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Sam's Seafood

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I was driving through Huntington Beach the other day and decided that I would go check out the Sam's Seafood restaurant that I have heard so much about. Not really having high expectations, I went in and was knocked on my ass. There are tiki's everywhere, pufferfish lamps, glass floats, and best of all, Hawiian music playing.

This place is my ideal version of what a tiki bar should be. I've been to plenty of tiki bars before such as the Tonga Room in SF which has great decor but falls short with horrible service and the worst band playing even worse music. There are things that I would change about the bar in Sam's like the neon budweiser sign and video poker game on the bar but that stuff is really nit picking. The place is great.

If you haven't been to Sam's, check it out. While I was there I had a Mai Tai and a Zombie and the total came to a very reasonable ten bucks total. And those two drinks were enough to get me going. I asked the bartender if it gets crowed at night and she said no. She also said that there really aren't any regulars that hang out there. If anyone in the area wants to go drink it up at Sam's let me know, I'll be there with bells on. -maybe not bells- but you get the picture. They also rent out the banquet room for marriages so if you are interested, you can take your ridiculous tiki obsession one step further and get married at a seafood restaurant. The decor in there is great though.

I just want to know how I have missed this place after all these years of living in Newport Beach and seeing that big blue dolphin in the sky. Anyone else feel this way about Sam's?

[ Edited by: Luckydesigns on 2002-10-27 20:35 ]

It's a great place I just wish the bar was open let. It's pretty much a day time drinking spot, they close the whole place down after they stop serving dinner. By the way, how'ld you like the outrigger hanging off the ceiling over the bar? very cool in my opinion.

Aarrgghh, it's 8:30 and I'm working late, I'm just waiting for stuff to finish rendering, but it looks like I might miss the Mai Kai Gents. But then again, The Bigfoot Lodge is just like 15-20 minutes away, I guess I could slip away while the computers keep rendering. No time for a bath though and I've been working mad hours lately, oh well, my apologies in advance to all those who will have to deal with the stank!!!

The outrigger is way cool but is kinda falling apart now. What time do they usually close then? Like 10:00?

I asked the owner a couple of years ago when I was putting together a show and wanted to have bands play there but he told me that the absolute latest they would stay open is 11:30 and that's only if they were still serving dinner, like on a Friday when they do their Polynesion show or something. Otherwise they close up between 9:30 and 10:00. The bar has it's own acces door to. I wish they would close up the restaurant and leave the bar open but no dice. There's a bar right across the street from sam's that Big Bro told me about awhile back but I've never checked out though that has a couple of Tikis out front too. Like I siad I've never gone in so I couldn't tell ya what it's like inside.

Maybe I'll investigate that. I saw those tikis out front.


Last July a bunch of us rented a bus and drank our way from the Royal Hawaiian in Laguna to Sam's in Huntington Harbor. Needless, to say, it was a blast!

We plan to do something similar around Christmas. Join us for the Happy Hula-days!

The place across the street from Sam's is Taco Surf. It's a lot like Sharky's in Manhattan/Hermosa. I had lunch there a while back. The drinks were nothing outstanding. In fact I ordered a Mai Tai and got a rum/orange juice/grenadine thing. The tikis outside are nice, but I don't remember any inside.

I read about your crawl and it sounded like so much fun. I also just missed Bax's party which looked like a blast. One day I'll make it to a TC event. I'm looking forward to the Christmas thing. Is anyone going to make it out to the SWINGIN TIKIS show at The Hard Rock Cafe in Newport on Halloween? There is a $400 grand prize for best costume.

Taco Surf- Now I'm not a professional bartender or anything but the last time I checked, grenedine is not an ingredient to Mai Tai. Thanks for the review!

The bar across the street used to be called "Noel's" and was a low budge version of Sam's, with not as many Tikis but with some nice selfmade Tiki-detail, like naive Tiki paintings. Off course Taco Surf did away with that, parrothead style.

Those jerks...

I searched TC for pictures of Sam's for those not near us here on the West Coast, and couldn't find any. The following is just a small sample from The Polynesian Spectacular at Sam's Seafood. The bar just outside of the main area where this 'Spectacular' takes place is small, but nice, and I didn't get to take any pictures of it (yet). Well, here's from my library of pics:

The Sign

Sign at the entrance


The Coconut Bar inside the show area.

