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Tiki Book News

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The bad news is that I don't think I will be able to finish the Witco Book this year, I just can't repeat what took me ten years (The Book of Tiki) within one year.
The good news is that I am editing an ICON version of the B.o.T. for Taschen, which is sort of a reader's digest/pocket bible form of the book, smaller, paperback, for ten bucks, which will help spread the gospel of Tiki even further.
I am blowing up pictures that were too small in the original, and am putting images in a new context so it will be a new experience even for the Tikiphiles, I hope.
Also not due out before next spring, though.

On 2002-11-03 09:26, bigbrotiki wrote:
The bad news is that I don't think I will be able to finish the Witco Book this year, I just can't repeat what took me ten years (The Book of Tiki) within one year.
The good news is that I am editing an ICON version of the B.o.T. for Taschen, which is sort of a reader's digest/pocket bible form of the book, smaller, paperback, for ten bucks, which will help spread the gospel of Tiki even further.
I am blowing up pictures that were too small in the original, and am putting images in a new context so it will be a new experience even for the Tikiphiles, I hope.
Also not due out before next spring, though.

any chance of adding a little more text on Tiki Gardens? Feel free to peruse the website and grab what ya need if yes.
Got more slides of the place also!

Pages: 1 1 replies