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Duke postage stamps

Pages: 1 5 replies

Did everyone get a sheet of the Duke Kahonamoku U.S. postage stamps? Has a cool picture of Duke on a longboard in background with a portriat in front.

Tooooooo bad they’re not valid in europe!
I’d use them exclusively.


I bought about ten sheets when they came out. They have sold out of them at my local Post Office since then. The clerk told me you can still get em online. I think they are a great tribute to the Hawaiians and to Duke Kahanamoku. The first true ambassador of aloha and surf stoke!

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2002-11-13 12:20 ]

When I went to the local post office and requested the Duke stamps they looked at me like I had two heads - the woman behind the counter swore that they didn't have them but when she checked her drawer lo and behold - there they were! It's pretty bad when you know the USPS inventory better than their own employees...


The post office website has a nice info page on the Duke Kahanamoku commemorative stamp here.

Here's a picture of an older Duke, with uh, The Duke...


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