Tikis in Sam's

Preshow Hawaiian Music entertainment. Ahhh, I can even hear the waves crashing and the tropical bird calls.

Former Miss Hawaii in a form-fitting dress so that you can really see her sexy...uh, seductive...umm...I mean very artistic hula moves. It's a fuzzy picture, but her eyes are mesmerizing.

Do you really need to be talked into seeing them?...

...Well do you?

Hope you enjoyed the pictures!


Great pics SCD, I still haven't seen the spectacular yet but it looks great. I love Sam's.

Thanks LD!
Last year there was a thread that started a possibility of going to The Polynesian Spectacular, but some TC'ers (at that time) didn't want to shell out $40 for the dinner & show. Maybe this year?


I'd be willing to shell out $40.00. I mean, we get food too, right?

That's right PP...umm..I mean PolynesianPop!

You're choice of:
Prime Rib
Sam's BBQ Ribs
Mahi Mahi Hawaiian(it was Salmon on New Years Eve)
Snow Crab Legs
Chicken Hawaiian or
Teriyaki Shrimp En Brochette

also included:
Hawaiian-Style Rice & Vegies
Green Salad w/ choice of dressing
and Dessert (it was custard topped with Kahlua that night)

The staff was very curtious, and was very accomodating in making sure Olivia (3 years old) was happy. Nice touch. It was no charge for her and also for a 4 year old that was near us. They don't have an actual kids price, so I don't know exactly what age they do start charging for children.


We're SO in,


The tribe Bong is also in!

laney posted on Thu, Jan 2, 2003 2:55 PM

Bong, You and I were the one's who wanted to attend the show for the O.C. mini crawl. Everyone else dismissed it because it was too expensive and would take up too much time. I would have, and still would love to check it out. I don't think they have shows again until summer, though. Maybe a T.C gathering in the future? I'm in!


Doctor Z & Z-Girl are definitely in!

Uhh... wait a sec: when exactly are we "in" for? I don't recall seeing a particular date or time...


The show is absolutely a must!It's definitely worth the money. The hidden village gets fully packed. So don't order the crab legs...cause they'll be cold by the time they get to your table.
The women dancers are beautiful... the boy dancers (well they're just boys). last august we had our wedding rehearsal dinner during the extravaganza. wanted to see it again, but missed the show on new year's eve...because jeff "our bartender" jacked us up on the scorpions...again! we definitely should make a plan to go soon because it will be a blast and a half!!!
type to ya later,
deb and gogo

Every time I go there I spend so much money. But what the hell, I love that place, you can't keep me outta there. I'm sure Lapu is in too and of course it wouldn't be the same without Sabu....

Now all we need is a date.

where is this place?, it sounds real cool........

The dog's are in.

Put me down for that! It's been way too long since I've been to Sam's. The fresh air'l do me good.

So what's this 'Sam's Seafood' place you are all talking about?


oh, jeez... here we go again...

Call me slow, but is there a date set?

Sabu is back in town and definitely "in" for the show and dinner at Sam's on the XX of XXXuary, 2003.

my roman is a little rough, what was that date?

they only do the show ona certain night , so lets pick a date!

WELL???????, is this thing working???a date please.....hello....

[ Edited by: twowheelin'tiki on 2003-01-12 01:02 ]

Family Bong are definately into seeing the Polynesian review. Someone said it might not be happeining during the Winter.

Laney, can you confirm this? If it's not so, let's plan it for February 22. (My birthday is on the 24th, put please, please, don't, NO, do bring lots of tiki gifts for me)

The Polynesian Review at Sam's does shut down for the winter except for particular days like Valentine's, etc. At least that was the case last year.

But we're always up for Sam's either way as long as I'm in town. Just pick a date and run with it!

Ok Tik & Tikettes~

I picked up the phone and called.
The following info is per "Candy" at Sam's Seafood.

The Polynesian Show is closed for now.

Valentines Day
There are 2 shows: 5pm & 9pm.
Price: $34.95 + tax & tip.

