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The Oasis, Austin, TX (restaurant)

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Name:The Oasis
Street:6550 Comanche Trail

Well I just heard on the news that The OASIS on lake Travis, just outside of Austin, burned to the ground.
They suspect lightning may have caused the fire.


"A fire Wednesday morning destroyed a Lake Travis restaurant famed for the sunset views from its wooden outdoor decks.

KVUE's Rudy Koski reports
Officials say a fire of unknown origin swept through the Oasis before dawn today.

Fire crews from surrounding areas were still battling flames as dawn broke over the lakeside bluff topped by the burning restaurant.

The multi-level wood deck of the restaurant fueled the fire.

Because of the severe slope that the decking clings to, firefighters were not able to get close enough to quickly knock down the flames.

Authorities speculate that the fire may have been started by a lightning strike.

Nearby residents called in the fire.

"About 4:30, the neighbors say they heard a loud bomb and then saw fire in the area, but we are still checking that out to make sure that is correct," explains Fire Chief Bruce Watson of the Hudson Bend Fire Dept.

No homes were threatened, and no injuries were reported.

By 7 a.m. dozens of employees, some still in their pajamas, arrived to watch the Oasis burn and share in each other's shock and grief.

It appears that flames destroyed the rental hall, the banquet hall and the majority of the decks.

"Myself and 280 employees are devastated, to say the least," Owner Beau Theriot said. "It's just a nightmare come true. It's just a heartbreaker."

Over the years the Oasis has grown considerably on its 500-acre site. Theriot added decks, a bell tower, a wedding chapel, a banquet hall and private dining areas. The facility could hold up to 2,000 customers.

As the sun dipped behind the surrounding hills each night, employees would ring a bell as customers cheered.

Theriot estimated the restaurant sustained at least $1 million in damage. He said there is no question that he will rebuild.

"I've got 24 years of creation over there," he said, "and I've got to start re-creating."

Theriot says the Starlight Terrace adjacent to the main restaurant will hopefully reopen in a few days, serving drinks and appetizers, until the main building can be rebuilt. "

I was told they had a tiki-type bar there. Anyone ever been?

Kenike posted on Wed, Jun 1, 2005 7:19 PM

I haven't. Guess I can scratch that one off my list.


Well they are going to rebuild.... would be nice if they did it more in a "polynesian temple" style.... instead of "he-yuck lets go kick some shit off our boots by the lake" style.

Sorry I've been fighting with some people online in another board not related to this one.

Wow, that is a bummer. My friend and I always went there when we visited Austin. Gorgeous place, they have an old school black & white photo booth (with the 4 photo strip) which we documented each trip with. I don't remember a tiki bar, but judging from the photo on the website it has changed a lot since I was there 10 years ago. There are more decks than I remember. The drinks were high octane, so maybe that's why I don't remember much! Hope they are able to rebuild soon, it truely is a breathtaking spot and is very popular.


Hey Unkle, thanks for the information. I had no idea it burned down. While at U.T. I spent many nights studying, I mean drinking there. They did have a pool bar that was "tiki-ish", but they closed it due to legal issues. Man, what a shame. That was the best place to watch the sun set and drink a frozen marg. Right when the sun would set they would ring a bell.


I drove there last week and some how the they are still serving food and drinks. The owner said he was going to rebuild it. Hopefully he will put the tiki bar back in.

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