meat.

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I hate it when you're eating a hamburger or someother piece of white-trash fare, and bite down on, what I call, a nerdle or some sort.

It's sort of hard, yet flexible (not that), and you typically begin to wonder exactly what part of the cow it originated in.

At that point you must decide whether to eject said unknown item from wad-o-chewed food, or swallow it down attempt to move on.

It's one of those experiences that you typically like to move quickly over and hope to forget (like meeting Baxdog).


Bongster, Don't let your meat loaf.


Eject said unknown item from wad-o-chewed food.

nerdle!?! wad-o-chewed food!?! damn, still laughing.


spit, don't swallow.

(not that)


On the off chance that Bong has something in his mouth other than his best friends
Willie and Richard, I know the nerdle won't hit the floor cause
Bong ain't no spitter

Along with droppings from a fly
Cock-roach legs
Mouse piss
You might find CART-ledge
You know it is just like the surfer pills we find in the sand (a treat) meant to be saved in your mouth for hours at a time.
NOW PLEASE get a fricken JOB

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