Starting April 4th until Thanksgiving:
1 show on Fridays ONLY.
Time: 7pm.
Price: $31.95

Also there are Thursday Noon-time shows, BUT the show is not as involved, as loud and as lengthy as the Friday shows.
Reason: it usually caters to seniors as their day outing, although anyone is welcome for the show.
Price: whatever your lunch price is that day.

Now here is a good TikiCentral gathering possibility:
Candy says that there is a "good possibility" that there will be ONE Thursday evening (7pm) show on February 20th. This will be an OUTSIDE event with a fire show! This is still unconfirmed, but said to check back after February 1st to see if it will take place.

Hope this helps.


This Daddy's Caddy & The Tiki Transporter

Hmmm...I should have been TraderFrank

[ Edited by: sugarcaddydaddy on 2003-01-12 13:17 ]

hey!, look what some whining accomplished!. thank you!, now were getting the ball rolling.


Let's seriously think about the February 20th gig outside.

We could all meet at the Bong's Tiki Hut for some front loading.

Children welcome (Laney, Baxdog, Wes Etc) as mine are going (hey, someone has to drive papa home).

'A thing of Tiki is a joy forever'

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2003-01-13 08:53 ]

Good heavens. I'd drive to LA for the FIRE show!!! not to mention there's many of you I'd love to meet...and many I'd love to see again! I think I'll keep that date free...


I'm pretty sure I'm available on the 20th as well.


I think that I may be able to clear my schedual for this too.

done!, as long as lucky d doesn't sing and i can buy sabu a drink!


I'm in with my handsome date Nick! Thursday is my night off so no problem! SCD, please call in a week or so (after responses of who's going) and give them some numbers of conformations. If they require a deposit for reservations, I'm sure they'll get enough to put on a show for us. Let's make this a major Tiki Central event, or I mean, Luau!

What do you have against my singing voice?

Count me in - February 20th will work for me. But remember, this date is still unconfirmed by the folks at Sam's Seafood.

You should all call Sams and inquire about that date and if they get enough calls maybe they will make it a for sure thang. Have fun you all! We'll be up north for a Hedley family reunion and I will be getting tons of info on my Grandfather Eli (who might have had a part in Sams decor)so I can piece the past together.
Keep Bong away from the fire!!!

You should all call Sams and inquire about that date and if they get enough calls maybe they will make it a for sure thang. Have fun you all! We'll be up north for a Hedley family reunion and I will be getting tons of info on my Grandfather Eli (who might have had a part in Sams decor)so I can piece the past together.
Keep Bong away from the fire!!!

Outdoor Fireshow Update

I asked for "Candy" to get an update, and instead got directed to "Pat" (the manager & person who books the shows). Here's how it went:

Me: "Hi, I spoke to Candy a few weeks ago about a possible outdoor Fireshow that might take place on February 20th, and..."

Pat: "NO!"

Me: "Umm...excuse me?"

Pat: "No, there's no such thing!"

Me: "Well, she said there was a POSSIBILITY of it happening".

Pat: "No she didn't!"

Me: "Well....yes, she did say that, because I'm the one who spoke to her about it, telling her that it would be great since there would be a fairly large group of us that would reserve seats for that show".

Pat: "We don't have fireshows! Actually we only have them for weddings if requested. I don't know where you got that information that we would do an outdoor show. You should have spoke to ME if you wanted any information."

Me: "I told you, I got the information after a lengthy conversation with Candy."

Pat: "Well...were not going to have anything on February 20th....just 2 shows on Valentine's Day."

Me: "Did I call you at a bad time."

Pat: "NO!"

Me: "So this is your normal attitude?"

She paused with no answer....I said "thank you anyway" (even though she really didn't deserve a "thank you"), and hung up.

So, does anyone have any dealings with "Pat"? Anybody wanting to help her pull the pineapple out of her butt? Anyone willing to help her with her Lithium imbalance? There's probably a behind the scenes power struggle going on with Candy & Pat, and Pat just got a little jealous.(?)

Sorry guys, looks like its a "no-go-to-show".


Anybody wanting to help her pull the pineapple out of her butt?

With that kind of attitude, I'd rather twist it....

GO POP!!!!, the prince of pinoy rips a good one!

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